aggression Flashcards
Outline the function of the limbic system
-involved in the regulation of emotions and emotional behaviour
-It consists of the amygdala , hypothalamus , hippocampus and thalamus as found by (Maclean 1952)
Outline the function of the amydgdala
-The amygdala is thought to be particularly important in regulation of emotional behaviour as demonstrated by Gospic et al (2011)
Outline research conducted into the amygdala
Gospic et al (2011) : Ultimatum game
researchers found:
- when participants rejected unfair monetary award (could be seen as social provocation) there was a sudden increase n amygdala activity
-as seen by fMRI scans
-spikes were less drastic when given serotonin agonist benzodiazepines (reduces arousal of ANS
-suggests : strong link between action of ANS and aggression
Outline the function of serotonin in aggression
- serotonin is an inhibitory neurotransmitter
-reduces the action potential within post synaptic membrane , therefore amygdala sends fewer nervous impulses to the hypothalamus - And is associated with the regulation of impulsive behaviour when found at normal levels in the OFC (Denson et al 2012)
(virkkunen et al) : found lower levels of a serotonin breakdown metabolite within violent impulsive prisoners compared to non violent non-impulsive prisoners
Evaluate a limitation of neural explanation for aggression (over-reliance)
P - REDUCTIONIST : over-reliance on limbic system as an explanation for aggressiion
E- (e.g) orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) : significant role, due to its link with the action of serotonin, (Denson)
E-Therefore, as suggested by Gospic et al, it may be more effective to focus on the neural connections between the OFC and the limbic system, as opposed to looking at the two in isolation.
L- therefore : neural regulation of aggression more complex than theories solely on amygdala
Evaluate one strength of the neural explanation for aggression (negative corr)
P- evidence supporting negative correlation between ++ serotonin and — levels of aggression
E- Berman et al found that participants who were given the serotonin agonist ‘paroxetine’, behaved less aggressively compared to a control group (placebo group) whilst playing a video game, delivering fewer and less intense shocks!
E-This is evidence for the causational link between serotonin and aggression
Outline the hormonal explanation for aggression
Testosterone (released by adrenal glands and sex glands) is an androgen (male sex hormone) present in significantly larger concentrations in men, compared to women,
- It is responsible for the production of male facial characteristics and reproductive organs, being secreted from the pineal gland.
There may be a link between increased testosterone levels and increased levels of aggressive behaviour, a positive correlation demonstrated by castration studies. (Dolan)
- low levels of progesterone in woman : more aggression (negative correlation) found by Anna et al 2012
Outline a research done into hormonal mechanisms for aggression
- Dolan et al (2001) provided further support for this link by showing that violent prisoners in maximum security prisons displayed higher levels of testosterone than their non-violent counterparts.
Outline a limitation in the hormonal explanation for aggression
P- Research evidence to support the over-reliance on the hormone testosterone (REDUCTIONIST)
E- Carre and Mehta (2011) suggest that, through their dual-hormone hypothesis, testosterone does not work alone in determining aggression, but rather has an antagonistic relationship with the stress hormone cortisol,
E- where increased levels of aggression are associated with increased testosterone levels but only when cortisol is low.
L-Therefore, this implies that different hormones have different predictive values for aggression and are part of a system when developing aggressive behaviour.
Outline research evidence found for twin studies in the genetic explanation of aggression [2]
- Evidence from this comes from Coccaro et al (1997), who found concordance rates of 50% for MZ twins and 19% for DZ twins in terms of physical acts of aggression. This strongly suggests a genetic basis for aggression.
adoption studies
- Rhee and Waldman (2002)
-meta-analysis of aggression adoptees suffering from aggressive behaviour and ADP
-genetic influence accounted for 41% of variance in aggression
-therefore aggressive behaviour can be accounted for by candidate genes
Outline twin studies involved in the genetic explanation for aggression
determines the genetic/biological basis of a behaviour, due to the fact that MZ twins are genetically identical, whilst DZ twins share 50% of genes with each other.
