Agrippina the Younger: Quotes Flashcards
QUOTE: Overview of Roman social and political structures; principate
“I transferred the state from my own power to the control of the Roman state and people.” AUGUSTUS- RES GESTAE
QUOTE: Role of imperial women in Roman society
“Betrothals were broken or divorces were dictated when alliances between men became animosities” POMEROY
QUOTE: Role of women according to Tacitus
“To mind the house and watch over the children.” TACITUS
QUOTE: Family background and status (LINEAGE)
“Agrippina’s exceptionally illustrious birth is indisputable.” TACITUS, ANNALS
“Her pedigree was impeccable.” S. PEROWNE
QUOTE: Family background and status (MAKE MOST OF DESCENT)
“Agrippina, great-granddaughter of the revered Augustus, would make much of her Julian descent, a descent that came through the bloodline and was not conferred merely through adoption.” BARRETT
QUOTE: Germanicus
“True, renaissance man.” SUETONIUS
QUOTE: Early life, ambitions and marriages (GERMANICUS TRIUMPH)
“The triumph of Germanicus…was a memory that his daughter would exploit to the full.” BARRETT
QUOTE: Early life, ambitions and marriages
Publicly said: Forget her pride, submit to cruel fortune, and back in Rome, to avoid provoking those stronger than herself by competing for power.” TACITUS
Privately said: Privately he said more- warning her of danger (so it was said) from Tiberius.” TACITUS
QUOTE: Early life, ambitions and marriages (PARTY OF AGRIPPINA)
“it was the first specific political movement to be formed by a woman.” BAUMANN
QUOTE: Early life, ambitions and marriages (ATE EXILE)
“Mother and son were left to starve in their separate places of imprisonment…she must have been the single most important influence on her daughter and namesake.” M.T.GRIFFIN
“Agrippina the Younger was given to L. Domitius Ahenobarbus…it is interesting to note that they thought it best not to have children while Tiberius was still alive.” T.WEIDEMANN
“Agrippina, remembering the weakness of her mother’s position after the death of Germanicus, set out to find a husband.”
“For she was beautiful and was in the habit of consulting him constantly…and in fact she was rather more familiar in her conduct towards him than became a niece.” CASSIUS DIO
QUOTE: Basis of her power and influence; patronage
“She was no paragon of female virtue…she was prepared if necessary to wade through slaughter to a throne.” SALMON
QUOTE: Role during the reign of Gaius (Caligula), including exile (BROTHER’S AFFECTION)
“Without a compatible wife, it might be expected that Caligula would have looked for affection from his three sisters.” BARRETT
QUOTE: Role during the reign of Gaius (Caligula), including exile (CONSPIRACY)
“Agrippina and Lepidus had formed a conspiracy to replace him” LEADBETTER
QUOTE: Role during the reign of Gaius (Caligula), including exile (MESSALINA)
“Then he (Claudius) married Valeria Messalina…But it turned out that she was not only guilty of other disgraceful crimes, but had gone so far as to commit bigamy with Gaius Silius, and even sign a formal marriage contract before witnesses; so Claudius executed her.” SUETONIUS
QUOTE: Role during the reign of Gaius (Caligula), including exile (ADVANTAGE OF MESSALINA DOWNFALL)
“Visiting her uncle frequently-ostensibly as a close relation- she tempted him into giving her the preference and into treating her, in anticipation, as his wife.” TACITUS
QUOTE: Role during the reign of Claudius (PURSUE OBJECTIVES)
“Agrippina used her influence over Claudius not only to consolidate Nero’s claims, but also to enhance her own position.” BAUMAN
QUOTE: Role during the reign of Claudius (DEATH OF CLAUDIUS)
“While pretending to help Claudius vomit, he put a feather dipped in a quick poison down his throat.” TACITUS