Airworthiness Requirements Flashcards
What documents are required on board an aircraft?
(14 CFR 91.203, 91.9) ARROW CE Airworthiness (14 CFR 91.203) Registration (14 CFR 91.203) Radio Station License (47 CFR 87.18) Operating Limitation, AFM/POH, placards, markings (14 CFR 91.9) Weight and Balance (14 CFR 23.2620)
Compass Deviation
External Data Plate/Serial Number
What is an airworthiness certificate?
(FAA-H8083-25) An airworthiness certificate is issued by the FAA to all aircraft that have been proven to meet the minimum requirements of Part 21 and that are in condition for safe operation. Aircraft must meet the requirements of the original type certificate or it is no longer airworthy.
Describe Normal Category
(14 CFR Part 23) Aircraft capable of withstanding a load of +3.8G and -1.52G without structural failure. Aircraft intended for non-aerobatic operation.
Describe Utility Category
(14 CFR Part 23) Aircraft capable of withstanding a load of +4.4G and -1.76G without structural failure. Aircraft intended for limited aerobatic operation.
Does an airworthiness certificate have an expiration date?
(FAA-H-8083-25) No. Valid as along as aircraft meets its approved type design and is in a condition for safe operation, and all maintenance are performed in accordance with Parts 21, 43, and 91.
For an aircraft to be considered airworthy what conditions must be met?
(14 CFR 3.5, FAA-H-8083-19)
a. Must conform to its type design
b. Must be in a condition for safe operation
How does a pilot determine if an aircraft conforms to its approved type design and safe for operation?
(14 CFR Parts 21, 43, 91)
a. Determine that the maintenance and alterations have been performed in accordance with Part 21, 43, 91; aircraft is registered; maintenance records are up to date and correct
b. Conducts a preflight inspection
Who is responsible for ensuring an aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition?
(14 CFR 91.403) Owner or operator
What are Airworthiness Directives?
(FAA-H-8083-25) FAA notification of unsafe conditions that may exist and specify conditions under which the product may continue to be operated. AD’s are regulatory and compliance is mandatory.
What are the types of Airworthiness Directives?
(FAA-H-8083-19) Emergency and Less Urgent
What are Special Airworthiness Information Bulletins?
SAIB are an information tool and makes recommendations and are non-regulatory.
What is a Type Certificate Data Sheet (TCDS)?
(FAA-H-8083-30) TCDS list the specifications, conditions, limitations under which airworthiness requirements were met for the specified product.
What is a Supplemental Type Certificate (STC)?
(FAA-H-8083-3, FAA-H-8083-30, AC 21-40) FAA approval of a major change in the type design of a previously approved type-certified product. Authorizes a change to the aircraft.
What is an Aircraft Registration Certificate?
(FAA-H-8083-25) Evidence of aircraft registration and must be carried in the aircraft at all times
When does an aircraft Registration expire?
(14 CFR 47.31, 47.40) Expires 3 years after the last day of the month in which it was issued
Where can information be found on the placards and marking information required to be in the airplane?
(FAA-H-8083-25, AC 60-6, 14 CFR 91.9, 14 CFR 23.1541) Type Certificate Data Sheet, AFM, or AD
Are airplane flight manuals required to be onboard an aircraft?
(AC 60-6) Yes per 14 CFR 91.9
What are the required tests and inspections to be performed on an aircraft?
AV1ATE Annual Inspection [12 m] (91.409) VOR Equipment [30 d] (91.403, 91.171) 100-hour inspection (91.409) Altimeter [24 m] (91.413) Transponder [24 m] (91.413) Emergency Locator Beacon [12 m or 1 hour or 50% battery] (91.207)
What aircraft are required to have 100-hour inspections?
(FAA-H-8083-25, 14 CFR 91.409)
a. all aircraft under 12,500 lbs used to carry passengers for hire
b. aircraft used for flight instruction for hire, when provided by the person giving the flight instruction
How many hours can the 100-hour inspection be exceeded?
(14 CFR 91.409) May be exceeded no more than 10 hours while en route to place where inspection can be done. The excess time must be included in computing next 100 hours of time in service.
Can an aircraft be operated if the annual inspection data has passed?
(FAA-H-8083-24) Yes under a Special Flight Permit issued by FAA for the purpose of flying the aircraft to a location where the annual inspection can be performed.
Is it legal to fly an aircraft if the engine has exceeded its TBO?
(AC 20-105) Part 91: Yes. TBO times is not mandatory maintenance requirement. Part 121, 135: No. TBO compliance is mandatory.
What are Special Flight Permits?
(14 CFR 91.213, 14 CFR 21.97)
Issued for an aircraft that may not currently meet applicable airworthiness requirements but is capable of safe flight.
a. Flying to a base of repair are to be performed, or storage
b. Delivering or exporting
c. Production flight testing of new aircraft
d. Evacuating aircraft from areas of impending danger
e. Conducting customer demonstration flights in new production aircraft
How are Special Flight Permits obtained?
(FAA-H-8083-25) Contact local FSDO
Who is responsible for determining an aircraft is in an airworthy condition?
(14 CFR 91.7) PIC is responsible
What regulations apply concerning the operation of an aircraft that has had alterations or repairs that may substantially affect its operation in flight?
(14 CFR 91.407)
No person may operate or carry passengers in any aircraft that has undergone maintenance that may have appreciably changed its flight characteristics until an appropriately rated pilot
a. flies the aircraft
b. makes an operational check of maintenance performed
c. logs the flight in the aircraft records
Can a flight be conducted with known INOP equipment?
(14 CFR 91.213, AC 91-67, FAA-H-8083-25) Yes, under specific conditions per 91.213.
a. With a Minimum Equipment List per 14 CFR 91.213(a), or
b. Without a Minimum Equipment List per 14 CFR 91.213(d) then adhere to 91.205, Kinds of Equipment List (KOEL), TCDS, AD
What are the required VFR Day Equipment?
(14 CFR 91.205) ATOMATOFLAMES Altimeter Tachometer Oil Pressure Manifold Pressure Airspeed Temperature Gauge Oil Temperature Fuel Quantity Landing Gear Indicator Anti-collision Lights Magnetic Direction Indicator ELT Safety Belts
What are the required VFR Night Equipment?
(14 CFR 91.209) FLAPS Fuses Landing Light Anti-collision Light Position Lights Source of Electrical Power
What are the required IFR equipment?
(14 CFR 91.209) GRABCARD Generator / Alternator Radio Altimeter Ball (skid-skip indicator) Clock Attitude Rate of Turn Directional Gyro
What is the decision process to determine if an aircraft with INOP equipment is airworthy for flight without a Minimum Equipment List?
(14 CFR 91.213(d), FAA-H-8083-25)
- Are INOP instruments part of VFR day type certification (91.209)?
- Are INOP instruments listed on Kinds of Equipment List (KOEL) for type of flight operation being conducted?
- Are INOP instruments required for type of flight operation being conducted? (91.205, 91.207)
- Are INOP instruments required by an Airworthiness Directive?
What is a Kinds of Equipment List (KOEL)?
(14 CFR 23.1583, AC 23-8) A KOEL identifies the systems and equipment upon which type certification for each kind of operation was predicated and which must be installed and operable for particular kind of operation intended. Located in Limitations section of AFM.
What is a Minimum Equipment List (MEL)?
(FAA-H-8083-25) Precise listing of equipment and procedures that allows an aircraft to be operated under specific conditions with INOP equipment. Specific to make and model of aircraft by serial number and registration.
What limitations apply to aircraft operations being conducted with a MEL?
(FAA-H-8083-25) MEL is mandatory for the aircraft.