Outline a candidate gene for aggression
-regulates and breaks down serotonin within the pre-synaptic cleft after neurotransmission
can code for :
- enzyme-L
- low activity
-more aggression because there is less serotonin breakdown
Outline a research study for candidate gene for aggression (genetic explanation)
Brunner et al provided evidence for the link between decreased MAOA levels and aggression
- large Dutch family
-all actively engaged in aggressive behaviour (e.g. rape, attempted murder, physical assult ) - all had unusually low MAOA levels
(brain and activity) - less serotonin is broken down within the synaptic cleft,
leading to an increased rate of stimulation of the postsynaptic membrane. - woman were not affected because MAOA gene is carried on the X chromosome therefore more likely to be dominant in males
Outline the interactionist approachh for the genetic explanation of aggression
Frazzetto et al (2007) suggests that it may be more beneficial to take an interactionist approach.
The researchers found that low MAOA levels only resulted in increased aggression when accompanied by traumatic childhood events which had occurred within the first 15 years of life.
This supports the interactionist, diathesis-stress model where the diathesis (biological vulnerability) is the genetic mutation of the MAOA gene and the stressor (environmental stressor) is childhood abuse, showing how genes and the environment interact with each other.
Outline a limitation in the interactionist genetic explanation for aggression
P- major problem with the use of the diathesis-stress model is the difficulty in distinguishing between the effects of nature (MAOA genetic mutations) and nurture (childhood trauma), as well as determining which has a larger influence.
E- For example, it was found in a study that provocation in a money-lending game was key to triggering aggressive behaviour in individuals with low MAOA activity levels,
whereas previously they displayed the same levels of aggression as the healthy, neurotypical control group.
E- This suggests that although the interactionist approach may be a better explanation for aggression compared to biological determinism,
L- there is still a lack of clarity over the role of the stressor.
Outline a strength in the genetic approach of aggression
(twin study)
- This is backed up as using old Danish police records Christiansen (1977) demonstrated that levels of criminality showed a stronger correlation between identical twins (55%) – with the same genes – than between dizygotic twins (22%) .
CP: However criminality is not always the same as aggression. (Environment also plays a role)
Outline a strength in the genetic approach of aggression
(provocation )
P- evidence supporting a positive correlation between increasing MAOA activity levels and increasing levels of prosocial behaviour,
E- as demonstrated by Mertins et al (2011) who found that participants with high MAOA activity levels behaved more compassionately in a money-lending game, often with fewer provocations and refusals of offers.
E- Therefore, this suggests that the link between MAOA and aggression is valid because correlations in both directions (increasing and decreasing MAOA levels) are supported by research evidence.
Outline strength of the genetic approach to aggression (animal study
strong link between MAOA activity levels and concentrations of serotonin, which has been based upon animal studies where researchers are able to ‘switch off’ or prevent the expression of the gene coding for the MAOA enzyme, thus allowing the researchers to study its effects in isolation.
E- For example, Godar et al (2014) found that when the MAOA gene was switched off in mice, these mice were ‘hyperaggressive’,
E- potentially due to the increased stimulation of postsynaptic neurons and increased amount of nerve impulses sent from amygdala to hypothalamus
L- Therefore, alongside additional evidence that the serotonin agonist ‘fluoxetine’ reverses this effect, increases the validity of the MAOA-aggression link.
Outline the ethological approach to explaining aggression& process
Ethological explanations draw links between animal and human behaviour, on the basis of studying animals in their natural habitats.
Conrad Lorenz (1950) proposed that aggression was an innate adaptive drive – evolved in humans and animals
- increasing survival : ritualistic behaviours , appeasment to the victor , making themselves vunerable & seeking new terrority
From the ethological perspective, aggression is adaptive because of two reasons:
1) aggression increases the chance of survival of a species through ritualistic beehaviours such as appeasement (trying to lessen the anger someone has towards you) :following an aggressive confrontation, the ‘loser’ will seek out new territory, increasing resources forthe species and so increasing their chances of survival.
