Agrarian Reform Flashcards
“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.”
Thomas Jefferson
Centered on the relationship between the production and the distribution of land among farmers.
Agrarian policies
Rectification of the whole agricultural system of the country.
Agrarian Reform Policies
(1)___ is concerned with land rights and their character, strength, and distribution, while (2)____ focuses not only on these but also on a broader set of issues, such as the class character of the relations of production and distribution in farming and related enterprises.
- Land reform
- Agrarian Reform
World Bank’s Five Dimensions of Agrarian Reform
- Stocks and market liberalization
- Land reform and development of land markets
- Agro-processing and input supply channels
- Urban finance
- Market institutions
Before colonization, Filipinos had a ___ ___ of ___
Communal ownership of land
Under the (1)___ ___, Filipinos did not have the right to own land, but were only allowed to work in them and pay (2)___ ___ to Spanish authorities through (3)___ ___.
- Spanish government
- colonial tributes
- agricultural products
(1) ___ ___ of agriculture
Because of the scattered nature of the rural communities, the Spaniards organized them into a (2)___ where they were given land to cultivate.
- Pueblo system
- pueblo
(1)___ of the ___
(2)___ awarded tracts of lands to ___ orders. This became the main source of abuse and exploitation (e.g., the friars would increase land rent on a whim)
(3)___ of Spanish ___, as reward for their service; and
(4)Spanish ___, or those mandated to manage an encomienda.
- Laws of the Indies
- Spain, Religious
- Repartamientos, soldiers
- encomenderos
(1) ___ system
The Spanish government developed the (2)___ system as a new form of land ownership.
In the (3)___, Spain ordered landowners to register their landholdings. This led to many ___ either getting forced out of their “assigned” lands in the earlier days of colonization, or working for the people who claimed to have the rights of the land.
By the end of the (4)___ ___, the revolutionary government would declare all large landed estates as ___ ___, including confiscated ___ ___.
- Encomienda
- hacienda
- 1860s, peasants
- Philippine Revolution, government property, friar lands.
Land ownership during the (1)___ ___
To address (2)___, which was the main cause of social unrests at the time, the Americans passed several land policies to distribute land ownership to a larger number of Filipinos.
The (3) ___ ___ ___ ___ provided regulations on the disposal of public lands, where a private individual may own up to ___ ___ of land and corporate landholders may have ___ ___.
- American colonization
- landlessness
- Philippine Bill of 1902, 16 hectares, 1,024 hectares.
The (1)___ ___ ___ ___ ___, or the ___ ___ conducted accurate land surveys through the Torrens system. This act addressed the issues of absence of records of land titles and
The (2)___ ___ was a program introduced by the Americans where a tenant could enter into an agricultural business once the individual had acquired ___ ___ of ___ ___.
- Philippine Commission Act No. 496, Land Registration
- Homestead Program, 16 hectares, farm land
The (1)___ ___ was a peasant rebellion brought about by the social inequality in land ownership and tenancy. (2)___ means “to accuse”. (3)___ ___ established the Partido (4)____ in (5)___, and the group demanded for the abolition of taxes and equality in landownership.
- Sakdal Uprising
- Sakdal
- Benigno Ramos
- Sakdalista
- 1933
In (1)___, an attempt at uprising was organized but it was easily crushed by the government. Benigno Ramos fled to (2)___ and the Partido eventually collapsed.
- 1935
- Tokyo
During the (1)___ government, President (2)___ started a social justice program that focused on the purchase of (3)___ to be divided and sold to (4)___.
The administration also created (5)___, or the (6)___ ___ and ___ ___, assigned to defend and assist the peasants in court battles for their rights.
- Commonwealth
- Quezon
- haciendas
- tenants
- National Rice and Corn Corporation
The (1)___ ___ ___ ___ was established to exercise jurisdiction over disagreements involving land rights and the landowner-tenant relationship.
- Court of Industrial Relations
After declaring (1)___ in ___, President Marcos was able to start a “fundamental restructuring” of government in which he wiped out the landlord-dominated Congress in an attempt to address the structural problems in the countryside.
- Martial law in 1972
(1)___ ___ was a rice self-sufficiency program in which farmers were able to borrow from banks and purchase (2)___ ___ plots of land.
- Masagana 99
- three-hectare
(1)___ ___ ___ granted lands to tenants occupying (2)___ ___ on rice and corn.
- Operation Land Transfer
- seven hectares
In (1)___, the Republic Act No. (2)___, or the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, introduced the (3)___ ___ ___ ___ (CARP).
- 1988
- 6657
- Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
CARP enabled the redistribution of agricultural lands to (1)___-___. Landowners were compensated and were allowed to retain ownership of no more than (2)___ ___ of land. Instead of turning their land to the government, they were legally allowed to distribute a portion of their capital stock, equity or participation in favor of the (3)___.
- tenant-farmers
- 5 hectares
- farmers
Post-1986 Agrarian Reform
The Congress, which was mainly dominated by landed elites, was unwilling to fund the costs of CARP, thus it accomplished only ___ ___ of the land distribution in 6 years.
22.5 percent
President Aquino also allowed the option for stock redistribution. Eventually, ___ ___ turned itself into a corporation and mainly distributed stocks among its farmers instead of land.
Hacienda Luisita
During the (1)___ administration, the (2)___ ___ ___ ___ (DAR) was able to distribute (3)___ ___ of the total area covered by CARP. Despite the lack of funding, time constraints, and lack of participation, CARP was expedited to meet the (4)___-___ time frame.
- Ramos
- Department of Agrarian Reform
- 58.25 percent
- ten-year
President Ramos signed the Republic Act No. (1)___ in (2)___ to amend CARP. The program was extended to another (3)___ years.
- 8532
- 1998
- ten
Agrarian Reform in the Present Time
In (1)___, the deadline of the extended CARP came to pass.
Despite this, 1.6 million hectares of agricultural land remained undistributed to the 1.2 million farmers.
President (2)___ ___ signed the Republic Act No. (3)___, or the (4)___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ (CARPER), which extended the deadline to five more years, from 2009 to 2014.
2. Gloria Arroyo
3. 9700
4. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with Reforms