Aggression Flashcards
Any form of behaviour intended to harm or injure another living being who is motivated to avoid such treatment.
Intimate partner violence
Perpetration or threat of an act of physical violence within the context of a dating or marital relationship.
Denotes aggressive behaviour directed at victims who cannot easily defend themselves, typically in schools and at the workplace.
Politically motivated violence, intended to spread fear and terror among members of a society in order to influence the decision-making or behaviour of political agents.
Vad karaktäriserar aggressivt beteende?
- Aggressivt beteende karaktäriseras av ett underliggande motiv (att skada en annan levande varelse), inte av dess konsekvenser (huruvida skada faktiskt förekom eller ej).
- Förståelsen att ens beteende/agerande kan komma att orsaka en annan persons lidande.
- Ett beteende definieras som aggressivt när offret vill undvika att bli utsatt för det.
Behaviours carried out with intention to cause serious harm that involve the use or threat of physical force.
Direct aggression
Aggressive behaviour directed immediately at the target, such as hitting or shouting abuse.
Indirect aggression
Aggression delivered behind the target person’s back by damaging the target’s peer relationships, e.g., through spreading rumours.
Relational aggression
Behaviour that is intended to harm the target person through damaging his or her social relationships, for example negative comments behind the person’s back.
Instrumental aggression
Aggressive behaviour performed to reach a particular goal, as a means to and end.
Hostile aggression
Aggressive behaviour motivated by the desire to express anger and hostile feelings.
Media violence-aggression link
Hypothesis that exposure to violent media contents makes media users more aggressive.
Aggression Questionnaire (AQ)
Self-report instrument to measure stable individual differences in trait aggressiveness.
Sexual aggression
Forcing another person into sexual activities through a range of coercive strategies, such as threat or use of physical force, exploitation of the victim’s inability to resist, or verbal pressure.
Peer nominations
Method for measuring (aggressive) behaviour by asking other people (e.g., classmates) to rate the aggressiveness of an individual.
Steam boiler model
Part of Konrad Lorenz’s theory of aggression, assuming that aggressive energy is produced continuously within the organism and will burst out spontaneously unless released by external stimulus.
Higher levels of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol have been linked to aggression, but they need to be considered in combination with environmental influences.