Amblyopia Flashcards
Unilateral or less commonly, bilateral reduction of best corrected visual acuity that can not be attributed directly to the effect of any structural abnormality of the eye or the posterior visual pathway. Defect of central
Give 3 causes to amblyopia
- Strabismus
- Anisometropia or isoametropia (high bilateral refractive error)
- Stimulus deprivation
Amblyopia is commonly BILATERAL
is primarily a defect of central vision
The time necessary for amblyopia to occur during the critical period is SHORTER for stimulus deprivation than for strabismus or anisometropia.
Prevalence of Amblyopia: 2%-4% in the NORTH American population
The most common form of amblyopia
Strabismic Amblyopia
is thought to result from competitive or inhibitory interaction between neurons carrying the nonfusible inputs from the two eyes
Strabismic Amblyopia
It develops when unequal refractive error in the two
eyes causes the image on the one retina to be chronically defocused.
Anisometropic Amblyopia
This condition is thought to result:
- Partly from the direct effect of image blur in the development of visual acuity.
- Partly from intraocular competition or inhibition
Anisometropic Amblyopia
The eyes of a child with STRABISMIC amblyopia look normal to the family and primary care physician.
results from large, approximately equal, uncorrected refractive error in both eyes of a young child
Isometropic Amblyopia
Uncorrected bilateral astigmatism in early childhood may result in loss of resolving ability limited to chronically blurred meridians.
Meridional amblyopia
It is usually caused by congenital or early acquired media opacity.
Stimulus Deprivation Amblyopia
This form of amblyopia is the least common but most damaging and difficult to treat.
Stimulus Deprivation Amblyopia
is a form of deprivation caused by excessive therapeutic patching
Occlusion amblyopia
a test for estimating the relative level of vision in the two eyes for children with strabismus who are under the age of about 3
Binocular fixation pattern
quite sensitive for detecting amblyopia but results can be falsely positive.
Binocular fixation pattern
allow the examiner to test the crowding phenomenon with isolated optotype. Bar surrounding the optotype
mimic the full optotype to the amblyopic child.
Crowding bar or contour interaction bars
Steps to treat amblyopia
- Eliminating (if possible) any obstacle to vision such as a cataract
- Correcting refractive error
- Forcing the use of the poorer eye by limiting the use of the better eye.
Defined as occlusion for all or all but one waking
Full time occlusion of the sound eye
It is the most powerful means of treating of amblyopia by enforced use of the defective eye.
Full time occlusion of the sound eye
used as an alternative to full-time patching if skin irritation or poor adhesion proves to be a significant problem
Spectacle-mounted occluder or special opaque contact lenses
Defined as occlusion for 1-6 hours per day.
Part-time occlusion
A cycloplegic agent (usually atropine 1% or homatropine 5% )🡺 once daily to the better eye
This form of treatment has recently been demonstrated to be as effective as patching for mild to moderate amblyopia.
carries the greatest risk of this complication and requires close monitoring, especially in the younger child.
Full time occlusion