Alcohol: Brain, Behaviour and Cognition Flashcards
What are the three main types of alcohol?
Ethanol, Methanol and Isopropanol
Which type of alcohol is fermented from grains, fruits and vegetables?
Of the three main types of alcohol, which two are the most and least safe to drink?
Ethanol and Methanol.
The inhabitants of which continent seem to consume the least amount of alcohol? Europe, Africa, North America or South America?
Conger (1956) calimed alcohol’s stress reducing effects drive alcohol dependency. What is this hypothesis called?
Tension Reduction Hypothesis
A boost in which two neurotransmitters in the early stage of drinking are also thought to encourage further alcohol consumption?
Serotonin and Dopamine.
What term describes the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream?
BAC - Blood Alcohol Count
How old are the earliest traces of beer ever found?
13,000 years ago.
Which ‘finger’ like cells absorb alcohol molecules in the gastro-intestinal tract?
What reduces the rate of alcohol intoxication by slowing the passage of alcohol from the stomach to the small intestine?
What does the 2100:1 ratio represent in the measurement of blood alcohol level?
Which enzyme metabolises around 95% of alcohol in the body?
alcohol dehydrogenase
The brain’s attempt to correct the imbalance of which two neurotransmitters are thought to contribute to ‘hangxiety’?
GABA and Glutamate
What is the difference between acute and chronic alcohol consumption?
Single use and Pro-longed use.
What is the most common form of alcohol consumption and the leading contributor of alcohol deaths among young drinkers?
Binge drinking.