a type of peening hammer used in metalworking. (The spelling ball-pein is usual in the UK.). It is useful for many tasks such as tapping punches and chisels.
Ball-peen Hammer
used when a softer blow is called for than that delivered by a metal hammer. They are typically used to form sheet metal, since they don’t leave marks, as well as for forcing tight-fitting parts together, for shifting plasterboard into place, in upholstery, and a variety of other general purposes.
Soft-face Hammer/rubber mallet
type of screwdriver that is a flathead specifically designed
to insert and tighten, or to loosen and remove, screws.
Common screw driver
type of screwdriver that is a sharp w/ cross point specifically designed to insert and tighten, or to loosen and remove, screws.
Cross point Screwdriver
a type of screwdriver that is used when the ordinary screwdrivers cannot reach or cannot turn due to lack of space.
Offset Screw driver
are used to grip flat or round stock and to
bend small pieces of metal to desired shapes.
Slip-joint Pliers
are used to reach where the fingers alone
cannot and bend small pieces of metal.
Long nose Pliers
are used to perform work such as
cutting safety wires and removing cotter pins.
Diagonal-cutting Pliers
are used to obtain a powerful grip to
a material.
Water-pump Pliers
are used to hold small work as a
portablevise, to remove broken studs and to pull cotter
Vise-grip Pliers
used to make an impression in a piece of metal to hold the point at twist drill so it can start cutting without walking over the surface of the metal.
Center Punch
used to drive bolts, rivets, or pins from
tight fitting holes.
Pin Punch
is used to make a location when laying out
metal parts.
Prick Punch
a double-ended tool with one
end being like an open-end wrench or open-ended
spanner, and the other end being like a box-end
wrench or ring spanner. Both ends generally fit the
same size of bolt.
Combination Wrench
a one-piece wrench with a Ushaped
opening that grips two opposite faces of the bolt
or nut.
Open – end Wrench
______ Wrench or tube wrench, or line wrench:
used for gripping the nuts on the ends of tubes.
Flare – nut Wrench
a tube with 6-sided sockets on both
ends. It is turned with a short length of rod inserted
through two holes in the middle of the tube.
Box – end Wrench
also known as an Hex key, Alum, hex-head, or zeta key
or wrench, is a tool used to drive screws and bolts that have a hexagonal socket in the head.
Allen Wrench
a one-way mechanism
which allows the socket to be turned without
removing it from the nut or bolt simply by cycling
the handle backwards and forwards.
Ratchet Handle
is a movable box-end wrench.
Hinge Handle
used to increase the length of a wrench.
Extension Bar
a type of wrench, or tightening
tool, that uses separate, removable sockets to fit
many different sizes of fittings and fasteners, most
commonly nuts and bolts. It generally includes a ratcheting mechanism that allows the
nut to be tightened or loosened with a continuous motion, rather than requiring that the
wrench be removed and refitted after each turn.
Socket Wrench
used for cutting straight lines
when the distance is not great enough to use a
squaring shear, and for cutting the outside of a curve.
Straight Hand Snips
used to cut a sheet of metal when a curve is
Circle Snips
are used for cutting the inside of curves.
Hawk – Bill Snips
used for cutting the inside of curves or radii.
Trojan Snips
designed especially for cutting heat-treated aluminum alloy and stainless steel.
Aviation Snips
a hard steel tool that can be used for cutting and
chipping any metal softer than the chisel itself.
Round – Nose Chisel
It is used for cutting B-grooves and inside sharp angles.
Diamond-point Chisel
used to remove waste metal when a very
smooth finish is not required or when the work cannot be
easily carried out with other tools such as a hacksaw, file,
bench shears or power tools.
Flat Cold Chisel
used to remove waste metal
when a very smooth finish is not required or when
the work cannot be easily carried out with other
Single Bevel Point Chisel
is used in tiny opening in upward or
standing position.
Double Bevel Point Chisel
are parallel in width and tapered in thickness; they are
used for general work.
Hand File
used to square ends, straighten uneven edges
and smooth rough edges.
Mill File
are parallel in width and tapered in thickness for perfectly flat filing. Double cut top and bottom with both sides safe, these a long, narrow files for precision work.
Pillar File
are parallel in thickness, tapered in width, and thin. Like a hand or flat file that comes to a point on the end. Used for flat work and slotting.
Warding File
taper in width and thickness, coming to a point, and are narrower than a standard half round. Used for filing inside of rings.
Half – Round File
are tapered in width and thickness, but the knife edge has the same thickness the whole length, with the knife edge having an arc to it. Used for slotting or wedging operations.
Knife File
is the instrument used to rule lines and the
calibrated instrument used for determining
measurement is called a measure.
are hand tools used in the metal trades to
mark lines on workpieces, prior to machining.
A device used to measure the distance between two symmetrically opposing sides.
Can be as simple as a compass with inward or outward-facing points and also the depths.
also known as a measuring compass, is a mathematical, drafting or cartographic instrument used to aid measurements of the length of irregular lines and of distances on maps or charts.
can be as simple as a compass with inward or
outward-facing points.
Micrometer Caliper
are used for holding parts together while pilot drilling, It holds a sheet of metal when it had a hole for riveting
Cleco Fastener
is used for fastening the cleco fasteners to the sheet metal.
Cleco Pliers
a tool with a rotating drill bit used for drilling
holes in various materials. Drills are commonly used in
woodworking and metalworking.
Drill Motor
a type of tool used to drive rivets. It uses air pressure able it will not move.
Rivet Gun
used when riveting. It prevents the rivet from
moving when riveting.
Bucking Bar
is used to quickly and easily shear aluminum
Rivet Cutter
is a mechanical screw apparatus used for
holding or clamping a work piece to allow work to be
performed on it with tools such as saws, planes, drills,
mills, screwdrivers, sandpaper, etc.
Table Vise
is a cutting tool used to make complex straight and curved cuts in sheet metal.
Throatless Shears
is a metalworking machine that allows the bending of sheet metal to form box and pan shapes, and to form bends and creases in sheet metal.
Box and Pan Brake
or pedestal grinder is a machine used to drive an abrasive wheel (or wheels).
Bench Grinder
(also known as pedestal drill, pillar drill, or bench drill) is a fixed style of drill that may be mounted on a stand or bolted to the floor or workbench.
Drill Press
is a machine tool which spins a block of material to perform various operations such as cutting, sanding, knurling, drilling, or deformation with tools that are applied to the workpiece to create an object which has symmetry about an axis of rotation.
Lathe Machine