Ages and stages Flashcards
2 month milestones (3)
2mo Valentines day
1. Lifts head and turns to look/follow at COOtie (Drops toy in shock)
2. Recognize and hears their crush
3. Smiles and tries to talk to them(reciprocal voice play)
4 month milestones (5)
4mo April fools
1. Raspberry
2. Laughs
3. Puppy prop
4. follows head towards the sound of someone laughing
5. ulnar grasp
6 month milestones (6+1)
6mo 6 S’s + 1
1. Sit/stand
2. Stops at no
3. Speak(babble)
4. Scoops
5. Switch (objects in hands)
6. Sayonara (bye bye)
7. Second ratchet and clank = commando
9 month milestones (8)
9mo The Ps
1. Pull self up and stand
2. Object Performance
3. Pincer graph
4. Peekaboo/patacake
5. Private baby(follows 1 step commands)
6. Prefers name (answers it)
7. Puff solo eater
8. patrols the floor (crawls)
1 year milestones
1yr One syllable words (TOP G BS)
Talk one Point Gait Blocks (2) Share
18 month milestones (8)
18 months (18 = play date)
- Builds better towers 3-4 blokcs
- Throws balls and dumps cup when date is not going well.
- Recognizes body
- Follows his and her commands (2 step)
- Plays and carries stuffed animals to play date
- Eats dinner with a fork with date
- Recognize their body parts
- Points to the stars to have you look and points to the napkins asking for them
2 years milestones (6)
2yr Two word (doubles)
1. 2 words
2. Kicks baLL
3. ParaLLel play
4. Doubles building skiLLs
5. Flips bOOk
6. Points to watch object’s caLLed
30 month milestones (7)
30mo I (refers self as I) am the Cs
1. Crane(hop on one foot)
2. Copies crude circle
3. Carry convo
4. Crayon in fist
5. Crazy walk (backwards)
6. Cross (uses prepositions)
7. Points to objects Chosen by what it Can do
3 year milestones (7)
3 letters, 3 numbers (9-10 cubes as well), 3 colors, 3 shapes, 3 wheels, 3 fingers for crayon, 3 names minus 1 (first, middle)
4 year milestones (12)
Four myself(x2)
1. Own name/sex
2. Dress/undress self
3. Feed self
4. Self-care
5. Answers about own preferences
6. Know my whole name
- Knows days of week
- Answers questions on own
- Runs/walk/climb stairs with no help
- Draw square(4corners)
- one leg by self
- draw self
5 year milestones
Favorite TV show
Injury non-awareness
Very smooth skipping and ball-catching
Everything else: right/left, simple chores
6 year milestones (2)
morning/afternoon, read one syllable
7 year milestones (3)
shoes, days of the week TODAY, add and sub 1 digit