Ainsworth’s Stange Situation Flashcards
What was the aim of Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
To be able to observe key attachment behaviours as a means of assessing the quality of a child’s attachment to their caregiver.
What was the experimental technique in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
Controlled observation
Where did Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation take place?
A quite controlled room (a lab) where there is a one-way mirror, where psychologist could observe the behaviour
What was the sample in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
100 middle-class American infants and their mothers
What was Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation designed to measure?
The security attachment that a child displays towards a caregiver
What was the first situation in the structured situations in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
Child and caregiver enter an unfamiliar playroom
What was the second situation in the structured situations in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
The caregiver takes the infant into the lab and they are left to explore (explanation and a secure base)
What was the third situation in the structured situations in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
The stranger enters and interacts with the infant (stranger anxiety)
What was the fourth situation in the structured situations in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
The caregiver leaves unobtrusively and the stranger interacts with the infant (separation & stranger anxiety)
What was the fifth situation in the structured situations in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
The caregiver returns and the stranger leaves (reunion behaviour and exploration + secure base)
What was the sixth situation in the structured situations in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
The caregiver leaves so the infant is alone ( separation anxiety)
What was the seventh situation in the structured situations in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
A stranger enters and approaches the infant (stranger anxiety)
What was the eighth situation in the structured situations in Ainsworth’s (1969) experiment strange situation?
The caregiver returns and greets the infant (reunion behaviour)
What are the 3 attachment types?
-Type A (insecure avoidant)
-Type B (secure attachment)
-Type C (insecure resistant)
What behaviour do infants show with Type A insecure avoidant?
-avoid social interaction and intimacy with others
-explore freely, don’t seek proximity, don’t show secure base behaviour
-show little/no reaction when caregiver leaves and make little effort to make contact when reunited
-little stranger anxiety