Airbus A320 Limitations Flashcards
Maximum crosswind for takeoff (normal runway)
All Aircraft 38 knots
Maximum tailwind for takeoff
A319 10 Knots
A320 15 Knots
A321 15 Knots
Severe Turbulent Air Penetration Speeds
Target .76 Mach .76 Mach >= FL 290
A319 <FL 200 255 Kts >=FL200 280 Kts
A320 <FL 200 250 Kts >=FL200 275 Kts
A321 <FL 200 275 Kts >=FL200 305 Kts
Maximum speed at which gear may be extended
280 kt/.67 mach
Maximum speed for gear extension.
250 kt
Maximum speed gear may be retracted
220 kt
Maximum altitude landing gear may be extended
25,000 ft
Maximum tire speed
195 kt
Windshield wipers in use
230 kt
Cockpit window open
200 kt
Taxi speed (A320 and A321)
When taxi weight is greater than 167,550 lbs do not exceed 20kts in a turn.
Maximum altitude with slats/flaps extended
20,000 ft
Autopilot Engagement
- After takeoff with SRS…..100’ AGL
- Enroute 900’
- Non-Precision Approachs…DDA/DA
- Non Autoland ILS with FMA Cat 1….160’ AGL
- Non-Autoland ILS with FMA Cat 2/3…80 AGL
- Go-Around (if SRS is indicated)….100 AGL
- Autoland ILS Approach (one or two a/p)…rollout/taxi
- When visibility is less than 4000’ rvr or 3/4 mile, the approach must be flown with autopilots engaged (if operable)
- The use of the AP or FD in Open Des or Des mode is not permitted inside the final approach fix or below 1000’ AGL on a visual approach.
- The use of autothrust is approved with or without the AP/FD in selected or managed mode.
Autoland Required
- Autoland is required below CAT I minimums.
- To minimize the chances of a go around, Frontier policy is to set and brief for an autoland if the reported RVR/visibility is at or below 1/2 mile or 2400 RVR and all of the requirements for and autoland can be met, the approach will be briefed and flown as a CAT II or CAT III autoland.
Engine Oil
- Minimum temperature for takeoff 19°C
2. Minimum oil quantity is 11 quarts plus .5 quart per hour of estimated flight time.
Reduced thrust takeoff
- on slippery or contaminated runways
- when suspected, reported, or known windshear is present
- when a special departure procedure requires full thrust for takeoff.
Maximum altitude for APU battery start
25,000 ft
Maximum tailwind for landing
10 kt
Normal Runway Width
148 feet (45 meters)
Maximum Wind for Passenger Door Operation
Maximum Wind for Cargo Door Operations
Maximum Crosswind For Landing (normal runway)
Approach Category
Category C A319 and A320
Category D A321
Stabilized Approach Policy
1000 ft AFE:
1) Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1,200 FPM
1000 and 500 ft AFE:
1) On the correct lateral path (Course) within one dot ILS/LOC, .3NM cross track for RNAV, or 1/2 dot for VOR.
2) On the correct vertical path (“Glidepath”) within one dot.
3) In the final landing configuration (Landing Gear and Flaps Extended).
4) Absent any GPWS Warnings and Cautions.
500 AFE
1) Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1000 FPM.
2) Within -5 to +15 knots of target speed for approach.