all tech Flashcards
Global production of animal feed is rising → due to global population that was growing and rising incomes and living standards
failing oil prices weakened ethanol demand which allowed ALLtECH to explode other markets
Commercial feed production happened in over 140 countries but was concentrated in a handful: us and china, the f was consolidating → due to gvt policies
Altech has 8 patents for its top selling product mycosorb
Using technology on the farms
Research and development
why the commercial feed industry was consolidating→ generational shifts in mill ownership
Farmers did not trust new products, hesitant to change, large organizations, trusted distributors
Sustainable physical
Shift towards being environmentally friendly
Industry analysis
From 1975 to 2016, global commercial production of animal feed rose from 290 million metric tonnes (MT) to over 1 billion MT (see Exhibit 1)
Global feed market: valued at 460 billion
Global production of animal feed is rising → due to global population that was growing and rising incomes and living standards (mentioned above )
Future demand was going to come from developing countries with those with food deficits or large middle classes
Commercial feed production happened in over 140 countries byt was concentrated in a handful: us and china, the industry was consolidating → due to gvt policies and generational shifts in mill ownership , many players buying many parts of the supply chain
In past 10 years, more new additive products have come to the market. The industry has been bombarded and new copycat products have come. Also less research has been done before and the quality is declining
low margins
Top Producers: The industry is concentrated, with China and the United States accounting for about one-third of total feed production volume. Over 140 countries produce commercial feed, though major production is centered in a few.
The industry was consolidating
This means that smaller mills were struggling bc they didnt have the resources for operations , they couldn’t achieve economies of scale or invest in automation
Larger feed mills, particularly those that invested in automation and scaling up their operations, were able to achieve significant efficiency gains. For example, a feed mill with a 100,000 metric ton (MT) capacity in a mature market(like the U.S. or Europe) might only need three workers to run it, compared to 45 workers in a similarly sized mill in China (a few points about the industry)
Factors that contributed to the consolidation : gvt policies and generational ownership
Improving animal welfare and food safety
environmental impacts
algae as a substitute–> an environmentally friendly substitute for fish oil
emerging digital technologies to improve the sustainability, safety and efficiency of livestock farming → video cameras, robots , keenan feeders wagon (acquired by alltech, which could detect small errors )
Trend of consolidation
trend of copycat
All tech has limited power because they depend on intermediaries like feed companies and the nutritionists to reach farmers
The blurring of lines between the links in the value chain makes it hard for all tech to compete
Buyers have significant influence
Supplement companies: they sell their products to feed companies and premix companies (premix are intermediaries that sourced and combined third party supplements into new blends for onward sale)–> they are suppliers for feed supplements to feed companies and premix companies
All tech took on a role of becoming the distributor in recent years
Feed companies sell into the marketplace through distributors and dealers, co ops and directly to farmers
Industry consolidation and vertical integration had blurred the lines between some links in the value chain as some players would participate at several stages like cargill
the dependence on intermediaries (such as feed companies and nutritionists) to reach farmers. These intermediaries, while necessary, created a bottleneck in Alltech’s ability to directly communicate the benefits and value of its products to the end customers—farmers. → suppliers do not have so much power whereas all techs buyers do have a lot
Buyers: how do each have power
The farmers (very price sensitive, nutritionists have to be judicious when recommending feed supplements , hard to persuade the farmers to pay for ingredients that were novel or expensive , they also don’t like new things)–> ALLtech lacks direct relationships to them
Feed companies blend materials together with additional ingredients that are developed by supplement companies :
Feed companies directly buy from all tech and then sell to the farmers so they have a lot of power , direct connection to farmers
Feed companies have power because they can influence farmers awareness of and willingness to pay for different feed supplements
Premix companies also buy from all tech→ Premix companies typically operate on slim margins (around 4% EBITDA), so they have limited flexibility on pricing, which restricts Alltech’s ability to raise prices for its products and impacts profitability
Farmers also rely on the nutritionists for their info
Co ops
Alltech relies on feed and premix companies to distribute its supplements, and consolidation means that these intermediary customers are growing larger and potentially gaining more bargaining power.
Algae to replace fish oil → still being developed
Feed companies were increasingly reluctant to buy alltechs products, often using lower cost subs instead
“The ability to substitute a program is much more complex for a competitor than the ability to replace a product”–> not a high threat of subs
Insects, seaweed, algea
Overall, not a huge threat
Threat of rivalry
Large players are able to participate at severagal stages due to consolidation and vertical integration→ Cargill→ Cargill operates from raw material trading (grain and oilseed) to premix and feed production, and even animal protein production. Such integration allows major players to capture more of the value chain and streamline processes, while potentially increasing their influence over market prices and distribution
Nurteco and cargill are two big competitors
They are large animal nutrition and health companies
Could move to consolidate downstream control and lock alltech out of the market
Growth is slow→ creates more competition
High Rate of Product Entry and “Me-Too” Products: The industry faces a rapid influx of new products and “me-too” products that replicate established supplements. This leads to increased competition, especially as lower research standards in some companies lead to more undifferentiated products in the market.
Limited R&D and Declining University Research: Decreased quality in academic research and limited R&D by companies create a landscape where product differentiation becomes harder to achieve. This intensifies rivalry as companies compete on price and established relationships instead of unique product innovations
Companies compete heavily on innovation, and those that lag in product advancement risk losing market share. To remain competitive, firms must frequently introduce new, high-performing products
New entrants
There are barriers-> you need good relationships so companies coming in wont have this
Need high capital requirements (thats why small mills were struggling)
Need investment in r and d→ The industry requires significant R&D investment, particularly for innovative supplements that address specific animal health needs,
companies like Alltech hold patents on their products, creating legal barriers and protecting their market share against new entrants.
Economies of Scale and Consolidation: Larger firms like Cargill operate at multiple levels in the value chain, from feed production to animal protein production. This vertical integration, coupled with industry consolidation, can make it difficult for smaller entrants to compete on price or distribution reach
Relationships with farmers→ they dont trust new people
Investing in developing emerging markets as there is more growth→ if we look at exhibit 5 we can see how the average growth is the greatest in the middle east and africa so all tech can expand there
Growing in china for crop science and to became an environmental services company in china, providing crop and animal nurtiriton in an envrionmentlaly sustainable way (they like the ace principle so expand there even more)
- china was also bad at innovation
Building a facility in china to manufacturer products domestically that alltech couldnt import
Go into technology→ emerging digital technologies that could improve sustainability, safet and efficiency of livestock farming (robots, sensors, keenan feeder wagon)
Lyons expressed confidence in Alltech’s ability to become a leading supplier of fishmeal replacements, particularly in Brazil, where they could leverage local resources like sugar for algae production
Acquiring more small owned farms → building more relationships