Airspace Restrictions and Hazards Flashcards
What is a Prohibited Area?
Airspace of defined dimensions within which the flight of aircraft is prohibited
What is a Restricted Area?
Airspace of defined dimensions within which the flight of aircraft is restricted in accordance with certain specified conditions
What is a Danger Area?
Airspace which has been notified as such within which activities dangerous to the flight of aircraft may take place
May an aircraft fly in a Danger Area?
Yes unless the danger area is protected by Bye-Laws made under the Military Lands Act 1892
With reference to danger areas what does a solid red line represent?
A scheduled Danger Area
With reference to danger areas what does a broken red line represent?
A notified Danger Area
With reference to danger areas what does a red cross red line represent?
That a Danger Area crossing service is available from the nominated unit
With reference to danger areas what do 2 overlapping ‘S’ symbols represent?
That a Danger Area Activity Information Service (DAAIS) is available from the nominated unit
With reference to danger areas what does a vertical red line with 2 horizontal red lines crossing through it represent?
The the upper limit of the Danger Area is occasionally raised by Class 1 NOTAM
With reference to danger areas what does a solid red line with an upwards arrow represent?
A Danger Area which may be active up to levels below those indicated on the chart
With reference to danger areas what does a solid red diamond represent?
These times are 1 hr earlier in summer
What does D701/30.0 mean
A danger area which is located between 57N and 58N active to 30,000ft
What is an Area of Intense Aerial Activity?
Airspace within which the intensity of civil and/or military flying is exceptionally high, or where aircraft, either singly or in combination with others regularly participate in unusual manoeuvres
When are Air-Air Refuelling Areas Available?
Some are permanently available other are active when notified
What is an Aerial Tactics Area?
Airspace of defined dimensions designated for air combat training within which high energy manoeuvres are regularly practiced by aircraft formations
What colour are Prohibited and Restricted Areas on a Chart?
What does a Blue Circle Indicate?
High Intensity Radio Transmission Area
What does a Green Circle indicate?
A Bird Sanctuary
What is a circle with a cross in it?
A small arms range
What does a black circle indicate?
A Gas venting area
What does a black circle with a ‘G’ inside indicate?
A Glider Sight
What does a black circle with a ‘M’ inside indicate?
A Microlighting Sight
What does a black circle with a ‘H’ inside indicate?
A Helicopter Sight
What is the symbol for a Hang Gliding Sight
A solid black V shape
What is a CANP?
Low Level Civil Aircraft Notification Procedure
What is the purpose of a CANP
To aid with deconfliction with low-flying Military aircraft
When is a military aircraft classed as low-flying?
Aircraft - When flying within 2000ft of the surface
Helicopters and a/c of 140kts or less - When within 500ft of the surface
What types of activity are notified under CANP?
Commercial Aerial Activities
Recreational Aerial Activities
Other Aerial Activities
How does the AIP define a Land-based Air Navigation Obstacle?
Any building or work, including waste heaps, which attains or exceeds a height of 300ft agl