Amenorrhea and Dysmenorrhea Flashcards
What is the definition of Primary Amenorrhoea?
The absence of the onset of menses by age 13 in the absence of the development of secondary sexual characteristics, or by age 15 in the presence of normal growth and secondary sexual characteristics.
What is the definition of Secondary Amenorrhea?
The cessation of previously regular menstruation for 3 months or more, or the cessation of previously irregular menstruation for 6 months or more.
What are the causes of amenorrhea ?
- Drugs- Antipsychotics, chemo-/radiotherapy, illicit drugs
Disrupt normal hormonal function - Pregnancy
- Chronic renal failure and cystic fibrosis
4.Hypogonadotrophic Hypogonadism due to
Anorexia nervosa, excessive exercise, athletic women.
- Kallmann’s syndrome due to
Abnormal GnRH neurons,
Dysgenesis of olfactory bulbs
Mutation on short arm of X chromosome.
6.Central Nervous System (CNS) Disorders- Hydrocephalus, CNS tumors (e.g., craniopharyngioma)
- Ideopathic and ideopathic delayed puberty.
What are the most common causes of Primary Amenorrhoea?
*Gonadal dysgenesis (43%)
*Mullerian agenesis (15%)
*Constitutional (14%)
*PCOS (7%)
what are the gonadal diseases associated to Primary Amenorrhoea ?
Gonadal dysgenesis: Ovarian dysgenesis (mosaic X abnormalities), Turner’s syndrome (46X0) or Swyer Syndrome (46XY; testicular dysgenesis)
-Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (46XY)
What is the most common cause of cyclical pelvic pain in woman of reproductive age ?
What is the first step of choice for any patient presenting with dysmenorrhoea ?
urine pregnancy test to rule out ectopic pregnancy and to avoid NSAID’s if pregnant.
When should post pill amenorrhea needs to be investigated?
6 months since discontinuing OCP or 12 months since last injection of Depo-provera
What is the minimum number of menstrual periods required for protecting the endometrium ?
4/12 months.
what is the key differentiator of dysmenorrhoea from other causes of pelvic pain ?
Predictable cyclical pattern.
What are the gyencological causes of pelvic pain ?
- Dysmenorrhoea
- Endometriosis and adenomiosis
- Leiomyoma, adenxal mass and reproductive tract cancer.
- Pelvic organ prolapse and Endocervical polyps.
- Chronic PID
What are the risk factors for primary dysmenorrhoea ?
- Early menarchy
- Longer menstrual periods.
- High BMI and smoking.
what is associated to decreased incidents of dysmenorrhoea ?
What is the pathophysiology of dysmenorrhoea ?
In primary dysmenorrhoea the pathophysiology is basically a higher secretion of endometrial prostaglandine.
What are the difference b/w primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea ?
- The age of onset of primary dysmenorrhoea is 16-25 years. Whereas the age of onset of secondary dysmenorrhoea is 30 to 45 years.
- The onset of pain is just prior to menstrual period in primary dysmenorrhoea. whereas it progresses through the late luteal phase in secondary dysmenorrhoea.
- In primary dysmenorrhoea there is only pain as opposed other symptoms in secondary dysmenorrhoea.
- Primary dysmenorrhoea responds to NSAIDs and combined oral contraceptives. Where as secondary dysmenorrhoea is resistant.
- The physical examination is unremarkable in primary dysmenorrhoea. Whereas in secondary dysmenorrhoea , it depends on the cause.
The number one cause of secondary dysmenorrhoea ?
What are the indications of secondary dysmenorrhoea ?
- Onset after 25 years of age
- Abnormal pelvic exam
- Infertility and or abnormal menstruation.
- Have dysperiunia
- lack of response to conventional medical therapy for primary dysmenorrhoea
What is the presentation of dysmenorrhoea in PMS ?
In premenstrual syndrome the dysmenorrhoea and symptoms such as mood swings, breast tenderness, depression, food cravings etc. All these symptoms along with dysmenorrhoea occurs in the luteal phase.
What is the Tx of PMS ?
What are the drugs for primary dysmenorrhoea ?
- First line NSAIDs, Melanamic acid or progestin only contraceptives , if contraception is also a requirement.
- Seocondline is progestin only contraceptive orally.
What is Mettelshmerz or middle pain ?
It is a one sides lower abdominal pain that coincide with ovulation. It is thought to occur due to blood from the folecules irritating the lines of the abdoman. It can last for min to upto 48 hrs. and the Tx of OTC analgecis.
What is the evaluation of secondary amnorrrheoea ?
What is the evaluation of primary amnorrrheoea ?
InPCOS the FSH LH ratio is ?
> 2
Ovulation can best be confirmed by measuring serum ________ levels in the mid-luteal phase
What is the presentation of placenta previa ?
Placenta previa presents with sudden, painless, profuse bleeding in the third trimester.
____s the first drug of choice in patients with infertility due to anovulation with normal hormone levels
Clomiphene citrate