AM-461 (PIT) Flashcards
What is the instructor responsibility?
Execute the syllabus correctly.
For a AM-461 student to attempt a low pattern without demonstration, they must have attempted what?
A normal pattern
For a AM-461 student to attempt a Pattern Altitude Rope Break without demonstration, they must have attempted what?
A pattern tow.
For a AM-461 student to attempt a Extended Base Rope Break without demonstration, they must have attempted what?
A Pattern Altitude Rope Break.
For a AM-461 student to attempt a LAOD without demonstration, they must have attempted what?
A Pattern Altitude Rope Break and Grass Landing.
For a AM-461 student to attempt a Grass Landing without demonstration, they must have attempted what?
A hard surface landing.
For a AM-461 student to attempt a Rear Seat takeoff without demonstration, they must have attempted what?
A front seat takeoff.
For a AM-461 student to attempt a Rear Seat landing without demonstration, they must have attempted what?
A front seat landing.
What is the absolute grading scale used for?
What is a U in the absolute grading scale?
The upgrade cadet is unsafe or lacks sufficient knowledge, skill or ability to perform the operation, maneuver, or task.
What is a F in the absolute grading scale?
The upgrade cadet performs the operation, maneuver, or task safely but has limited proficiency. Deviations occur which detract from performance and/or require verbal instructor prompting.
What is a G in the absolute grading scale?
Characteristic performance meets the CTS.
What is a E in the absolute grading scale?
Characteristic performance exceeds the CTS.
What is the relative grading scale used for?
Overall sortie performance.
What is a relative overall grade compared to?
An upgrade cadet’s expected performance.
What is the minimum sustained overall grade?
G overall.
Maneuvers are set up in accordance with which document?
Primary Soaring Manual
What is the CTS for Mission Planning?
a. Complete pre-mission planning b. Check GO/NO-GO items c. Identify mission requirements
What is the CTS for Briefing?
a. Briefing is well organized, logical and timely b. Finished in time to allow for preflight of personal equipment and aircraft c. Tailored briefing for other crewmember d. Effectively set mission requirements in briefing e. Discuss appropriate techniques / procedures for accomplishing tasks and mission f. Solicit questions and comments g. Reviewed the mission clearly and orderly.
What is the CTS for Ground Operations?
a. Inspect and wear life support and mission-required equipment b. Complete required checks IAW TO and applicable directives c. Accept or reject aircraft d. Use ballast as necessary for aircraft limits and/or sortie profile e. Accomplish AFTO Forms 781 via GTIMS f. Ground-handle the aircraft properly using the required number of personnel for the conditions
What is the CTS for Takeoff?
a. Maintain smooth aircraft control behind the tow plane (±10 feet and within the confines of the runway) throughout takeoff. b. Establish proper pitch attitude allowing aircraft to become airborne at the prescribed liftoff speed. c. Apply proper crab after takeoff to remain directly behind the tow plane. d. Once the tow plane is airborne, transition smoothly and timely to the standard tow position.
What is the CTS for Aerotow Straight?
a. Use appropriate control inputs to remain coordinated in the standard aerotow position.
What is the CTS for Aerotow Turns?
a. Use appropriate control inputs to remain coordinated in the standard aerotow position. b. Use appropriate control inputs to roll in, maintain, and roll out of turns in the standard aerotow position. c. Fly the same arc as the tow plane and remain coordinated throughout the turn.
What is the CTS for a Slack Line?
a. Recognize and correct a slack line condition without entering a significant secondary slack line. b. Minimize deviation below the standard aerotow position. c. Return to the standard aerotow position in a timely manner.
What is the CTS for Box-The-Wash?
a. Starting from the high tow position demonstrate a box around the prop wash, stopping momentarily at each corner and finishing in the high-tow position. b. The bottom of the box passes through the low tow position.
What is the CTS for Release?
a. Properly clear for both aircraft. b. Planned and executed release in the proper location and position. c. Attained a suitable airspeed for the existing conditions and traffic. d. Release, and make a coordinated right-hand turn (minimum of 90°) away from the tow plane for area tows e. Release and make a coordinated right lane change for pattern tows. f. Release and make a coordinated turn in the shortest direction to the most suitable landing surface for low-altitude opposite direction landings.