All Questions 1-200 Flashcards
2yo M with recurrent infections and eczema. Workup reveals thrombocytopenia.
Wiscott Aldrich. X-linked.
70yo white M with easy bruising, visual disturbance, and elevated IgM
Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia
12yo M with bleeding, elevated PTT, and reduced quantitative factor VIII level. Platelets do no aggregate with ristocetin test.
von Willebrand’s disease
23yo HIV positive F recently started SMX-TMP with rash, confusion, fever, anemia, thrombocytopenia, tachycardia.
6yo F with itching, joint pain, skin rash who received penicillin six days previously for strep infection.
Serum sickness (Type III hypersens.)
62yo Jewish M with pruritus, melena, epistaxis, and history of DVTs.
Polycythemia vera (itching, epistaxis) Treat with phlebotomy, hydroxyurea for myelosuppression, aspirin for DVT prophy. Risk = develop CML, AML, myelofibrosis.
12yo M with bony-hard swelling above knee.
53yo M with painless lumps in neck, fever, weight loss.
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
54yo M with fatigue, splenomegaly, anemia, and ‘dry tap’ on bone marrow biopsy
Myelofibrosis with myeloid dysplasia
64yo black M with bone pain, fatigue, and recurrent URIs
Multiple myeloma
24yo M with painless lump in neck and CXR with hilar masses.
8yo M with palpable rash, hematuria, and joint pain. CBC reveals normal platelet count.
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura. Small vessel vasculits. IgA deposits. Hemmorhagic urticaria with fever, arthralgias, GI and renal involvement. Associated with URIs.
21yo F with sudden onset bruisability, edema, and rash following diarrheal illness. Low platelet count.
61yo M with mycobacterium avium infection, splenomegaly, and leukocytes with cytoplasmic projections seen on CBC.
Hairy cell leukemia (B cell)
45yo M with fever, rash, diarrhea, and jaundice. Elevated IgE level and history of leukemia.
45yo M with frank rigors 1hr following blood transfusion.
Febrile nonhemolytic transfusion rxn
25yo F with continued bleeding following delivery.
55yo M with no complaints, found on physical exam to have splenomegaly and leukocytosis.
65yo M with lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and leukocytosis with smudge cells.
66yo M with CLL has urine that gets darker during the day.
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
18yo M with pallor, petechiae, and recurrent URIs
aplastic anemia
25yo F with recent infection, gingival hyperplasia, and leukocytosis with bone marrow expansion.
43yo M with epigastric pain and diarrhea refractory to medical management.
ZE syndrome
40yo F with intellectual impairment, jaundice, and choreiform movements.
37yo M with acute pain in anorectal area and BRBPR for 4 months.
thrombosed ext. hemorrhoid
45yo F with pruritus, fatigue, and jaundice.
33yo M with four months epigastric pain radiating to back relieved by eating and leaning forward.
posterior duodenal ulcer
36yo F with difficulty swallowing and craving for ice. Physical exam reveals angular stomatitis and glossitis.
Plummer-Vinson syndrome.
24yo F with crampy abdominal pain and dark spots on lips.
Peutz-Jehghers. Multiple polyposis of small intestine, pigmented melanin macules on oral mucosa. Associated with gynecological cancers, but actually a low to moderate colon CA risk.
51yo M with 4 months pruritus, jaundice, and abdominal pain. Recent 15 pound wt loss.
pancreatic CA (CEA, CA19-9)
65yo M with abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Has been suffering abd. Pain 30 min after eating.
ischemic bowel
50yo M with EtOH cirrhosis develops oliguria and abdominal distenstion.
65yo M alcoholic with RUQ pain, jaundice, anorexia, and distention worsening over two months.
hepatocellular carcinoma
40yo M with increased pigmentation. PE reveals cardiomegaly. UA reveals glycosuria.
hemochromatosis (cirrhosis, bronze diabetes, heart failure)
24yo F found on dental checkup to have supernumerary teeth. Has father with history of colon polyps and
Gardener’s syndrome.
