Most aircraft are designed with jack points located so that _____ jacks are required for jacking. Some light aircraft may contain a tie-down ring at the rear of the fuselage.
3 or 4
An aircraft must be in the proper configuration for jacking. Specific doors may be required to be closed and certain stressed panels may need to be installed to provide the fuselage vessel with sufficient strength to be raised on jacks without causing structural damage. The same is true when hoisting the aircraft.
______ is colorless
Type-1 fluids are ______
Type-ll fluids are ______
white/pale yellow
Type-IV fluids are ______
The color for Type-Ill fluid _______
has not yet been determined
When aircraft surfaces are contaminated by frozenmoisture, they must be ______ prior to dispatch
When freezing precipitation exists, and there is a risk of contamination of the surface at the time of dispatch aircraft surfaces must be _______.
If both deicing and anti-icing are required, the procedure may be performed in one or two steps. The selection of a one or two step process depends upon _________
weather conditions, available equipment, available fluids, and the holdover time to be achieved
________ is the estimated time that deicing/anti-icing fluid prevents the formation of frost or ice and the accumulation of snow on the critical surfaces of an aircraft.
Holdover Time (HOT)
HOT begins ____1____ and expires _______.
- when the final application of deicing/anti-icing fluid commences
- when the deicing/anti-icing fluid loses its effectiveness
Moderate or heavy ice and residual snow deposits should be removed with a _____.
deicing fluid
All external surfaces should be examined for signs of residual snow or ice, particularly in the vicinity of ______. Check the drain and pressure sensing ports for obstructions.
control gaps and hinges
Two types of aviation fuel in general use are aviation gasoline, also known as ___1__, and turbine fuel, also known as ___2__ fuel.
Aviation gasoline (AVGAS) is used in ______ aircraft
reciprocating engine
In other words, with 80/87 aviation gasoline, the 80 is the ___1___ and 87 is the ___2___ number.
- lean mixture rating
- rich mixture rating
AVGAS can also be identified by a color code. The color of the fuel should match the color band ______
on piping and fueling equipment
The best method of controlling contamination is to _____ into the fuel system
prevent its introduction
Favorable conditions for the growth of micro-organisms in the fuel are _____
warm temperatures and the presence of iron oxide and mineral salts in the water
The effects of micro-organisms are:
Formation of slime or sludge that can foul filters, separators, or fuel controls.
Emulsification of the fuel.
Corrosive compounds that can attack the fuel tank’s structure. In the case of a wet wing tank, the tank is made from the aircraft’s structure. They can also have offensive odors
The greatest static electricity concern around aircraft is that during _____
_____ of the aircraft and fuel truck is to provide a pathway for static electricity dispersal.
_______ of the aircraft requires attaching a cable from the refueling unit to the aircraft being serviced, also to provide a path for the dispersing static electricity.
General precautions when defueling are:
1.Ground the aircraft and defueling equipment.
2.Turn off all electrical and electronic equipment.
3.Have the correct type of fire extinguisher available.
4.Wear eye protection