-Secondly, aggression acts as a method of increasing one’s social status within a hierarchy, as demonstrated by Pettit et al (1988) : who found that young children use aggressive tactics in playgrounds to assert their authority, lead the others and have their way.
Outline the function of the IRM
a specific set of neurones that produces a FAP in response to specific sign stmuli
Outline the function of the FAP
innate fixed set of behaviours , occurs in response to specific sign stimuli
Outline how the IRM leads to the cascade of reactions by the FAP ( LEA)
The physiological process of an innate-releasing mechanism (IRM) is activated by a release signal, causing a cascade of the same series of behaviours, described as a fixed action pattern (FAP).
These can be characterised as being, according to Lea:
Stereotyped – behaviour follows a certain pattern each time.
Universal- all the animals in that species use the same type of threat.
Innate- all the animals in that species seem to be born with it and don’t have to learn it.
Ballistic- Once it starts it cannot simply be stopped.
Specific: only certain triggers seem to set it off
Outline research evidence for the FAP
Tinbergen (1951) who found that male sticklebacks will respond aggressively to model red spots (a releaser) which triggers the IRM , regardless of whether the model resembles a stickleback or not.
Fish showed a FAP to both a fake sickleback with a red dot and a piece of wood with a red dot
. Tinbergen’s study supports the idea that aggression is a FAP triggered by sign stimuli.
Evaluate a strength of the ethological explanation for aggression
P-evidence supporting the biological, innate basis of IRM and FAP systems.
E- there is researc to support the roe of the limbicc system in triggering aggression (E.G gospic et al Ultimatium game and Bremner study)
E- supports the suggestion that that aggression may be primitive , innate instinct therefore an adaptive trait
L- therefore role of IRM and limbic system ccan b valid explanation for aggression
eval weakness of ethological approach (chimpanz)
P- evidence to suggest that ritualistic aggression may not be displayed by all species and in all situations.
E- For example, Goodall’s (2010) observation of chimpanzees in a national park found that rival communities slaughtered each other in a systematic
fashion, despite appeasament and ritualistic signals being displayed by the victims.
E-This supports the idea that once a releaser has triggered the IRM, this will always lead to a FAP, however it is diffcult to be explained by konrad lorenz’s ritualistic idea of aggression (limiting validity)
Outline the evolutionary explanation of human aggression
- Through the process of natural selection we have evolved to display aggression as in the age of prehistoric man , aggression was an adaptive behaviour that helped us to survive and reproduce
-Sexual jealousy is stronger in males (compared to females) due paternity uncertainty, which may lead to cuckoldry i.e. a male raising a son which is not his own. This is an evolutionary disadvantage, due to the male wasting his resources which he could have otherwise used on raising his own children. Therefore, anti-cuckoldry behaviours, in the form of male retentive strategies, are adaptive because they reduce the risk of cuckoldry
- Therefore, there is a clear link between male retention strategies and aggression, the latter of which is usually used to implement such strategies.
Outline a weakness of the ethological explanation of aggression
(cultural relativism)
P- (lacks Cultural relativism) An ethological explanation assumes that behaviour is innate : should be uniform across all cultures.
E- However, Nisbett (1996) found that in a laboratory experiment when South American white males were insulted they were more likely to respond aggressively than white North American males under the same conditions.
E- This research demonstrates cultural differences that would be problematic for the ethological explanation to account for, as there was a high variation in aggressive responses.
Outline how bullying can be explained as an evolutionary explanation for aggression
-Bullying may not be the product of poor social skills or dysfunctional upbringing as previously thought, but may have an evolutionary advantage. For example, in evolutionary terms, men who bullied other men through reinforcing a power imbalance, were more likely to have their pick of resources and to mate with more females (due to the influence of fewer competing males), and increasing the likelihood of their genes being passed onto as many offspring as possible.
-Female bullying is more likely to occur within relationships to ensure fidelity (e.g. through threats or monitoring), as opposed to aiming to acquire new relationships (which is the male perspective). Therefore, the aggressive act of bullying may be considered as adaptive, as suggested by Volk et al (2012).
