ALS Algorithm Flashcards
What is the advantage of using the ALS algorithm?
- Rx to be delievered expediently
- Without protracted discussion
Key actions to improve survival in cardiac arrest:
- Early, high quality, uninterrupted chest compressions
- Early defibrillation for shockable rhythms
What is the ALS algorithm?
Recognition of cardiac arrest - Step 1:
- HAZARDS - Ensure the environment is safe; approach the pt.
- HELLO - Check for a response - Shake the pt’s shoulders & ask loudly: “Hello, Are you alright?”
- HELP - If they do not respond shout for help/pull the emergency buzzer & proceed to Step 2.
Recognition of cardiac arrest - Step 2:
- Assess for breathing & signs of life (take ≤ 10s).
- Turn the pt. onto their back
- Open airway - head tilt & chin lift
- Determine if the pt. is breathing normally:
- LOOK - chest movement
- LISTEN - breath sounds
- FEEL - air on your cheek
- Assess for a carotid pulse simultaneously
Recognition of cardiac arrest - Step 3 - If help has arrived:
- Start CPR
- Instruct the helper to the call resuscitation team (2222 if in-hospital, 999 if out-of-hospital)
- Helper to get the resuscitation equipment
Recognition of cardiac arrest - Step 3 - If help has NOT arrived & you’re alone:
- Leave pt. to get help
- Get resus equipment
- Return ASAP to start CPR
Performing CPR - Step 1:
- Place the heel of 1 hand in the centre of the chest with the other hand on top.
- Interlock your fingers
- Keep your arms straight
- Position shoulders vertically above the pt’s chest
- Compress to a depth of 5-6 cm.
- Allow the chest to recoil after each compression.
- Repeat at a rate of 100-120 min-1.
- Continue with a ratio of 30 chest compressions to 2 breaths
When to change person doing compressions to avoid fatigue?
- Change every 2 min
How to do compressions when airway secured/advanced airway in place?
- Continuous compressions wihtout pausing during ventilations
Ventilate at 10 breaths/min
What is the role of waveform capnography during CPR?
- Ensuring correct ETT placement
- Monitoring ventilation rate & avoiding hyperventilation
- ID ROSC during CPR - increase in end-tidal CO2
- Prognosticate during CPR
Monitoring during CPR:
- Clinical signs - breathing, eye opening, movements
- Pulse checks
- Heart rhythm
- End-tidal CO2 with waveform capnography
- Bloods - avoid finger pricks
- Invasive cardiac monitoring
- Focused US/echo
What principles to remember during CPR?
- Good quality compressions
- ID & Rx reversible causes
- Secure airway
- IV access
Performing CPR - Step 2:
- Attach the defibrillator ASAP
- Apply the self-adhesive pads beneath the R clavicle and the L-MAL.
- Minimise interruptions to chest compressions.
- As soon as the defibrillator is attached, perform a rhythm check.
Rhythm assessment - How to perform Rhythm check with AED?
- Follow the prompts
Rhythm assessment - How to perform Rhythm check with manual defibrillator:
- Pause chest compressions
- Observe the rhythm on the defibrillator screen
- Determine if shockable or non-shockable
- Take no longer than 5 s to do this
What are the shockable rhythms?
- VF
- Pulseless VT
What are the non-shockable rhythms?
- Asystole
Characteristics of VF:
- Bizarre, irregular waveform
- No recognisable QRS complexes
- Random frequency & amplitude
- Uncoordinated electrical activity
Exclude artefact - movement/electrical interference.
Characteristics of pulseless VT:
- Broad complex rhythm
- Rapid rate
- Constant QRS morphology
check for a pulse.
Characteristics of PEA:
- Clinical features of cardiac arrest
- ECG normally associated with a palpable pulse
Conditions ass. w/ PEA:
- Hypovolaemia
- Tamponade
- Tension pneumothorax
- Massive PE
Characteristics of Asystole:
- Absent QRS
- Atrial activity (P waves) may persist
- Rarely a straight-line trace
Completely straight line - monitoring lead disconnected
Mx of shockable rhythms - AED:
- Follow the audio/visual instructions from the machine