The temperature for each A/C zone is optimized by means of…?
A TRIM AIR valve
Under what conditions should the PACK FLOW selector be set to LO?
PAX less than 115. (Better fuel efficiency) 80% flow
Under what conditions should the PACK FLOW selector be set to HI?
With high PAX load in very hot conditions. 120%
The PACK FLOW selector is set to NORM and yet the ECAM display shows PACK FLOW to be high. How is this possible?
1) HI flow automatically selected when APU is supplying bleed air.
2) Single Pack ops
3) If its really hot it will automatically turns to high
The safety valve protects the A/C against…
Cabin diff. press. From going too high or too low
Having Manually set the LDG ELEV, the cabin Alt is…
Still controlled automatically through the outflow valve
In AUTO, cabin deff. press. Is controlled by what valve?
Outflow valve
Can you control the Safety Valves?
No. They are fully automatic and cannot be controlled manually
The MODE SEL pb-sw in MAN mode allows you to use the MAN V/S CTL in order to…
Manually adjust the outflow valve
“VENT” When can we have closed circuit configuration in normal ops?
The Aircraft must be in the Air, or on the ground with the thrust levers at T/O and skin temp. below a giving threshhold.
With both Blower and Extract pb switches in AUTO, what ventilation configurations do you normally expect to see?
Open config. On the ground before applying T/O power, or closed config. After applying T/O power or in the Air
With both the BLOWER and EXTRACT pb switched in OVRD, what happens to the ventilation system?
The system goes into smoke config. And the Blower fan stops.
Pneumatic System provides Air for?
1) Air cond.
2) Wing anti-ice
3) Water press.
4) HYD reservoir press.
5) Engine Start
When is “GND” symbol displayed on ECAM BLEED page?
Whenever the aircraft is on the ground
What happens to HP valves when the engine power is high?
HP valves close
Can one Bleed supply 2 Packs and wing Anti-Ice?
No. it can only supply one Pack with A/I on
When does the Pack flow goes to ECON?
Pax load less than 140
Cabin Press Rising
- 8000 FT - Max norm cabin Alt
- 9550 FT - Cabin Alt Warning
- 11,300 FT - PAX signs Warning
- 14,000 FT - Masks Drop
- 15,000 FT - Outflow valve closure