Outline research support for the evolutionary explanation of aggression
- there is a clear link between male retention strategies and aggression, the latter of which is usually used to implement such strategies.
A summary of 8 studies investigating same sex killings involving a “love-triangle” found that 92% of killing were male-male murders, whereas 8% were female-female. This suggests that aggression is an evolved response to sexual jealousy in men.
-This was further supported by Wilson et al (1995), who found that male retention strategies left 53% of respondents fearing for their lives due to physical violence.
Outline strength of the evolutionary explanation for aggression (shackleford)
P- There is research supporting the link between sexual jealousy and aggression.
E- The main example of this would be Shackleford’s 2005 study which found that male retention strategies are a method of expressing sexual jealousy,
E- which leads to aggressive behaviour both towards females and other partners.
L - This increases the reliability of evolutionary theories as a method of explaining aggression, due to this supporting evidence.
Outline strength of the evolutionary explanation for aggression (females)
P - useful - can provide an explanation for gender differences in aggression.
E- Campbell (1999) : females are more likely to engage in acts of verbal rather than physical
E- as this ensures that their own survival, as well as the survival of their offspring, is not endangered.
- prevents females from being involved in: life-threatening physical confrontations with their partners,
increases their chance of survival through the use of non-aggressive methods of resolving conflicts (Bess and Shackleford).
L - This utility increases the validity of the evolutionary explanation of aggression.
Outline the Frustration-Aggression model as a way of explaining aggression
Dollard and miller (1939) :
Frustration always leads to aggression, which is always the product of frustration (a converse argument).
- frustration was a psychological drive, similar to the biological drive of hunger/thirst
-when satisfied : drive reduction : “balance” restored in individual : CATHARSIS
-can occur due to blocking of a goal
not possible to always achieve such task-reduction: consequence may be too:
- dangerous : may risk PUNISHMENT
- source of frustration may not be present at
- time and cause of aggression too abstract :
therefore : aggression stemming from frustration is displaced onto another weaker and immediately-available target to achieve drive reduction.
Outline research evidence for the frustration- aggression model
Geen et al (1968),
studied male university students under 3 conditions, carrying out the task to complete a task.
Those who were insulted by confederates whilst doing so administered the strongest shocks, whereas those who simply found the puzzle impossible delivered the weakest shocks out of the experimental group, followed by the lowest levels being displayed by the non-frustrated control group.
This supports Dollard’s original idea that frustration is displaced onto other targets when aggression cannot immediately be reduced through drive reduction.
What is an alternative view of the frustration aggression model
-Berkowitz (1989)
- did not take same cathartic view as dollard
-frustration “readied” a person for aggression
-certain aggressive cues/environmental triggers were needed to initiate this reaction
presence of two guns influenced participants to administer electric shocks 1.4V higher to confederates who’d previously given participants electric shocks, compared to the control condition of having no guns.
support for berkowitz’s negative theory : frustration doesnt always lead to aggression but rather other environmental stimuli is needed
Evaluate a strength of the frustration aggression model
P- One strength of the frustration aggression hypothesis is that it can be applied to understand real world scenarios .
E- Priks et al conducted a study of **swedish football fans **and found that they were more likely to show aggression when their team was performing worse than expected.
E- This supports the frustration aggression hypothesis , which could explain that the fan’s goal of seeing their team win has been blocked , causing them to feel frustrated , thus leading them to show more aggression.
CP : small sample only males : testosterone
Evaluate weakness of the frutstration-aggression model (berkowitz)
P- Berkowitz’s disagreed with Dollard’s “readieness” idea of aggression
E- berkowitz suggested frustration is only one of severeal stimuli that can trigger aggression ,therefore aggression not always the result of aggression : otheer factors e.g negative feelings : pain, jelousy
E- Conversely, frustration can lead to other consequences rather than only aggression
(positive because theories are evolving etc. )
Evaluate weakness of the frutstration-aggression model
P- based on unscientific Freudian concepts and subjective notions of the level of frustration.
