Aircraft Spin Characteristics Flashcards
What must occur for the aircraft to go into a spin?
- Aircraft must be stalled.
- Can be unbalanced.
What is the region of reverse command?
Point where if one wing drops and the pilot tries to correct by putting in opposite aileron, this will exacerbate the stall as the downgoing wing to stall.
What is the incipient phase of the spin?
A/C is in autorotation.
Which wing is more stalled, the downgoing wing or upgoing wing?
Downgoing wing.
What are some characteristics of spin?
- RoD is high and consistent
- Aircraft is rolling, yawing and pitching
- Heavy buffet as A/C is stalled
- Airspeed is low and possibly fluctuating.
What should be done with the throttle when entering a spin?
Throttle should be retarded.
How many turns of a spin before it goes from incipient to fully developed?
3 turns.
What is different about the recovery time from an incipient spin versus a fully developed?
Recovery time is almost immediate in an incipient spin
What are some signs to the pilot that the A/C is in the incipient stage?
- Large attitude changes
- Variable rates of yaw and roll.
What are the recovery actions in the incipient stage?
1) Set power to idle
2) Centralising controls
3) Once aircraft roll has stoppedk roll wings level to the nearest horizon
4) Nose pitched to the nearest horizon
5) Power smoothly increasing to a cruise setting.
What are the three typical phases of the spin?
1) Incipient spin phase
2) Fully developed spin phase
3) Spin recovery phase
For a left spin, what way will the turn indicator and balance ball indicate?
1) Turn indicator fully out to the left
2) Balance ball fully out to the right.
For a right spin, what way will the turn indicator and balance ball indicate?
1) Turn indicator fully out to the right
2) Balance ball fully out to the left.
What are the two factors present in a spin?
1) Aerodynamic moments (such as A/C design stability)
2) Moments of inertia
Are aerodynamic moments and/or moments of interia pro spin or anti spin?
Aerodynamic moments are anti-spin
MOments of inertia are pro spin
What is the B gyro refer to?
Pitch rotation
What does A gyro refer to?
Aileron rotation
What does the C gyro refer to?
Yaw rotation
Is a large B/A ratio pro or anti spin?
Is a small B/A ratio pro or anti spin?
Will aircraft with a heavy fuselage and a light wing structure have a large B/A ratio?
Is a large B/C ratio pro or anti spin?
Is static lateral roll stability pro or anti spin?
Is normal axis yaw stability pro or anti spin?