aincient greece Flashcards
How did the geography of Greece affect the development of city-states?
They developed separately
Spartan Government
2 military kings
council of elders
greek city states all shared….
religious beliefs
how were plato and socrates similar?
They both encouraged people to discover ethical values through reason
How did Thucydides’ experiences affect his writing?
he had experienced the peloponnesian wars - was able to have a eprsonal connection to his wrtiting
who tutored alexander the great?
In what way did Greece’s crushing defeat by Philip II of Macedonia lead to a flowering of Greek culture?
greek culture was spread through much of the world by alexander
How did the ends of the Persian Wars and Peloponnesian War
change Greece?
the golden age of athens started after the persain war ended
What was an important result of the reign of Alexander the Great?
the spread of greek culture from the mediterranian to the middle east
fresco mural painting
minoans of crete
parthenon architecture
classical greek principles of harmony and balance
each city state had a political system known as a …
describe zues
ruler, protector, father of all gods and humans, god of the sky
how does the socratic method of teaching work?
teacher asks students a series of questions - causes students to question their own assumptions
How does the Parthenon reflect balance and order in its architecture?
simple rectangle with columns and a gently sloping roof
define democracy
government led by the people
who was aristotle?
plilosopher - emphasized reason and logic
what did alexander the great acomplish?
built the largest empire the world had ever seen before 323 bc
describe a phalanx
rectangular group of soldiers - held large staffs in from of their shields
define acropolis
hill in the center of the city - walled area around polis
define city state
a city that with its surrounding territory forms an independent state or country
who was hippocrates
greek physician - most outstanding figure in medicine
Spartan government can be described as an _________ which means________.
Oligarchy, a few people run the government