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What is training?
Training is a systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes that improve performance.
How much is spent by an organization on employee training? (average)
* $51.4 Billion * 2% of payrolls * $955 per employee
What is organization Analysis
Organization analysis are factors that facilitate or inhibit training effectivenessOrganizational Climate• Employee readiness (e.g., attitudes, time, commitment)• Management supportResource Analysis• Do we have the funding/resources to train effectively
What is Task analysis?
A task analysis identifies how tasks are learned• Expected at time-of-hire ?• Easily taught on-the-job ?• Current training program ?• No training?
What is person Analysis
• Performance appraisal scores Low scores indicate needed areas of improvement• Surveys (e.g., in what areas do employees think they should improve?)• Interviews• Skill and knowledge tests• Critical incidents (e.g., for poor performances prescribe training area
What factors motivate employees to train?
Required• Track attendance• Voluntary – On the clock – Make it seem necessary – Make training interesting – Focus on core competencies – Increase employee buy-in (give a choice in topic; let them help develop) – Provide incentives (food, certificates, college credit, pay increase) – Reduce associated stress (work release/ reduction?)
What is job rotation?
* Learning through cross-training * learning various roles in an organization prevents boredom from repetitive task-oriented jobs.
What is observational learning?
* Learning by modeling/ watching others * experienced employees are good coaches * not all employees are good coaches.
what is data criterion
Data criterion is data acquired from superiors or other places.for example documented absenteeism, which might be utilized in gauging the behavior of workers in an occupation.
What are predictors?
* Predictors are used to forecasting criterion data’ * When selecting applicants we must use predictors as a substitute for criterion data, since we don’t have access to it. if we knew which applicants would be good performers predictors wouldn’t be necessary.
How are work samples used as predictors?
* Work samples attempt to predict the performance the criteria measures and use them as predictors * Work samples are developed by creating smaller tests that measure the actual job performance criteria.
How is personality testing work predictors?
* Personality testing tells of an individuals traits or predispositions to behave in a particular way across situations * Usually, measure the big five OCEAN * Are valid predictors of job performance
What are the big 5?
OCEAN * Openness to Experience (imaginative, curious, cultured) * • Conscientiousness (organized, disciplined, careful) * • Extraversion (outgoing, gregarious, fun-loving) * • Agreeableness (trusting, cooperative, flexible) * Neuroticism (emotional stability; anxious, insecure, vulnerable to stress)
What are reliability and validity?
They are the index of the relationship between a predictor and criteria * Validity coeficiend= (r) They are evidence that dictates whether a test is good or a bad predictor
Computer adaptive testing as a predictor
* computer adaptive testing is a process through which computer technology is used to identify easier/harder questions that eventually estimate an applicant’s true ability level. * Scores on earlier questions affect the difficulty of subsequent questions * the benefits of this test are that it allows for quick and accurate scoring and its believed to provide more precise measurements.
What are speed tests as a form of predictors?
* They hold relative easy items * short time limit * individuals must complete as many items as possible before time expire
What are power tests?
In power tests, items are more difficult and there’s no time limittest takers are expected to complete all items.
What are paper and pencil tests?
Different types * essay * multiple choice * true false * short answer * most cognitive ability tests are in this format * many now are computerized
What are performance tests
Performance tests require manipulation ofobject or quipment.
What are strengths and weakness of integrity tests
* The purpose of the tests is to predict if an employee will engage in counterproductive or dishonest work-related behaviors over integrity test * measures attitudes towards theft and actual theft behaviors (self-report) personality type integrity test * measures personality characteristics believed to predict counterproductive behaviors.
Why are evaluations important?
* Are used to make personnel decision such as firing, raises, demotions etc * they are used for development purpose and documentation (ex before laying workers off) * Also used for research
What is 360 Degree feedback
Also called Multisource feedback * it is a method of performance appraisal in which multiple raters at various levels of the organization evaluate a target employee 4-10 rators * they can give him feedback as well within 6 weeks of evaluations * 15 min to complete
Who is the most common source of performance appraisal ratings?
Direct Supervisor
What is the difference between a supervisor and peer feedback?
* The supervisor only sees the end result and commonly used Peers are valid but lenient * see behavior leading to output
Performance AppraiseWhat are secret shoppers?
They are a form of customer undercover whose purpose is to evaluate the employees or service provided by the employee.
Performance AppraiseWhat are paired comparisons?
Paired comparisons are the comparison of each employee with every other employee * the more employees the more costly and time consuming it is
Performance AppraiseWhat are forced distributions?
Raters are instructed to “force” a designated proportion of ratees into five to seven categories. * DR. CdC explained to us how some people are paid/given bonuses based on these categories, but if you’re the last person you may not get a lot of money because most have been given to the first candidate, regardless if you are better than them.
Performance AppraiseWhat is forced choice rating?
Raters are asked to choose two items from a group of four that best describe the selected person to rate. All four descriptions appear to be favorable however only two are weighted to be good discriminators between effective and ineffective performers. * the purpose of this is to reduce bias or distortion of the raters * a drawback to this is that raters don’t like it because they feel like they have no control.
When is the best day to terminate?
When an employee has broken a rule!
Is past performance a good predictor of future performance?
Past performance can obtain opinions regarding?
Applicants ability, character, work habits, or potentials.
Reference Checking is a way to confirm?
* Can provide new applicant info, not on the resume; good or bad! * Applicant Information * Accuracy of information * Bogus degrees * Future potential discipline problems \
Is correlation between reference letters a valid predictor of performance?
No There is a higher correlation between two letters written by the same person for two people than between letters written by two people for the same person
What is reference letter leniency?
Fewer than 1% of applicants are rated below average in a reference letter.
What are the steps to the Peres and Garcia reference letter coding system?
* Read each letter * Highlight traits in each letter that describes the applicant Place each trait into one of the categories * Mental * Vigo * Urbanity * Cooperation * Dependability * Reliability * Total the number of traits per category
What are the limitations of cognitive ability testing?
Low face validity (what is it measuring? is it measuring what it claims to?) Not well liked by applicants
What are pros to cognitive ability testing?
* It can predict training and job performance for most jobs * The more complex a job the better a cognitive ability test predicts performance
How well does GPA predict job performance
GPA is a very good predictor of job performance * only for the first few years after grad * High GPA means people are intelligent and conscientious.