Agroecosystems 1 Flashcards
The living organisms, physical processes and their intersections in a farming system
Selective breeding
Producing offspring from chosen parents, usually to produce desirable characteristics
Genetic modification
The method of altering an organism’s genetic makeup by artificially introducing genes from another organism, often of another species
Limiting factor
An environmental factor present in insufficient amounts to allow a process to occur at a faster rate. E.g. a nutrient being the limiting factor for plant growth
Living organisms
The combined movement of water into the atmosphere from evaporation from surface leaves and transpiration form surface leaves
Solar insolation
Sunlight landing on a surface
Hydrological growing season
The length of the year that there is sufficient water to sustain growth
Temperature range
Difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures experienced during the year
Thermal growing season
It’s the season of the year that is warm enough for plant growth
The 3D shape of the land surface
The direction something faces in terms of sunlight
Tenant farmer
A farmer that rents land from owners
A limit on the number or quantity of items e.g, milk production
Harber process
A chemical process used to manufacture ammonia from which nitrate fertilisers can be made