AI. Origin and Importance of Genetics; Contributions of Genetics to Various Disciplines Flashcards
Genetics began with the study of how the (?) of organisms are passed from parents to offspring – that is, how they are inherited.
Until the middle of the (?), no one knew for sure what the hereditary material was.
twentieth century
However, geneticists, recognized that this material had to fulfill three requirements. First, it had to (?) so that copies could be transmitted from parents to offspring. Second, it had to (?) to guide the development, functioning, and behavior of cells and the organisms to which they belong. Third, it had to (?), even if only once in a great while, to account for the differences that exist among individuals.
encode information
For several decades, geneticists wondered what the hereditary material could be. In (?), the structure of DNA was elucidated and genetics had its great clarifying moment.
In a relatively short time, researchers discovered how DNA functions as the (?)– that is, how it replicates, how it encodes and expresses information, and how it changes. These discoveries ushered in a new phase of genetics in which phenomena could be explained at the molecular level.
hereditary material
In time, geneticists learned how to analyze the DNA of (?), including our own. This progress – from studies of heredity to studies of whole genomes – has been amazing.
whole genomes
Joint announcement of the theory of natural selection
Charles Darwin
Alfred R. Wallace
Published the Origin of Species
Charles Darwin
• Published the results of his investigations of the inheritance of “factors” in pea plants
Gregor Mendel
inheritance of “factors” in pea plants
o Units of inheritance in pairs
o Dominance and recessiveness
o Equal segregation
o Independent assortment
• Isolated “nucleic acid” from pus cells
Friedrich Miescher
• First called as “nuclein”
Friedrich Miescher
• Published the first illustration of chromosomes in 1882
Walther Flemming
• Chromatin is the stainable portion of the nucleus
Walther Flemming
• First to use the term “mitosis”
Walther Flemming
He introduced the word “chromosome”
Mendel’s principles were independently rediscovered and verified, marking the beginning of modern genetics
Carl Correns
Hugo de Vries
Erich von Tschermak
Translates Mendel’s paper to English
Gregory Bateson
• Pointed out the interrelationships between cytology and Mendelism, closing the gap between cell morphology and heredity
Walter Sutton
• Chromosome theory of inheritance
Walter Sutton
• Discovered linkage between genes
Gregory Bateson
• Also coins the word “genetics”
Gregory Bateson
• Independently described the behavior of sex chromosomes
Nettie Stevens
Edmund Wilson
o XX determines
o XY determines
• Proposed that some human diseases are due to “inborn errors of metabolism” that result from the lack of a specific enzyme
Archibald Garrod
• Discovered Alkaptonuria
Archibald Garrod
• Proposed a theory of sex-linked inheritance for the first mutation discovered in the fruit fly, ‘VLwhite eye
Thomas Hunt Morgan
• This was followed by the gene theory, including the principle of linkage
Thomas Hunt Morgan
• Irradiated the red bread mold, 1V and proved that the gene produces its effect by regulating particular enzymes
George Beadle
Edward Tatum
• 1 gene encodes 1 protein
George Beadle
Edward Tatum
• Reported that they had purified the transforming principle in Griffith’s experiment and that it was DNA
Oswald Avery
Colin MacLeod
Maclyn McCarty
o is the molecule that mediates heredity
Genetic material can be transferred laterally between bacterial cells
Lederberg and Tatum
Discovered a one-to-one ratio of adenine to thymine and guanine to cytosine in DNA samples from a variety of organisms
Erwin Chargaff
Obtained sharp X-ray diffraction photographs of DNA
Rosalind Franklin
Solved the three-dimensional structure of the DNA molecule
Francis Crick
James Watson
Maurice Wilkins
Discovered Trisomy 13 aka Patau’s syndrome
Patau et. al
Discovered Trisomy 18 aka E syndrome
Edwards et. al
Discovered Philadelphia chromosome – seen in chronic myelogenous leukemia
Nowell and Hungerford
Produced the first recombinant DNA molecules
Paul Berg
Herb Boyer
Showed that a recombinant DNA molecule can be maintained and replicated in E. coli
Annie Chang
Stanley Cohen
Developed the chain termination method for sequencing DNA
Fred Sanger
Used blood samples collected by Nancy Wexler and her co-workers to demonstrate that the Huntington’s disease gene is on chromosome 4
James Gusella
Published a paper describing the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the most sensitive assay for DNA yet devised.
Kary B. Mullis
Coined the term DNA fingerprinting and was the first to use DNA polymorphism in paternity, immigration, and murder cases.
Alec Jeffreys
Identified the gene coding for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator protein (CFTR) on chromosome 7 that, when mutant, causes cystic fibrosis
Francis Collins
Lap-Chee Tsui
First gene replacement therapy-T cells of a four-year old girl were exposed outside of her body to retroviruses containing an RNA copy of a normal ADA gene. This allowed her immune system to begin functioning. Beginning of genome projects
Completion of the human genome
− Observable characteristics that makes you a member of a certain species
− Characteristics that make one individual member of a species different from another
Individual characteristics
− Can produce individual differences
– Determines your potential
– influences the extent to which that potential is achieved
➢ For diagnosis, treatment, prevention and cure for many illnesses
➢ Improving (?)
crop technology
➢ Manufacture of synthetic human insulin thru the use of modified bacteria (?)
➢ Manufacture of (?) in hamster’s ovary cells
➢ Production of new types of experimental mice such as the (?) (cancer mouse for research)
➢ Created the (?) as a replacement for a drug that was previously extracted from human cadavers
human growth hormone
➢ In (?), the FDA approved the first genetically engineered vaccine for humans for Hepatitis B
➢ The protein (?), which helps fight viral infections and possibly cancer, has been produced by recombinant DNA
➢ Creation of (?) such as food and vegetables that resist pest and bacterial infection and have longer freshness than otherwise
genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
➢ Has the potential to (?) human beings, appearance, adaptability, intelligence, character and behavior
Classical genetics has provided physicians with a long list of diseases that are caused by (?)
mutant genes
In 1909, (?), a British physician and biochemist, published a book entitled (?). In this book he documented how metabolic abnormalities can be traced to mutant alleles. His research was (?), and in the next several decades, a large number of inherited human disorders were identified and catalogued.
Archibald Garrod
“Inborn errors of metabolism”
From this work, physicians have learned to diagnose genetic diseases, to trace them through families, and to predict the chances that particular individuals might inherit them.
“Inborn errors of metabolism”