alaṃkāra-s Flashcards
अर्थ m.
अर्थ m. the meaning of a word (of which are identified 3 types)
अभिधा f.
अभिधा f. [अर्थ] the literal power or sense of a word
लक्षणा f.
लक्षणा f. [अर्थ] indication, elliptical expression, use of a word for another word with a cognate meaning (as of”head”for”intellect”), indirect or figurative sense of a word (one of its three artha-s; the other two being abhidhā-or proper sense, and vyañjanā-or suggestive sense; with sāropā-, the placing of a word in its figurative sense in apposition to another in its proper sense)
व्यञ्जना f.
व्यञ्जना f. [अर्थ] (in rhetoric) implied indication, allusion, suggestion
ध्वनि m.
ध्वनि m. allusion, hint, implied meaning, poetical style [काव्यस्यात्मा ध्वनि - Ānandavardhana]
शब्दगुण m.
शब्दगुण m. the excellence of the sound or form (of a poem, as opp. to artha-g- q.v;there are 10 guṇālaṃkāras-,viz. ojas-, prasāda-, śleṣa-, samatā-, samādhi-, mādhurya-, saukumārya-, udāratā-, artha-vyakti-,and kānti-,qq. vv.)
ओजस् n.
ओजस् n. [शब्दगुण] (in rhetoric) elaborate style (abounding with compounds)
प्रसाद m.
प्रसाद m. [शब्दगुण] clearness of style, perspicuity
श्लेष m.
श्लेष m. [शब्दगुण] (in rhetoric) “connection”,”combination”(one of the ten guṇa-s or merits of composition, consisting either in a pleasing combination of words or of contrasted ideas, or of words having a double meaning) double meaning, equivoque, ambiguity, paranomasia, pun, hidden meaning
समता f.
समता f. [शब्दगुण] (sam/a–) sameness of level
समाधि m.
समाधि m. [शब्दगुण] (in rhetoric) Name of various figures of speech (defined as ārohāvarohakrama-, artha-dṛṣṭi-, anya-dharmāṇām anyatrādhirohaṇa-etc.)
माधुर्य n.
माधुर्य n. [शब्दगुण] (in rhetoric) grace of style (especially consisting in the employment of separated words in a sentence, as opp. to śleṣa- q.v)
सौकुमार्य n.
सौकुमार्य n. [शब्दगुण] (in fine compositi or ‘at the end of a compound’ f(ā-).) tenderness, delicate
उदारता f.
उदारता f. [शब्दगुण] elegance of speech or expression
अर्थ m.
अर्थ m. [शब्दगुण] a figure of speech (according to some rhetoricians) in which a relevant assertion suggests an inference not actually connected with the the subject in hand, or vice versa; it corresponds to what is popularly called कैमुतिकन्याय or दण्डापूपन्याय