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Sober, thoughtful plays that are based on profound human emotions and conflicts that do not change with time or place.
The hill of all movies (6)
Exposition(introduction), inciting moment, rising action, climax, falling action, denouement(resolution.
A streetcar named desire, death of a salesman, Romeo & Juliet, Julius Caesar, Oedipus Rex, hamlet
Tragedy ends in
Main character
Main character enemy
Error with serious consequences in tragedy
Tragic flaw
Audiences pity & compassion
The sense of release of emotion, or purging of pathos felt by the audience at the completion of a tragic story
5 parts of a tragedy
1 Inevitable No way to stop or change the outcome
2 universal theme And appeal
3 emotional
4 protagonist fails to meet goals and is alienated from society
5 protagonist is average or better
Parts of a comedy: exaggeration
Either physical characteristics (Austin powers teeth) or emotional (melodramatic)
Parts of a comedy: incongruity
Something out of place or time or out of character (Austin powers in our time)
Parts of a comedy: anticipation
Looking forward to a laugh. We know it’s going to happen (banana peel)
Parts of a comedy: incompletion
Something started but not finished, the audience finishes the thought with laughter
Parts of a comedy: ambiguity
Double meaning. Puns(word play)
Parts of a comedy: recognition
Hidden meanings (lazar wolf & they’ve talking about two different things
Parts of a comedy: violence
Physical violence or action without fear of injury
Parts of a comedy: relief
Building up pressure and then releasing it.
A Capella
Singing without instrument accompaniment
The person who designs the dance moves
a group of singers (male, female or mix) in which each of the several singers sing each of the melodic lines.
The person who writes the score (melodies/notes)
The person who directs the orchestra for performances
(Literally: again in French) now used to describe the unplanned repetition of a number because of an audiences enthusiastic response.
He possible groupings of singers or instrumentalists
2: duo, duet. 3: trio. 4: quartet. 5: quintet. 6: sextet. 7: septet. 8: octet.
The words/poetry to an opera
The words, poetry to a song (usually rhyming)
Musical comedy
An American derived genre which developed in the late 19th century. It tended to have less complex plots and less difficult singing than opera or operetta and put an emphasis on the chorus line.
One of the oldest ancestors of the musical theatre. Originated in Italy at the baroque era, thanks to the florentine camerata. Although it’s character has changed over the centuries, a typical opera in Italian and features recitatives and arias.
A separate instrumental number played at the beginning of an opera or a show. In musical theatre, it is common for the overture to contain melodies from various songs in the show. It tells the show is about to begin.
Rock Opera
A genre of the late 20th century which tends to be sung throughout (like opera), but makes use of rock style style in some or all of its score.
The written melodies/ notes of music
A very talented performer
Willing suspension of disbelief was made by:
Samuel Coleridge
Deus exmachina
Means: god from the machine
a “god” comes down & solves all their problems at the end of the play ( which is actually a machine above)
Hut in the back for changing
The birds, peace, the wasps, the clouds
Shakespeare’s plays (3)
Romeo & Juliet, a mid summers night dream, all’s well that ends well, and hamlet ?
Rake stage
A upward stage decision so the audience can see everyone
Pre-planned moving
Everyone in the theatre is….
Types of comedy
Exaggeration, incongruity, anticipation, incompletion, ambiguity, recognition, protection, relief.
Where the orchestra sit
Orchestra pit
The extension of the stage
Beyond the left side of the stage
Beyond the right side of the stage
Left wing
Right wing
The control panel in the back
Back wall of stage