Airway Management Flashcards
Can’t keep SpO2 >90% or 3 failed intubation attempts use the _____________
Failed Airway Algorithm
Protruding __________ incisors are a problem when it comes to airway management
The primary rationale for the use of RSI is:
to prevent vomiting
When doing the “awake technique’ during the difficult airway algorithm, the best drug for induction is
The purpose of pre-oxygenating the RSI candidate is to:
Replace the nitrogen in the functional residual capacity with oxygen.
The best way to pre oxygenate a spontaneously breathing pt prior to RSI would be:
apply a bvm mask allowing the pt to breath passively through it with a flow at 10-15 LPM
The recommended time to pre-oxygenate a pt properly is _____
5 min
List in order who will desat the slowest to who will desat the fastest
Defasciculating prior to administration of succinylcholine will prevent:
Elevated ICP during laryngoscopy
Patients with pseudocholinesterase deficiency will _____
Demonstrate prolonged duration of action with depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents
The two reasons we give atropine for peds
- Dry Secretions
2. Not a well developed sympathetic system
The only fasiculating agent in the US is ______
Nasal Tube Depth Equation
ETT size x 4
Primary Proofing examples
Subjective assessment
- Saw go thru cords
- I hear breath sounds
- I don’t hear gastric sounds
- I see chest rise
Secondary Proofing examples
Objective assessment
- End-Tidal CO2 Waveform
- Bulb Syringe
Etomidate Dose _____
0.3 mg/kg
Succinylcholine dose ______
0.5-1.5 mg/kg
Succinylcholine is a ___________ agent
The only true absolute contraindication to blind nasal intubation is __________
Relative Contraindication for Succinylcholine _________
- Narrow Angle Glaucoma
- Open/Penetrating Eye Injury
- Children < 8 yr old (Duchenne)
Absolute Contraindications for Succinylcholine
- Pre-existing hyperkalemia
- Previous history of Malignant Hyperthermia
- ACh upregulation conditions and disorders such as burns and crush injury
Demyelinating Disease
Signs and Symptoms of Malignant Hyperthermia
- Increasing ETCO2
- Tachycardia, arrhythmias, cardiac arrest
- Muscle rigidity, commonly as masseter spasm initially
- Profound Acidosis with secondary hyperkalemia
Malignant Hyperthermia Treatment`
Maximize Oxygenation Immediately
Maximize CO2 off loading immediately (Use 4x normal Ve
Divert to facility with Dantrolene
Ca Channel Blockers will kill _______
Malignant Hyperthermia Patients
Vec Dose _____
0.1 mg/kg
Roc Dose ____
0.6-1.2 mg/kg