Alphabet & Pronunciation Flashcards
Α, α
alpha: ah
Β, β
vita: v like victor
Γ, γ
gamma: letter g / letter y when comes before e, u, i / bf another gamma it is pronounced n like november
Δ, δ
thelta: hard th as in “there”
Ε, ε
epsilon: eh like echo
Ζ, ζ
zita: the letter z like zebra
Η, η
ita: ee like in eat
Θ, θ
thita: soft th as in through
Ι, ι
iota (yota): ee like in eat
Κ, κ
kappa: k like kilo
Λ, λ
lamtha: L like lima
Μ, μ
mu (mee): m like mike
Ν, ν
nee: n like november
Ξ, ξ
ksee: x like x-ray
Ο, ο
omikron: o like oh
Π, π
pi (pee): p like papa
Ρ, ρ
roh/roe: r like romeo
Σ, σ, ς (σ internal / ς terminal)
sigma (seegmah): s like sierra
Τ, τ
tau (tahf): t like tango
Υ, υ
ipsilon: ee like in eat
Φ, φ
phi (fee): f like foxtrot
Χ, χ
chi (hee): ch like challa
Ψ, ψ
psi (psee): ps like in chips
Ω, ω
omega: o like oh
ΑΥ, αυ
alpha ipsilon: av or af
ΕΥ, ευ
epsilon ipsilon: ev or ef
Ηυ, ηυ
ita ipsilon: eave or if (if they occur before θ, κ, π, σ, φ, χ, ψ it is the “f” sound)
ΑΙ, αι
alpha ipsilon: eh like echo
ΟΥ, ου
omikron ipsilon: oo like boot
ΟΙ, οι
omikron iota: ee like eat
ΕΙ, ει
epsilon iota: ee like eat
ΥΙ, υι
ipsilon iota: ee like eat
ΗΥ, ηυ
eta ipsilon: ee like eat
omikron iota: if there are two ῍ dots over the letter i then the letters are pronounced separately like oy as in “boy”
alpha iota: if there are two ῍ dots over the letter i then the letters are pronounced separately like i as in “hi”
epsilon iota: if there are two ῍ dots over the letter i then the letters are pronounced separately like ey as in “hey”
epsilon iota: if there are two ῍ dots over the letter i then the letters are pronounced separately like ey as in “hey”