Airport Economic Impact Flashcards
The economic significance of an airport is an important element in airport ___________ and ____________ planning.
master / system
Besides transportation, what is the other main benefit to a geographic region provided by an airport?
Economic Impact
___________ ___________ and ___________ ___________ can be combined to determine the viability of airport development projects.
Economic data / income projections
- How is economic activity generated by airport businesses or employees described?
- …and economic activity that results from airport patrons utilizing services of nearby businesses or businesses choosing to locate close by?
- Direct
2. Indirect
The idea that every dollar spent generates additional income or revenue is known as what?
The multiplier effect.
This further enhances the economic impact of the airport
What method, available through the Bureau of Economic Analysis, is often used for determining the multiplier effect?
In using the RIMS II Model, regional inputs (___________) and outputs (___________) tables are used to determine the multiplier.
purchases / sales
The multiplier is applied to a program’s primary impact to derive the ___________ impact. Adding the induced to the primary impact then determines an airport’s ____________ economic impact to a region.
induced / total
What caution should be considered when using RIMS II?
RIMS II is based on 20 year old guidance, which may be inadequate in capturing today’s value of an airport to a community.
Other benefits of an airport, such as added transportation options, time saved, business attraction, community pride, enjoyment, etc., are not so easily ____________ or _____________.
recognized / quantified