ALU 301 Chapter 4 Quiz Flashcards
Bacteria can be classified in all of the following ways EXCEPT:
- number of cells
- structural characteristics
- reaction to staining
- need for oxygen
number of cells
Kawasaki’s disease can cause which of the following:
A - coronary aneurysms
B - chronic hepatitis
C - ulcerative colitis
A only
C only
A & B are correct
B & C are correct
A only is correct
Which of the following statements regarding viruses is/are correct?
A - they can contain DNA, RNA, or both
B - They use the reproductive capacity of the host to replicate
C - They do not have a cellular structure
A only
A & C are correct
B & C are correct
A, B, and C are all correct
B & C are correct
All of the following statements regarding fungi are correct EXCEPT:
- most require organic nutrients to live
- they can enter the body through the skin
most are harmful to humans
treatment of infections usually lasts weeks to months
Most are harmful to humans
All of the following are methods used to identify an infection causing organism EXCEPT:
- culture
- gram stain
- gallium scan
- immunodiagnosis
gallium scan
Which of the following statements regarding nosocomial infections is/are correct?
A- the urinary tract is the most common site of infection
B - they are often spread by healthcare workers who do not wash their hands
C - they tend to be resistant to antibiotics
A only is correct
A & C are correct
B & C are correct
A, B, & C are all correct
A, B, and C are all correct
Testing for the presence in serum of antibodies produced by the immune system in reaction to the infection is called:
- nucleic acid probes
- immunodiagnosis
- direct detection method
- culture and sensitivity
Which of the following are infectious disease causing organisms?
A- parasites
B - fungi
C - bacteria
C only is correct
A & B are correct
B & C are correct
A, B, and C are all correct
A, B, and C are all correct
All of the following statements describe characteristics of viruses EXCEPT:
- they can reproduce at a very high speed
- they can contain either DNA or RNA, but never both
- they are living single-cell organisms
- they are non-living since they do not have a cellular structure
They are living single-cell organisms
Which of the following diseases cause fever, chills, and hypotension, and it can affect and organ system (cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, GI, etc) triggering severe dysfunction and even failure?
- pneumonia
- influenza
- sepsis
- meningitis
The infectious disease that commonly affects infants and young children and causes a generalized vasculitis is:
- mononeucleosis
- Lyme disease
- severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- Kawasaki’s disease
Kawasaki’s disease
Which of the following complications is/are associated with a history of recurrent malaria infections?
A - anemia
B - splenomegaly
C - nephrotic syndrome
A only is correct
A & B are correct
B & C are correct
A, B and C are all correct
A, B and C are all correct
Which of the following statements is/are the characteristics of HIV/AIDS?
A- it begins abruptly with fever, headache, abdominal pain and vomiting
B - the infection can be asymptomatic for several years
C - it causes a severe acute respiratory illness marked by fever, cough, and shortness of breath
B only is correct
A & C are correct
B & C are correct
A, B, and C are all correct
B only is correct
The bacteria classification that is “rod” shaped is:
- cocci
- spirochetes
- bacilli
- vibrios
A round calcified mass of scar tissue seen on a chest x-ray can be associated with a history of:
- atelectasis
- pneumothorax
- histoplasmosis
- pulmonary embolism
Membranes surrounding the brain is the:
- meninges
- pleura
- myelin
- peritoneum
Which of the following is/are types of reservoirs which are native habitats of infectious agents?
A - carriers
B - animals
C - air
A only is correct
A & B are correct
B & C are correct
A, B, and C are correct
A, B, and C are correct
The shape of streptococcus is:
- cone
- spiral
spherical - comma
All of the following are cellular microorganisms EXCEPT:
- bacteria
- protozoa
- fungi
- virus
Ebola is a RNA virus that arises from what source?
- mosquito
- bats
- ticks
- still unidentified
still unidentified
In order for disease to occur, microbes must do which of the following to the host cells?
A- destroy
B - invade
C - infect
C only is correct
A & B are correct
B & C are correct
A, B, and C are all correct
B and C are correct
Which types of influenza are unique to just humans?
A - influenza A
B - influenza B
C - influenza C
A only is correct
A & B are correct
B & C are correct
A & C are correct
B & C are correct
Which of gthe following diseases in its chronic form has an onset of 5-15 years after initial onset and most commonly causes cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, and thromboembolisms?
- dengue
- chagas
- chikungunya
- tuberculosis
Increased mortality from encephalitis is often associated with which of the following:
A - organ failure
B - herniation of the brain
C - increased intracranial pressure
A & B only
A & C only
B & C only
A, B, and C are all correct
A, B, and C are all correct