Air Department Flashcards
Who’s is the Mini boss
Cdr Bassel
Who is the Air Boss
Commander Norris
Who’s is the Air LCPO
Master Chief Bill
How man air divisions are there
5 total
What’s V1
Flight deck/ crash and salvage (yellow)
What’s V2
ALRE (aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment) (green)
What’s V3
Hangar bay (blue)
What’s V4
Fuels (purple)
What’s V5
Who is the FDO (flight deck officer)
LtCdr Flores
What stations are manned in Pri-Fly during flight ops
1) Air officer (Air boss)
2) Assistant air officer (Mini Boss)
3) Pri-fly Control supervisor
4) Land/launch Record Keeper
5) (ISIS) Integrated shipboard information system computer operator
6) Forward spotter
7) Aft spotter
8) Recovery Equipment Controller
9) Improved fresnel lens optical landing system operator (IFLOLS)
What is the job of the air boss
Overall responsible for all aircraft other than CO
Responsible for supervision and direction of aircraft launching and recovery, visual landing aids VLAs and the shipboard handling of aircraft.
What do CQ stand for
Carrier qualifications
What is the primary job of the crash crew
To save lives
What is the job of the mini boss
Responsible for handling of the embarked aircraft on the flight deck and hanger bay
Who is the aircraft handling officer
LCDR Caldwell
What color jersey do ordnance wear
Red with a black strip down the middle
Who is the fuels bos’n
Cwo2 hitsen
Who is the ALRE bos’n
Cwo2 fair
Who is the air bos’n
Cwo4 Garcia
Who is overall in charge of flight ops
Who wears green jersey with red cranial
Landing signal enlisted LSE
What are the 7 personnel manned in flight deck control
Aircraft handling officer / flight deck officer
Assistant flight deck officer
Aviation fuel representative
Sound powered phone talkers
Elevator operators
Weapons personnel (when permitted)
Squadron / aircraft Maintenance personnel
What are the 5 differ types of firefighting agents for combating flight deck fires
Pkp AFFF co2 saltwater and steam smothering
What do ALRE stand for
Aircraft launching and recovery equipment
What are some dangers on the flight deck
Jet blast - high temp & velocity exhaust gases
Rotor wash- blows dirt & debris several
Hundred feet
Prop arcs- beware of propellers
What is CCP
Central charging panel
It’s the remote start up for catapults
What is the capacity of the fuel we can take on at 100%
3.5 million gall
What is so VLA stand for
Visual landing aids
What type of engine is the MK-7
Hydro-pneumatic system
What color do a catapult safety observer wear
Green jersey yellow float coat
What color do a tractor king wear
Yellow. Jersey with blue vest
What color jersey do the (LSO) landing signal officer wear
White jersey no cranial
How many conflagration stations are there and who do they respond to
3 total and they respond to the IWO ( integrity watch officer) or the OOD
What are the stations manned in deck control p
Hanger deck officer deck CPO/LPO
Elevator operators
How are the arresting gear numbered aft-fwd
Where are the catapults located
1&2 now forward
3&4 waist aft
How many fueling stations do we have
18 total 15 flight deck 3 hanger bay Bay1 port Bay 2 port Bay3 port
What are the two types of barricades
Ready jet- fixed wing A/C
E2/C2 rotor A/c
How many deck Ramps are they
What are the two ways to emergency lower the jet blast deflector
Hydraulically and electrically
What is the back up for the IFLOLS
What are the rates in V2
What is ARC
Advance recovery control system
What is ILARTS
Integrated launch and recovery television system
A integrated system of electronic pics and sound recordings
Who operates the aircraft elevators
Qualified v1 and v3 personnel only
What are the aces identified by
Deck edges with a “6✖️12” red and white line
What is ICCS
Integrated catapult control station
Aka the bubble