E- other explanations may be more objective : limbic system & role of OFC where there is supporting evidence provided from scientific scans E.G PETs
E- whilst frustration does play a role, other biological factors influence aggressive behaviours. (clearly link the topic with the other explanation or it is not a valid evaluation).
Outline the Social learning theory as an explanation for aggression
- Bandura suggested that learning is a social process, and occurs through the observation and imitation of specific behaviours displayed by identified role models. Learning can occur both directly, through classical and operant conditioning, and also indirectly, through vicarious reinforcement.
Outline the process of Vicarious reinforcement and identification (SLT)
- Reinforcement increases the likelihood that an observed behaviour, such as aggressive acts, will be repeated whilst punishment decreases this likelihood.
- Vicarious reinforcement occurs when we see a role model being rewarded for displaying certain types of behaviour. The observer is then likely to imitate this modeled behaviour as they are motivated in achieving the same reward . Self-efficacy can be used to assess the likelihood that carrying out this behaviour will result in this reward/desire consequence. An example may be a parent rewarding their son for acting protectively over their toys.
- Role models are likely to have desirable characteristics (e.g. wealth or popularity), be the same sex as the observer and have high social status. Children choose role models through the process of identification.
Outline the meditational processes and what they mean
- There are 4 mediational (cognitive) processes which facilitate this learning, and mediate between stimulus and response. These are :
- Attention - observer notices models aggressive actions
- Retention - observer remembers models aggressive behaviour
- Motor Reproduction- observer repeats behaviour based on memory
- Motivation- observer imitates behaviours if they have an expectation that behaving aggressively is rewarding
Thus, this also demonstrates that the learning and reproduction of behaviour does not need to occur at the same time.
Outline research evidence for SLT as an explanation for aggression
- Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment (1961)
demonstrated that children observe and imitate behaviours displayed by same-sex role models. Adult was seen by children beating the Bobo doll with a mallet and being verbally abusive towards it, the children imitated such aggressive behaviours themselves.
Children who’d observed a neutral or non-aggressive role model also copied such neutral and non-aggressive behaviours. This supports social learning theory as an explanation for aggression.
Outline a limitation of SLT as an explanation for aggression
— does not take into account biological factors contributing to the fact that, regardless of the models, boys always behaved more aggressively than girls.
This may be due to boys having higher levels of testosterone compared to girls - this androgen has been associated with higher levels of aggression, as demonstrated by Virkkunen et al (1994).
Therefore, this suggests that SLT is an incomplete explanation of aggression.
Outline the limitations for SLT as an explanation for aggression
P- does not take into account biological factors contributing to the fact that, regardless of the models, boys always behaved more aggressively than girls.
E- This may be due to boys having higher levels of testosterone compared to girls - this androgen has been associated with higher levels of aggression, as demonstrated by Virkkunen et al (1994).
E- Therefore, this suggests that SLT is an incomplete explanation of aggression.
Outline an advantage of SLT as an explanation for aggression
P- the practical application of a comprehensive understanding of the role of SLT in the development of aggression is the improvement of treatments for aggression in young children and adolescents.
E- This is based on the idea of reciprocal inhibition, where individuals play an active role in their learning through the use of (cognitive) mediational processes. Thus, each individual learns through their environment, which in turn adjusts their behaviour
E- useful : shows we have an influence over our learning,
such learning of aggressive acts can be altered through the increasing use of compassionate and non-violent role models, particularly in the media.
Outline de-individuation as an explanation for aggression
**Le Bon (1895)
“de-individuation”- group behaviour : no personal responsibility for our actions
- diminished because the responsibility is shared among the group
- we do not fear retaliation (punishment) for our actions: anon face in the crowd
-our behaviour is not restricted by social norms : lose our inhibition and fear of consequences of our actions - Zimbardo (1969) suggested that when we enter a group setting or crowd, our behaviour becomes antinormative and disinhibited, impulsive and irrational as opposed to restrained by social norms.
