Airspaces Flashcards
Class C airspace
IFR & VFR, it’s controlled, IFR flights are separated from all other traffic but VFR is only separated from IFR. VFR only receives traffic info about other VFR
Class A airspace
IFR only, it’s controlled, all flights are separated from each other
Class F airspace
IFR & VFR, uncontrolled, advisory
Class G airspace
Uncontrolled, information
What is ATZ Class C - Aerodrome traffic zone
They can be established at airfields, usually compromising the CIRCUIT AREA as a circle or racecourse pattern, up to 15 nautical mile radius. They extend from ground level to 1000’ or 1500’ AGL. They are controlled airspace
What is a TMA?
Terminal Control Area.
Established at busy centres with a lot of IFR traffic
Usually positioned above 1 or more CTRs
All TMA’s in SA are class C
What is a CTA?
Control Area.
Established above 1 or more TMA’s at busy centres
All CTA’s in South Africa are Class C
Extend up to and including Flight Level 195
What is a UTA?
Upper Control Area
Established where it is desirable to have large areas of controlled airspace in which aircraft can fly without having to follow established routes.
South Africa only has one UTA. It’s class C and extends from FL145 to FL195
What is an AWY?
Established along frequently travelled routes usually between navigational beacons.
Advisory route
Lesser travelled route or it may be established below an airway
ADR’s are class F airspace ie. uncontrolled
ATZ Class G
Aerodrome Traffic Zone
Established at airfields comprising the circuit area.
Air traffic service unit only supplies information about the airfield, they don’t control aircraft in their airspace
Information Route
A lesser travelled air-route without a specified width and without a lower and upper limit.
What are Danger areas?
Pose a threat to aircraft.
Usually military or civilian fly training areas or explosives factories or shooting ranges
In SA they are called FAD’s
Can be entered without permission but keep a lookout
What are restricted areas?
May only enter with permission
In SA they are called FAR’s
What are prohibited areas?
Aircraft may not enter under any circumstances
They are named FAP’s in South Africa