Air Pollution Flashcards
From the closest to the surface to the furthest away, what are the layers of the atmosphere?
Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere
What is the percentage breakdown of gasses in the atmosphere?
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon
Which layer contains the ozone layer?
Tropospheric ozone is a primary or secondary pollutant?
What are the 7 major classes of air pollutants?
Particulate matter, NO2, SO2, methane and hydrocarbons, carbon oxides, tropospheric O3, and hazardous air pollutants (ex: Pb)
What color is NO2?
What does NO2 contribute to?
Smog (photochemical), and acid precipitation
What produces NO2?
Exhaust, industry, electricity production
What produces sulfur dioxides?
Coal burning
What gas is the main component of natural gas?
When was lead phased out of gasoline?
What form of toxin is lead?
The majority of outdoor air pollution is from what sources?
What are some natural sources of outdoor air pollution?
Dust storms, volcanoes, fires
What volcano erupted in the Philippines in 1991, dropping global temperatures by .3 degrees C?
Mount Pinatubo