America expands Flashcards
country that wants to stay out of world affairs.
policy of extending a nation’s boundaries.
freedom, money, land.
Open of Japan
America conducted foreign trade to Europe and Asian countries such as China. Japanese rulers feared outsiders and cut themselves off to the rest of the world in the 1600s. Any ship wrecked sailors who wrecked on shores of Japan were not allowed to leave. Americans wanted Japan to open its ports to trade. 1853-54 President Fillmore sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan to ask Japan to open trade relations with the U.S.
Gunboat Diplomacy
Using military forces to frighten foreigners into signing agreement.
Treaty of Kanagawa
Japan accepts to help shipwrecked sailors. It opened up two ports to American trade. Japan begins to become an industrial nation.
the policy of power countries seeking to control the economic and political affairs of weaker countries.
Reasons for imperialism
Industrialized nations needed raw materials and new markets.
belief that one race is superior to another. Many Europeans felt they had a duty to spread their religion and culture to people who were less civilized.
European countries took over areas and closed their markets to other countries.
America Seeks Empire
Many felt that the American economy would collapse unless the U.S. gained foreign markets. They need to expand the U.S. Navy and to acquire Naval bases throughout the world.
Naval Captain Alfred T. Mahan
wrote The Influence Of Sea Power Upon History- the book argued that the prosperity of America depended on trade and a bigger Navy was needed to protect merchant ships.
Rich in soil, warm, climate, and plentiful rainfall, allows farmers to grow crops all year round. American missionaries were eager to convert Hawaiians to Christianity. Americans had set up large sugar plantations. As the sugar industry grew so did the power of American planters. American planters rebelled against Queen Liliuokalani, the U.S. Marines were sent in to protect American lives. Queen Liliuokalani gives up her throne. Hawaii was annexed in 1898.
Seward Looks to the Pacific
Secretary of State William Seward wanted the U.S. to dominate trade in the Pacific. Seward persuaded Congress to annex Midway Island.
add on or take over.