Alexander III and The Succession Problem 1286-1292 - Explain Flashcards


Alexander III and The Succession Problem 1286-1292 - Explain

  • The Death of Alexander III in 1286 started the Succession problem as his untimely death left the Scottish monarchy in confusion as his three children had all died before he had; the last remaining son dying in 1284. This created a problem of Succession as there was no direct heir to the throne of Scotland leaving its governance in a position of vulnerability.
  • The death of the Guardian, the Earl of Fife, adversely impacted Scottish stability furthering the Succession Problem as the fact that one of the key 6 guardians was murdered, not least by his own kinsman on accusations of corruption. this shows the Succession Problem as there was stability and in fact weaknesses of governance with the Guardians during this Succession Crisis.
  • The death of the Maid of Norway in 1290 continued the Succession Problem as the maids death was the end of the royal house of Canmore meaning there was now no obvious successor to the Scottish throne. This shows the succession problem as without the Maid of Norway as a clear heir to the throne Scotland was in a vulnerable position making them at risk of a Civil War.
  • Invalidation of the Treaty of Birgham impacted the Succession Problem as Margaret’s death put an end to the possibility of securing a stable Scotland through marriage with England where Edward would have ensured Scotlands prosperity as he would have some power over Scotland. This meant there was a succession problem as the Treaty was no longer valid leaving Scotland with no easy way to make a good relationship with England so Scotland was again unstable and had the fear of Edward gaining power in Scotland.
  • Guardian Bishop Fraser of St Andrews appealed to Edward I explains the Succession Problem worsening as Bishop Fraser requests Edwards assistance against rogue Lords such as Bruce, who are raising an army and he appeals to Edward for his personal involvement in resolving this. This hows the Succession Problem as a guardian of Scotland was now reaching out to the King of England to help Scotland through the crisis.
  • Upsettlington Vs Norham explains the Succession Problem as Edward demands to meet the Scottish Guardians at Norham and by doing so he is given an upper hand as he was now deliberating on Scottish issues on English soil whereas the Guardians had wanted Edward to deliberate as a guest on Scottish soil. This shows a reason for the Succession Problem as if Scottish Problems were being discussed on English land it meant Edward would have political power over the issues to be discussed.
  • Award at Norham advances the Succession Problem as the original 9 claimants at Norham later grew to 13 thereafter all claimants accepted Edward as Overlord even Bruce and Balliol, the Guardians knew this could give Edward control in Scotland. This shows the Succession problem as Edward now has a legal sasine (legal possession) over Scotland for the duration of the Great Cause as each claimant accepted he should have power.
  • Edward makes demands over Scottish castles, forts and key land furthered the Succession problem as during Edwards Overlordship he wanted to ensure he had military authority over Scotland as while Edward is deliberating on who should be the next king of Scotland he wanted to guarantee military possession and essentially wanted Scotland as his vassal. This shows a Succession Problem as Edward now being Overlord meant he had power over Scotland and he could gain homage from Lords of Scotland and he would now except the future king to also pay homage to him.
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