Alternative communication forms Flashcards
What network does sign language use?
The classical language networks
- Broca’s area are activated when producing signs
- Wernicke’s area is activated during perception of sign language
90 % of deaf children are born to hearing parents - how does this affect the deaf child?
–> delayed exposure to sign language –> delayed acquisition and lasting deficits in language ability
- the lateralization is also affected by early experience (the angular gyrus of the right hemisphere are activated during comprehension in early exposed signers)
Can aphasia affect signers?
How does Broca’s aphasia affect signers?
- understands ASL fine
- great difficulty in producing ASL
How does Wernicke’s aphasia affect signers?
- difficulty comprehending single signs
- difficulty comprehending simple two-step commands
How is the time course development of early exposure sign language?
- Similar to spoken language
- early exposure increases the right hemisphere involvement
Are there critical periods for learning ASL?
Yes, similar to spoken language
How is ASL different from simple gesturing?
It activates different areas in the brain
What brain regions are activated during Braille reading?
Visual areas of both hemispheres irregardless of which finger is used
What are the critical period for cross-modal plasticity (Braille reading)?
From birth to app. 16 years