Agriculture Vocab Flashcards
The businesses that provide a vast array of goods and services to support the agricultural industry
The deliberate tending of crops and livestock to produce food, fiber, feed, and fuel
Animal domestication
To tame/breed an animal making them live in close association to humans(EX. Pets or work animals)
Cash crops
A crop produced for its commercial value rather than for use by the grower
Climatic regions
Areas with similar climatic characteristics
Commercial agriculture
A large-scale production of crops for sale, intended for widespread distribution
First agricultural revolution
Started by the cultivation of seed crops
Food desert
Areas with limited access to fresh nutritious foods
Genetically modified/engineered crops
Green revolution
The third agricultural revolution
Koppen climatic classification system
Made by wladimir koppen: for classifying the world’s climates on the basis of temperature and precipitation
Livestock ranching
The raising of domesticated animals for the production of meat and by-products
Long-lot survey
System that divides the land into narrow parcels stretching back from rivers roads or canals
Luxury crops
Crops that are considered nonessential- cocoa, coffee, tea, tobacco
Mediterranean agriculture
Specialized farming that occurs only in areas where the dry Mediterranean climate prevails
Metes and bounds system
A system of land surveying east of the Appalachian mountains; depends on descriptions of land ownership and natural features
Dependence on a single agriculture commodity
Organic agriculture
The production of crops without the use of synthetic or industrially produced pesticides and fertilizers
Plantation agriculture
The production system when cash crops are grown on large estates
Plant domestication
The process of adapting wild plants and animals for human use(food, work, medicine,clothing, etc.)
Primary economic
Economic activities that involve the extraction of economically valuable products from the earth, including agriculture, ranching, hunting, gathering, fishing, forestry, mining,and quarrying
Where all land is passed down to eldest son
Quartenary economic activity
Services concerned with information or the exchange of money or goods
Quinary economic activity
Service tied to research or higher education
Rectangular survey system
Prevailing survey system that appears as checkerboards across agricultural fields
Root crops
Crops that are produced by cultivating either the roots or cuttings from the plants
Second agricultural revolution
Tools and equipment were modified, methods of soil preparation, fertilization, crop care, and harvesting improved the general organization of agriculture made more efficient
Secondary economic activity
Activities that take a primary product and change it into something else
Seed crops
Plants that are reproduced by cultivating seeds
Shifting cultivation
Agriculture where an area of ground is cleared of vegetation and cultivated for a few years and then abandoned until its fertility is naturally restored
Slash and burn agriculture
Cultivation of crops in tropical forest clearings in which forest vegetation has been removed by cutting and burning
Substinence agriculture
Growing only enough food to survive
Tertiary economic activity
Service industries that connect producers to consumers and facilitate commerce and trade or help people meet their needs
Third agricultural revolution
Currently in progress; has its principal orientation the the development of GMOs
Township and range system
A section is an area 1 square mile on rectangular grid
Von thunen model
First effort to analyze the spatial character of economic activity.