44yo M with hematemesis and melena. Has had recurrent painless hematemesis for several years.
gastric leiomyoma (#1 benign tumor of stomach)
83yo M with epigastric pain, anorexia, and frequent vomiting. Guaic positive stools. Palpable mass over L shoulder.
gastric CA (atrophic gastritis, pernicious anemia, ulcers, type A blood = risk; Krukenberg tumor = retro peritoneal spread to ovaries.
68yo F smoker with dysphagia.
esophageal CA (squamous > adeno in distal third)
54yo F with colicky LLQ pain and bloody stools that have returned intermittently over several months.
45yo M with recurrent epigastric pain that radiates to back and foul-smelling stools.
chronic pancreatitis (alcoholism, cystic fibrosis)
25yo F with diarrhea, foul smelling stools, pruritus, dry skin, and bruising.
celiac disease (anti-gliadin Ab, nutrient malabsorption)
67yo F with several months fatigue, weight loss, intermittent diarrhea with palpable RLQ mass.
cecal CA (anemia and + guaic test + virchow’s node)
52yo M with diarrhea and facial flush.
carcinoid = primary GI tumors arise from neuroendocrine cells “Kulchitsky cells” and secrete 5-HT, histamine, gastrin, and prostaglandins. Malignant or benign.
45yo M with AIDS now with painful swallowing.
candida esophagitis (candida, rx with oral fluconazole)
34yo M with mediepigastric pain, periumbilical/flank bruising, and hypotension.
acute pancreatitis (Cullen’s / Grey Turner’s sign, assoc. with gallstones and alcohol)
33yo F with substernal pain and difficulty swallowing. Sometimes regurgitates food.
achalasia (loss of ganglion cells in Auerbach’s plexus). Esophageal CA risk. Can arise from Chagas disease (also with cardiomyopathy).
50yo F with cold nodule in the neck. Normal TSH, T3 and T4.
thyroid CA (risk = ionizing rad - papillary CA c best prognosis, also follicular, mixed, and medullary assoc c MENIIa and IIb) psammoma bodies on FNA.
30yo F with weight loss, 2yrs amenorrhea following delivery of healthy baby.
Sheehan’s (postpartum pituitary infarction) decreased levels of all trophic hormones, can occur in males and nonpregnant females following trauma, SS anemia, DIC, and stroke)
33yo F with menstrual irregularity and milky nipple discharge.
prolactinoma (most common pituitary adenoma; GnRH suppressed by excessive prolactin, reduces LH and estradiol. In males = HA, impotence, visual disturbance.
56yo F with flank pain, confusion, constipation, thirst and polyuria.
hyperparathyroidism (symptoms of hypercalcemia, bank keratopathy, cystic bone lesions = osteitis fibrosa cystica, adenoma = 1 gland, hyperplasia = 4 gland, renal stones, elevated serum Ca and AP with lowPO4.
42yo F with hypertension, weakness, and decreased urinary volume.
Conn’s (hypokalemia, hypernatremia, hypertension, increased urinary aldosterone, low plasma renin). Usually adrenal cortex adenoma, sometimes adrenal cortical hyperplasia.
53yo F with fatigue, insomnia, depresison. Thinning of skin, hirsutism, vaginal atrophy.
menopause (hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, osteoporosis). Post-menopausal bleeding gets biopsy to r/o endometrial cancer.
48yo F with weakness, lethargy, cold intolerance.
hypothyroidism (weight gain, constipation, coarsening of facial features, hair loss, hoarseness, depression, loss of outer third of eyebrows, delayed recovery phase of achilles. Most common = Hashimoto’s
46yo M with impotence, fatigue and decreased peripheral vision. Is also hypotensive.
hypopituitarism: Low FSH, LH, TSH, ACTH. Most common cause adenoma compressing anterior pituitary.