This means that laws and social norms no longer apply to our behaviour, as we cannot be judged by others through being anonymous, nor will we face up to the consequences of our behaviour, as supported by Dixon and Mahendran (2012).
consequences of anonymity, as opposed to the anonymity itself, that allows us to develop either
- private self-awareness: we become less aware of our own beliefs and opinions because the larger group is more important
public self-awareness: the anonymity means that we will not face retribution or judgements from others
Outline research evidence to support de-individuation as an explanation for aggression
- Dodd (1985)
- anonymity : allows us to act beyond social norms : through de-individuation : changing levels of self awareness
He found that, if given free-reign over any events and remaining anonymous whilst doing so, 36% of 226 psychology undergraduates would behave in an antisocial manner, whilst only 9% would act righteously e.g. helping the poor.
Evaluate an advantage about de-individuation as an explanation for aggression
P- There are practical applications associated with an improved understanding of de-individuation, particularly in the media, as suggested by Douglas and McGarty (2001).
E- These researchers found that, within studies of chatroom activities, the most violent and aggressive messages were sent by those who concealed their identities.
E- This supports the idea that de-individuation may lead to a diminished feeling of one’s own responsibility for their actions, resulting in increased disinhibition and aggression.
weakness of de-indviduation (overemphasis)
- (more weakneesses social influence)
— Le Bon and Dodd may have overemphasised the importance of de-individuation
-diminished responsibility as an explanation for aggression
-Social Identity model of De-Individuation Effects :
- shift of focus/attention from oneself as an individual to one as part of large anonymous group causes conformity to norms of behaviour within a group : proscocial and antisocial
-de-individuation only partial explanation for aggression as individuals private & public awareness are a far more important process
Outline disadvantages about de-individuation as an explanation for aggression [2]
—too much emphasis on group dynamics affecting the group as a whole
- rather than changes that an individual can make to decrease their feelings of self-awareness, such as through the use of a uniform.
- Johnson and Downing (1979) :
participants dressed as KKK deliverd higher-intensity electric shocks to confedrates compared to uniform of nurse
- social roles associated with uniform emphasised and not lost in group setting
Outline the dispositional explanation for institutional aggression in the context of prisons
-Irwin and Cressay (1962)
-importation model
- aggression caused by individual differences between offenders rather than prison context
-will behave same way in prisons than in real life due to dispositions
E.g : drug use , economical poverty , biology etc
These characteristics will pre-dispose them to use aggression to navigate their way around the prison social hierarchy, and not be challenged for doing so because aggression is part of the ‘prison subculture’.
Outline the situational explanation for aggression in the context of prisons
- deprivation model
- clemmer 1958
- suggests that prison-associated factors can reliably determine aggressive behaviour.
The lack of material goods (e.g. TV time), as well as the opportunity to fulfill psychological needs (e.g. heterosexual intimacy , relationships) - increases competition for such resources : disputes against immates : only resolved through violence and aggression
Outline research support for the dispositional explanation for institutional aggression in the context of prisons
DeLisi et al (2011)
- found that certain individuals with such dispositional traits, such as childhood trauma (negative backgrounds) and irritability, coincided with an increased risk of violent behaviour and suicides
- in a group of 813 juvenile offenders when compared to a control group.
-Therefore, this suggests that dispositional
Outline research support for the situational explanation for institutional aggression in the context of prisons
-Steiner (2009)
-meta-analysis of 512 prisons in the US
found that ‘prison-level’ factors could be used as indicators for the likelihood of aggressive behaviour (independent of individual characteristics) e.g.
-the presence of female officers
- overcrowding and more inmates in protective custody .
-These behaviours reliably predict aggressive behaviour in line with the deprivation model . This further supports situational explanations for aggression within prisons.
Evaluate a strength for the situational explanation for institutional aggression
P- There is evidence supporting the situational deprivation model of aggression.
E- For example Cunningham et al (2010) found that several of Clemmer’s identified situational factors were involved in 35 homicides within Texas prisons, such as disputes over relationships and authority.
