Age of Salutary Neglect (1650-1750) Flashcards
Economic power was rooted in a favorable balance of trade and the control of specie (hard currency).
Navigation Acts
Required colonists to buy goods only from England, to sell certain products only to England, and pay duties on non-English imports.
Sought to establish English control over colonial commerce.
Did English colonists protest that Navigation Acts when they first came into effect?
No, they were still to reliant on England for trade and military protection at that point.
Colonial Governments
Colonial Legislatures - all were bicameral (except PA) to reflect the British Parliament.
Bacon’s Rebellion
VA - 1676. Frontier farmers were subject to raids, so settlers banded together to drive natives out. Stopped by gov. in Jamestown, who did not want a war with the Indians. The frontiersman became angry with the gov., and were led by Nathaniel Bacon.
Demanded that Gov. William Berkeley grant him militia to raise an army and attack the tribes. Berkeley said no, Bacon did it anyway and also burned Jamestown to the ground. (Often cited as a populist uprising)
Stono Uprising
One of the most successful slave uprisings. 1739. Slaves met near Stono River, collected guns and ammunition, killed planters/storekeepers, and liberated slaves. While trying to escape, most were killed/captured. Incited stricter slave laws and regulations.
Salem Witch Trials
1692 - hysteria over witchcraft that incited the executions of women believed to be witches.
Dominion of New England
English government that tried to clamp down on illegal trade.
Prominent Great Awakening Leaders
Jonathon Edwards
George Whitefield
Great Awakening
Wave of religious revivalism
Response to Enlightenment
Evangelism - based on emotional preaching
Ben Franklin
Enlightenment thinker, wrote Poor Richard’s Almanack
Life in colonies in the early 1700s
Most colonists lived in the rural areas. Blacks lived in countryside and south (mainly as slaves).
Cities - most immigrants settled in cities. Work paid too little, high rates of poverty. Bad sanitation. They did, although, provide education and progress.
Colleges in 1700s
Primarily to train ministers.
Education was still pretty rare.
Middle Colonies
What did they focus on?
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania
New England
What did they focus on?
Connecticut, Rhode Island, MA Bay, New Hampshire
What did they focus on?
Maryland and Virginia
Combined features of lower south and middle colonies.
Lower South
What did they focus on?
Slavery and cash crops (although majority of farmers did not have slaves)