Aldehydes and Ketones Flashcards
physical properties
- double bonded oxygen is more electron withdrawing
- dipole moments inc intermolecular attractions
- elevation in bp, but less than that of alcohols because no H-bonding
- act as electrophiles and thus are good targets for nu
- EWG properties explain this, partial positive on carbonyl carbon
- aldehydes more reaction to nu than ketones bc less steric hindrance and fewer e- donating alkyl groups
1° alcohol ~~PCC~~>
aldehyde, but any stronger oxidant aldehyde will turn to CA
2° alc ~~ (Na or K)2Cr2O7 or CrO3 or PCC~~>
after a nu attack and the electrons are kicked up to the oxygen in rxn w carbonyl…
- no good LG and the nu has covalently bonded to carbon, therefore no carbonyl repair
- tetrahedral intermediate
in the presence of water, both aldehydes and ketones form…
geminal diols
o in water is nu
basic conditions
aldehyde or ketone react w 1 eq alc
hemiacetal or hemiketal
anhydrous acid
aldehyde or ketone react w 2 eq alc
- SN1
- acetal or ketal
- used at protecting groups for carbonyl functionalities
- aqueous acid and heat easily converts them back
condensation rxn
- a small molecule is lost during the formation of a bond between two molecules
nitrogen and nitrogen-based functional groups act how when reacting with carbonyls
good nu
imine formation
- ammonia nu attacks carbonyl carbon, water is lost, imine is formed
- condensation reaction
- nu substitution
imines undergo tautomerization to form…
- HCN is common nu
- both triple bonds and an electroneg N atom, rendering it relatively acidic
- CN- attacks carbonyl carbon and O is protonated by H+
aldehyde reacts with what to become CA?
KMnO4, CrO3, Ag2O, H2O2
commons reduction agents
why is it easier to deprotonate a-H (esp in basic conditions)
induction, oxygen pulls some e- density out of these C-H bonds weakening them
acidity of a-H augmented by resonance stabilization of the conjugate base
inc stability of enolate intermediate and EW oxygen helps with this carbanion stabilization
why are a-H of ketones less acidic than aldehyde
electron donating properties of the additional alkyl group on ketone
a 1,3-dicarbonyl…
- is particularly acidic
- 2 carbonyls delocalize the neg charge
- form enolate carbanions in Michael addition for the nucleophilic carbanion to readily react w electrophiles
1,3-dicarbonyl ~base~> ——— ~ketone~>______
- enolate and H—base
- the a of the a,B-unsat bicarbonyl attached to the B-carbon of the ketone
which is preferred at lower temp w a strong sterically hindered base? kinetic or thermodynamic enolate.
if rxn is reversible then the kinetic product can revert to reactant and form thermodynamic product
which is preferred at higher temp w a weak small base? reversible. kinetic or thermodynamic enolate.
enamine vs imine
enamine: double bond between carbons
imine: double bond between carbon and nitrogen
aldol condensation
- enolate form more nu than electrophilic carbonyl form
- carbonyl + base = enol
- C2 of enol attacks carbonyl carbon of a carbonyl
- oxygen of the second carbonyl get protonated
- 1,3 aldol formed
aldol + strong base and heat
- dehydration
- a,B unsat carbonyl
aldol + strong base + water
aldehyde (alcohol side) and ketone
- retro aldol rxn