_____ means a mass of crushed stone, gravel, sand, etc, predominantly composed of individual particles, but in some cases including clays and silts.
Due to the differences in the size of the aggregate particles, four terms are defined to facilitate the discussion of the general size characteristics of aggregates: _____ and ______.
Coarse aggregates and Fine craggregates.
Aggregate particles that are retained on a 4.75 mm sieve (No. 4). A 4.75 mm sieve has openings equal to 4.75 mm between the sieve wires. A No. 4 sieve has four openings per linear inch. The 4.75 mm sieve is the metric equivalent to a No. 4 sieve.
Coarse aggregates.
Aggregate particles that pass a 4.75 mm sieve (No. 4).
Fine aggregates.
The smallest sieve through which 100% of the aggregates pass.
Maximum aggregate size.
The largest sieve that retains any of the aggregate, but generally not more than 10%.
Nominal maximum aggregate size.
Natural sources for aggregates include ______.
Gravel pits, river run deposits, and rock quarries.
_______ can use slag waste from iron and steel mills and expanded shale and clays to produce lightweight aggregates.
Manufactured aggregates.
It used for radiation shields, can use steel slag and bearings for the aggregate.
Heavyweight concrete.
It can be used as an aggregate in lightweight concrete used for insulation. Natural lightweight aggregates include pumice, scoria, volcanic cinders, tuff, and diatomite.
Styrofoam beads.
Aggregates are used primarily as an underlying material for foundations and pavements as ______ for erosion control, and as _____ in portland cement and asphalt concretes.
Rip-rap, ingredients.
It can add stability to a structure, provide a drainage layer, and protect the structure from frost damage.
Aggregate underlying materials, or base courses.
It is a function of the interparticle friction between the aggregates and the amount of clay and silt “binder” material in the voids between the aggregate particles.
In ______, 60% to 75% of the volume and 79% to 85% of the weight are made up of aggregates.
The ______ act as a filler to reduce the amount of cement paste needed in the mix. In addition, having it has a greate volume stability than the cement paste.
Portland cement concrete.
In _____, aggregates constitute 75% to 85% of the volume and 92% to 96% of the mass.
The acts as a binder to hold the aggregates together, but does not have enough strength to lock the aggregate particles into position.
As a result, the strength and stability of it depends mostly on interparticle friction between the aggregates and, to a limited extent, on the binder.
Asphalt cement.