Agents of socialisation Flashcards
What is primary socialisation
Socialisation in the family from 0-4
What are the six agents of socialisation
Family, peer group, media, religion, education and workplace
What does the family teach and how do we learn through the family
Parents teach basic norms and values and contribute to our identity
Learn through imitation of family members and through positive and negative sanctions
Who did not get primary socialisation
Feral children e.g. Genie, Oxana
Functionalist perspective on the family
The female is the expressive leader and is mainly responsible for the nurturing and socialisation of the children.
Marxist perspective of the family
The nuclear family performs ideological functions for capitalism.
Postmodern view on the family
Families are very varied and individuals have much more choice how to live their lives.
Feminist perspective on the family
The family has two key methods to oppress women, socialising girls to accept subservient roles and that boys are superior and socialising women that the ‘housewife’ role is the only way to be a woman.
Who does the peer group refer to
Refers to those of a similar age or similar taste e.g year groups or subcultures
Why is the peer group important
Important agent as young people spend a lot of their time with peers
Often more important than family as young people want to be liked = strong desire to conform
Main ways the peer group influences behaviour
Conformity and social exclusion
Studies involving the peer group
Judith Harris (1998): Peers can be more influential than parents in shaping children's identities Tony Sewell (2000): Cultural comfort zones
Feminist view on the peer group
Hey (1997): The norms of female peer groups are deeply rooted in the patriarchy
What do sociologists say the problem with mass media is
Some sociologists say the rise of violence in society is due to the images young people are exposed to through the media
How has media influence grown in recent years
The use and influence has grown hugely with the internet, mobile phones, games, TV and magazines
Many of us say we aren’t influenced by the media but sociologists would disagree
How can the media influence us
The media can create a bulimic society
Functionalist view of the media
One of the main functions of media is to create a reality
Marxist view of the media
Media is an instrument of the bourgeoise
Postmodern view of the media
Media has replaced reality to such an extent, we live in hyper-reality
Feminist view of the media
The media is a way patriarchal views are instilled in young girls
What is the timeline of religion in the UK
Until the mid-20th century, religion was a key agent in the UK
Christianity promoted moral guidelines for people to follow
The latter part of the 20th century saw a decline in religion
This prompted sociologists to say religion is no longer influential.
Why is religion still important
Not all religions are in decline, those of ethnic minorities are rising
Religious moral codes still shape laws and attitudes
Functionalist view on religion
Religion is based on symbols
Marxist view on religion
Religion dulls the pain of exploitation
Postmodernist view on religion
Othordox assumptions reflect power differences in society rather than universal truths
Feminist perspective on religion
Religion is a conservative force that maintains the patriarchy
What are the parts of the curriculum
Two elements of the curriculum
Formal curriculum e.g maths, English, history
Hidden curriculum e.g manners, routines, norms
What other agent does education overlap with
Overlaps with the peer group as young people see their peers at school
Functionalist view on education
The education system is seen as a mini-society to prepare young people for the workforce
Marxist view on education
Pupils are unconsciously socialised into values for working in a capitalist system
Postmodernist view on education
Teachers lead students to discover new things
Feminist view on education
The education system transmits patriarchal values
How are adults socialised in the workplace
The experience of the workplace teaches people skills but also socialises them into the formal rules that underpin organisations
There may be a canteen culture in some workplaces that sets out informal rules for getting on with other workers
Functionalist view on the workplace
Emphasises income and employment for any society
Marxist view on the workplace
Highlights the control for the economic elite.
Feminist view on the workplace
The workplace instils patriarchal norms.