Air Traffic Management & Runway Design Flashcards
What can ATM be subdivided in?
Air Traffic Flow Management, Air Traffic Service and Air Space Management
What is Air Traffic Flow Management?
Strategic planning and implementation of regional and national flows to best match with demand and available capacity and minimize impact of congestion on users and operators of ATM system.
What are Air Traffic Services (ATS)?
Flight Information Services, FIS: providing info for safe flights.
Alerting Service, ALS: notify orginizations for aircraft in need of SAR.
Aero Telecom Service, ATN: provides all comms for ATS.
Aero Info Service, AIS, provides info on operational status
Aero Meteorological Service, MET: provide relevant weather info to aviation world.
ATC: maintain aircraft seperation and help navigate.
What are Flight Information Regions (FIR)?
FIRs are divided in sectors and in each sector a team of ATC is responsible for the air traffic.
What are fundamental aspects of ATC?
organization of airspace, human air traffic controllers, automation systems, comms sustems, navi systems, surveillance systems.
What are comms systems?
Radio comms/telehpony: HF(long range) and VHF voice, Secondary Surveillance Radar, Digital Datalink, Satelite
What are navigation principles?
Aircrafft position fixing, flight planning and guidance.
What does a windrose show?
Max wind coming from each direction.
What influences runway length?
Performance requirements and environment
What do you know about aircraft performance?
Aircraft require a prepared surface to take off and land, airraft fly the atmosphere and large variance in mass.
What are FAR regulation principles?
Should lift off at 10% above stalling speed, climb initially at 20% above stalling speed, speed during regular approach 30% above stalling speed, during take-off AC should clear an 11m obstacle, during landing AC should cross runway threshold 15m above ground
What happens when altitude goes up?
Lower density and higher velocity.
When does thrust go down?
When temp goes up and when alt goes up.
What is TORA (Take off run available)?
Length of the runway suitable for takeoff run. Does not incule stopway or clearway
What is TODA (take off distance available)?
In case there is no clearway, TODA = TORA.
What is the objective for a Land Use Plan?
To find the most efficient arrangement of the main functional areas of the airport.
What is Master Planning?
A long-term development perspective of the airport that provides a strategy for
optimal airport development given current and future opportunities and limitations.
What is the amibition, mission & vission?
Strategy development can be described as formulating a comprehensive plan (on all levels of organization) which translates the owners’ vision.