E- Therefore, this suggests that such factors are an important determinant of increasing the likelihood of aggressive behaviour.
Outline how we could reduce institutional aggression according to deprivation and importation model
deprivation model
- provide material goods e.g + TV time or for psychological needs e.g intimacy of a heterosexual relationship
allowed through:
-conjugal visit
-recommend prisoners have more space/liberty e.g fewer prisoners per cell , individual cells
Outline a weakness of the dispositional explanation for institutional aggression
P- A weakness of the importation model is a failure to consider situational factors which contribute to the quality of the prison, and therefore the associated prison factors
E- Dilulio (1991) suggthaed that the ‘administrative control model’ (ACM) is a more valid and accurate explanation of aggressive behaviour within prisons,
E- because it emphasises the consequences of poor prison management. These can include irregular implementation of rules and officers maintaining psychological distances with the inmates.
L- Such factors may create ‘triggers’ for aggression which increases the influence of dispositional factors.
and DOLLAN et al : testosterone plays a factor
Evaluate why the importation model is determinist
P- Suggests prisoneers are aggressive because of “negative” dispositions , they cant coontrol implying that prison aggression is inevitable
E- However prehaps prison aggression results from prisoneeers excercising their free will . Cognitive factors also play a role so aggression is not inevitable
L- Therefore on balance the model is soft determinist . Prisoners may be predisposed to aggression but aggressive behaviour ultimately depends on other factors
Outline Media influences on aggression: TV and computer games
TV and film effects
- excessive TV viewing may lead to aggression
- Robertson et al : time spent watching TV in adolescence and childhood was a reliable predictator of aggression
- VIOLENT FILM CONTENT : bandura bobo doll experiment on TV : social learning process can operate on media alongside face-to-face
- However effects are not strong : Paik and cornstock : 1-10% variance for aggrssive behaviour
Computer Games
-individual takes an active role and in game-playing the player is directly rewarded for the aggressive behaviour (operant conditioning)
-supported by lab and correlational studies
Outline research evidence for media influeences : computer games for aggression
Craig and Anderson (2002)
- violent comp game for 10 min resulted in higher aggreession compared to non violent game
-assessed using TCRTT
-violent group 1.37 decibels greater than non viol group
-mortal kombat > tournement gold
DeLisi et al (2013)
-positive correl : aggressive characteristic behaviours & increasing violeentt videogames
- aggression should be treated as epidemical health concern
Anderson et al (2010)
- meta analysis
-136 studies
-positive corr: increased exposure to aggressive media and increased likelihood of them displaying aggressive behaviour themselves
-irrespective of gender or culture types (e.g individualist and collectivist)
Evaluate a disadvantage of using meta analysis for the effects of computer games on aggression
P- The main methodological criticism of meta-analyses would be publication bias,
E- which suggests that publishers favour studies which show statistical significance, as opposed to non-significant results which do not show any differences between experimental conditions.
E- However, this publication bias means that only studies finding significant results will be included in meta-analyses, resulting in an inaccurate and misrepresentation of research into the effects of aggressive computer games.
E- This therefore reduces the universality of the causal conclusions reached.
evaluate a disadvantage of coomputer games for aggression
— Experimental studies investigating the effects of violent video games on behaviour often suffer from low mundane realism.
This is due to the artificial tasks and highly controlled conditions of a laboratory experiment.
For example, as there is no risk of retaliation (revenge/punishment) in such an environment, participants may behave more aggressively than they usually would, resulting again in a systematic error.
The assessment methods of aggression are unlikely to be accurate, such as the TCRTT used by Craig and Anderson, due to their artifical nature, thus reducing the ecological validity of the findings.
Outline desensitisation as an explanation for aggression
refers to the way that in which people become less anxious and shocked by media violence, as a result of exposure.
This causes individuals to be less empathic towards victims and increasingly accept aggression as the ‘social norm’, with reduced physiological responses from the sympathetic nervous system.
Funk et al (2004), who was concerned about the increasingly common trend in the media to minimise the consequences of aggression.