29yo F with seizure. Has history of thyroid surgery two years ago.
hypoparathyroidism (circumoral and foot numbness, fasciculations, chvostek’s sign, trousseau’s sign, brittle nails, low serum calcium, elevated PO4, low Mg, low PTH. Most commonly d/t thyroidectomy, symptoms d/t hypocalcemia.
24yo F with weight loss despite good appetite, anxiety, menstrual irregularity, and tremors.
hyperthyroidism = diarrhea, heat intolerance, palpitations, tremors, increased T4, decr. TSH. Hot nodule with decreased uptake in surrounding tissue and other lobe d/t atrophy of remainder of gland. Rx with propranolol, PTU, methimazole.
45yo F with anterior neck fatigue, history of RA, and cold intolerance.
Hashimoto’s (anti-thyroglobulin and antimicrosomal Abs, often assoc with other autoimmune dx including SLE, pernicious anemia, Sjogren’s, hepatitis, HLA-DR5/3. May see thyrotoxicosis early during disease course.
55yo M with obesity, thirst, and excessive appetite.
DM2. Can develop nonketotic hyperosmoler coma but not DKA.
44yo F with irritability, easy bruising, weight gain, and glucosuria.
Cushing’s (truncal obesity, moon facies, buffalo hump, hirsutism. Elevated plasma cortisol with high ACTH, hypokalemia, leukopenia, osteoporosis, adrenocortical hyperplasia and pituitary adenoma.
60yo M with rash composed of red plaques with scaling and nodules. Has not responded to steroid rx.
Mycosis fungoides. Malignant cutaneous helper T-cell lymphoma; disseminated disease with exfoliative dermatitis and lymphadenopathy = Sezary syndrome. “Red man’s disease”. CBC shows lymphocytosis.
68yo outdoor construction worker, raised bleeding lesion over upper lip.
basal cell carcinoma. Most common skin cancer. Light-skinned people. Sun-exposed areas, slow growing, metastatic disease rare. Increased incidence in xeroderma pigmentosum.
60yo farmer with skin lesions on forehead, upper lip, dorsum of hands. Scaly rough plaques.
actinic keratosis. Most common precancerous dermatosis –> squamous cell CA. Signs that preceed malignancy include elevation, ulceration, inflammation, and enlargement >1 cm.
35yo M with cramping in calves with walking, smokes 3 ppd. PE reveals pallor and cyanosis of distal extremities.
thromboangiitis obliterans = occluded small and medium arteries, no atherosclerosis, inflammation of all layers of arterial wall. Smoking cessation critical. Amputation may become necessary of fingers/toes.
79yo F with unilateral HA, jaw pain, visual disturbance in ipsilateral eye.
temporal arteritis. Most common vasculitis in US. Often coexists with polymyalgia rheumatica. Ophthalmic artery occlusion –> blindness. Biopsy positive 60%, so treat on clinical picture with steroids before biopsy.
50yo M with palpitations and CP. Has had multiple sexual partners. Has diastolic murmur.
Syphilitic aortitis. Signs include collapsing pulse, wide pulse pressure, LVH with strain, mid-diastolic murmur at apex = Austin-Flint, VDRL / FTA-ABS positive. “Tree bark” calcification of arch and ascending aorta on CXR, tertiary stage syphillis.
30yo F with HTN and elevated plasma renin.
Renovascular hypertension. “String-of-pearls” pattern seen on renal angio. +/- renal artery bruit. Mostly fibromuscular dysplasia (young female), atherosclerosis (older male), <5% of all HTN. Rx with ACE-I but contraindicated in bilateral RAS.
34yo F in 27th week of pregnancy with dyspnea and orthopnea. History of recurrent strep pharyngitis as child.
Mitral stenosis. Opening snap and mid-diastolic murmur at apex. +/- LVH and a-fib.
37yo M with fatigue and dyspnea with exertion. Pansystolic murmur at the apex with radiation to the axilla.
