American Revolutionary War (Topic 3.5) Flashcards
What happened during the Revolutionary War?
First Continental Congress
Meeting of the colonies in 1774 that discussed the threats to the America liberties.
What did most Americans believe?
They didn’t want independence; wanted to go back to the relationship that had with the Crown prior to the Seven Years’ War
Who did not attend the First Continental Congress?
What were the four sides of the Continental Congress?
Radicals, Moderates, Conservatives, and Loyalists
Suffolk Resolves
Created during the First Congress; it was a statement that called for repeal of the intolerable acts; the colonies could rebel by boycotting British goods and military making
The Declaration and Resolves
During the Congress, created to urge the King to restore colonial rights; moderates were willing to recognize Parliament’s authority to regulate commerce
Continental Association
A network of committees that enforced economic sanctions of the Suffolk Resolves
What did Britain decided after the First Continental Congress?
They denied the actions that congress took; the Congress met up again less than a year later; the war officially began
Battle of Lexington and Concord
First battle of the revolution; in attempt to gain military resources, British were attacked in Concord and suffered; Americans were forced to retreat under heavy British fire
What were the two sides of the Second Continental Congress of 1775?
One side believed in declaring independence; the other wanted to negotiate new relationships with Britain
Declaration of Causes and Necessities for Taking Up Arms
Adapted during the second continental congress, it called on colonies to provide troops for war
Olive Branch Petition
Sent by the delegates pledging their loyalty to the King and asking for peace and rights in return; King dismissed them anyways
Prohibitory Acts
Parliament’s response to the “OBP” which removed colonies from the protection of the Crown, barred trade with them, and seized their ships at sea.
What were the competing sides in the war?
The British; Patriots; African Americans; Tories; American Indians
Why were the British the top pick for winning the war?
They had resources, experience, and economy
American troops (mainly form New England) ; they were unequipped, short of supplies, and rarely paid; these didn’t hold them back
African Americans in the war
Patriots initially denied them access to fight, so the British offered them freedom if they fought with them, so the Patriots made the same offer
Mostly known as Loyalists, who fought with the Crown
American Indians in the war
they didn’t want to be apart of it but considering the British support against colonial attacks and more land, they helped the British
What happened to American port colonies?
The British occupied New York and Philadelphia causing their economy to decline
Battle of Saratoga
The battle sparked France wanting to secretly help the Americans because they wanted to defeated the British; Holland and Spain soon joined the alliance too
Treaty of Paris
- British would recognize and independent America
- Mississppi River would be a Western boundary
- Americans gained fishing rights off the coast of Canada
- Americans would pay debt to the British and honor Loyalistic property claims