- more likely to act aggressive
Outline Disinhibition as an explanation for aggression
Disinhibition describes the process whereby our restraints towards violence and aggression are lowered, through direct or indirect learning during the process of social learning.
The media is a particularly important influence due to rewarding aggressive behaviour and minimising its negative consequences. This results in new social norms and attitudes towards aggression being developed. (e.g computer games showing violence being rewarded)
Outline “cognitive priming” as an explanation for aggression
Huesmann (1998) suggests that ‘cognitive priming’ describes the idea that, through exposure to a repeated number of aggressive acts being rewarded/vicariously reinforced (SLT), we develop a mental framework to make predictions about how aggression will ‘play out’ in the real world. The subsequent changes in memory means that we are automatically cognitively primed to anticipate the consequences of aggression.
Outline research support for desensitisation
- The process of habituation and an increasing tolerance towards aggression was demonstrated by Weisz and Earls (1995), who found that men who had watched the film Straw Dogs (which includes a graphic and distressing rape scene) were more accepting of rape myths and less likely to find the defendant guilty when watching a rape trail re-enactment.
Outline research support for cognitive priming
- This was demonstrated by Greitemeyer (2006), who found that male participants who’d listened to aggressive songs featuring derogatory comments about women, behaved more aggressively towards a female confederate, compared to those who’d heard gender-neutral lyrics. This suggests that the media may cognitively prime audiences to develop an increasing tolerance and disinhibition towards violence.
evaluate a disadvantage of coomputer games for aggression ( complex)
— such research is assuming that the only difference between violent and non-violent video games is the level of violence displayed
Video games which include complex dimensions and numerous keys, such as Marathon 2 : more engaging and require more of the user’s attention compared to ‘simpler’ games.
This creates systematic errors in that the more complex games may result in the development of a more influential cognitive script (mental framework) , resulting in more disinhibition and desensitisation, and consequently higher levels of violence.
Thus, such a simplistic distinction made between games does not make for reliable conclusions.
strengths for disinhibition
strength : research support
-Berkowitz and Alioto found that participants who saw a film depicting aggression as venegance (revengeful) administered more electrical shocks of longer duration to confedrate (fake).
-media infl may disinihibit aggressive behaviour if it is presented as justified and socially acceptable (venegance)
-demonstrates link between removal of social constraints and subsequent aggressive behaviour
-can explain effects of cartoon violence
-children do not learn specific aggressive behaviours but rather they learn that aggression is a socially desirable/normative and generally acceptable.
-especially true :cartoon model is not punished: acts as a role model
-therefore explains how cartoon aggression can lead to disinhibition to those who observe
strengths and weaknesses of cognitive priming
-real world applications :
-individuals become violent depending on how interpret environmental cues in a situation
- depends on cognitive scripts/mental frameworks in memeory
- bushman and anderson : someone who habitually watches violent media stores aggressive scripts more readily
-more likely to interpret cues as aggressive and resort to more violent solutions without considering alternatives
-intervention could potentially reduce aggressive behaviour by challenging hostile cognitive biases
- confounding variables in research
-research into effects of video games suggests that playing violent video games compared to non aggressive ones
-violent games tend to be much more complex in their game play which could act as a confounding variable
-(e.g) David Zendle et al found that when complexity was controlled the priming effect of violent video games disappeared
-supporting findings into studies of cognitive priming may be partly due to confounding variables
strength and weakness for desensitisation
strength : research support
-Krahe et al : showed participants violent and non violent films
-measured psychological arousal using skin conductance
- participants who were habitual viewers of violent media showed lower levels of arousal as they watched violent clips
- Also :louder burts of white noise (measure of aggression) to confedrate without being provoked (proactive aggression)
- desensitisation may not explain all types of aggression
-study by krahe et al failed to form a lnk between media viewing , lower arousal and provoked aggression
-more valid explanation : catharsis such as in psychodynamic theory : suggests viewing violent media is a safety valve allowing people to carry out aggressive impulses w/o behaving aggressively
-alternative explanations may b more valid