Mitral insufficiency. Common causes: mitral valve prolapase, ischemic papillary muscle, endocarditis, rheumatic. S3 may be present.
42yo M with CP, headache and confusion. Has history of HTN.
malignant HTN. Severe diastolic hypertension, papilledema, hematuria, proteinuria, small scarred kidneys. Rx with sodium nitroprusside or IV beta-blockers to prevent end-organ damage due.
21yo M with DOE and an episode of syncope while playing tennis.
HCM. Signs = S4, SEM incr by valsalva, decr by squatting. EKG shows LVH. Echo: asymmetrical septal hypertrophy, ant. motion of mitral valve. Rx with beta-blockers, avoid sports, amiodarone may prevent fatal arrythymia, surgical myomectomy.
29yo F recently delivered baby, now with dyspnea and pedal edema.
dilated cardiomyopathy. Systolic dysfunction, decr ejection fraction Peripartum period (3 mo.), alcoholism, hypothyroidism, Freidreich’s ataxia, previous myocarditis coxsackie B, adriamycin, tricyclic antidepressants, lithium, cyclophosphamide.
60yo M with COPD with severe dyspnea at rest, bulging neck veins, and peripheral edema.
cor pulmonale. Right heart failure d/t pulmonary cause, usually COPD. Other causes include pulmonary fibrosis, pneumoconioses, recurrent PE, PPHTN, obesity with sleep apnea, kyposcoliosis.
24yo M with angina, DOE, occasional fainting, and systolic ejection murmur to right of sternum.
aortic stenosis. Crescendo-decrescendo SEM, paradoxical splitting. Causes include congenital bicuspid valve, degenerative calcification, rheumatic.
31yo M with ankylosing spondylitis develops severe SOB.
aortic insufficiency. Signs include bounding pulse, wide pulse pressure, diastolic decrescendo murmur at left sternal border. Causes include rheumatic, ankylosing spondylitis, marfan’s, reiter’s, tertiary syphillis.
35yo M with nonproductive cough and chest pain worse with inspiration, relieved by sitting up.
pericarditis. +/- friction rub, incr JVP (c inspir = Kussmaul’s sx), elevated ESR, CPK-MB nl, diffuse ST elev., pericardial effusion. Coxsackie A/B, TB, staph/strep, amebiasis, actinomycoses, CRF, SLE, scleroderma, RA, CA, MI, trauma.
25yo F with myalgias and low-grade fevers starting one week after a dental extraction.
subacute bact. endocarditis. Ass. c rheumatic dx, mvp, etc. AB prophy prevents. Janeway = periph hemmorhage, Osler’s = painful, Splinter hem. = subungal linear, Roth’s spots = oval retinal. Strep viridans = most common subacute.
25yo M with SOB and ankle edema following severe URI.
viral myocarditis. Cocksackie B > Borrelia burdorferi (Lyme), trypanosome cruzi (Chagas), hypersensitivity rxn in SLE or drug rxn, radiation, sarcoidosis. Echo: dilatation c low EF. ASO titers not elevated. ESR elevated.
35yo M develops pruritus and blistering rash over shins following camping trip.
Contact dermatitis = type IV hypersensitivity rxn. Papulovesicular rash c oozing and crusting. Rx c topical and systemic corticosteroids. Also occurs with various irritants, diaper rash.
5yo M with yellow crusty lesions behind the ear and around the mouth.
impetigo. “honey-colored” lesions. Group A strep. Rx with cephalosporin, pcn, or erythromycin. ASO titer negative. Highly communicable. Staph. aureus superinfection may cause bullous impetigo. Group B strep impetigo in newborns.
30yo homosexual M with skin eruption on upper limbs, trunk, anogenital areas.
molluscum contagiousum. Poxvirus. Opportunistic AIDS infection. Painless, pearly-white, dome-shaped, waxy, umbilicated nodules, 2-5mm, palms and soles not affected.