Airspace Flashcards
G - Day above 1200 ft AGL (vis and cloud)
1 - 152
G - Day below 1200 ft AGL (vis and cloud)
1 - Clear of Clouds
E - above 10,000 MSL (vis and cloud)
5 - 111
What are the Class B airspace requirements?
3 statue miles of visibility
Clear of clouds
Two way communication
Mode C with ADS-B out (within 30 NM veil)
Receive ATC clearance to enter
Max speed 250 kts within, and 200kts under / through VFR corridor
Class G has how many “vis/cloud” categories/number pairs?
G - night (below 10,000 MSL): 3-152
G - day below 1200 AGL: 1 - Clear of Clouds (think uncontrolled airports)
G - day 1200 AGL - 10,000 MSL: 1-152 (government free but a bit more restrictive on visibility than G-day below 1200)
G - above 10,000 MSL - 5 - 111
The 3-152 airspaces are:
G-night below 10,000ft MSL
3 and Clear of Clouds is what airspace?
B airspace is 3 and clear of clouds
5-111 is what airspace?
E above 10,000MSL
1 and Clear of Clouds is what airspace?
G-day, below 1200ft
1-152 is what airspace?
G-day, above 1200ft AGL (and below 10,000ft MSL)
Class E has how many “vis/cloud” categories/number pairs?
E below 10,000 MSL is 3-152
E above 10,000 MSL is 5-111
Which airspace has different vis/cloud clearances above/below 1200ft AGL?
Class G has 1,200 AGL or higher and 1,200 AGL or lower
Which airspace has a different vis/cloud clearance above 10,000MSL?
Class E & G has 5-111 above 10,000 MSL
G during the day (above and below 1200ft AGL) has what visibility in both categories?
1SM vis for G during the day
What are the Class A airspace requirements?
IFR certified and on IFR flight plan
Two way radio communications
Mode C transponder with ADS-B
When above FL240, must have DME equipment
Speed limit is Mach 1
What are the Class C airspace requirements?
3 statue miles of visibility
Cloud clearance 1000 ft above, 500 ft below, 2000 ft horizontal
Two way communication
Mode C transponder and ADS-B out
Max speed 200 kts
Inner core usually Surface to 4000’ AGL and 5 NM radius
What are the Class D airspace requirements?
3 statue miles of visibility
Cloud clearance 1000 ft above, 500 ft below, 2000 ft horizontal
Two way communication
Max speed 200 kts
Usually from Surface to 2500’ AGL, with 4-5 NM radius