Age Of exploration Flashcards
An ancient civilization in South America along the west coast. They were discovered in the 1500s
People of central Mexico whose civilizations was conquered by Cortez
A member of a media metrical indian people inhabiting southeast Mexico, known for inventions in math and science
Colombian exchange
It was the first step through connecting all continents through trade
British East Indian company BEIC
English company formed in 1600 to develop trade with the new British colonies in India and South-Eastern Asia
The first english colony in America to survive and become permanent. It was settled in 1607 and supported itself through tobacco farming
We’re people who wanted to “purify”, or simplify the Church of England
Was the ship that brought the pilgrims to America. It sailed from Southampton, England on September 16, 1620
A city and unitary authority on the south coast of Devon
Names 7 reasons for exploration
Curiosity Fame Religion New trade routes Wealth National pride Foreign goods
MBC Massachusetts Bay Colony/Plymouth
Locations of the puritans settlement
Triangle trade
Pattern of trade across the Atlantic Ocean
Atlantic slave trade
Was the enslavement and transportation, primarily of african people, to the colonies of the new world
13 colonies
The english territories founded along the Atlantic coast of america
….. ….. And voluntary subjection to others
Indentured servants
A person under contract to for another
The power or right to act think speak what you want
Act of violence or open resistance
Over throw of government or social order
Name 5 things about the Aztecs
1- the spanish landed in 1517
2- hernan Cortez lead the spanish invasion on them
3- the Spanish brought small poxs with them it killed the emperor and many others
4- they had supplies and resources the Spanish did not
5- the capital was richer then any spanish city
5 things about the incas
1- they were located in South America along the west coast
2- it is called the hidden city
3- they constructed miles if roads
4- most of the food they are they grew
5- they were discovered by the Spanish in the 1500’s
5 things about the Mayans
1- they built their own city
2- their priest were super human preachers, and proved to be powerless
3- some believe that war or disease brought an end to them
4- they were deeply spiritual
5- the sacrificed people to please the gods
Positive things about the Colombian exchange
Exchange of delicious food and cultures
Negative things about the Columbia exchange
Small poxs
The 3 G’s of colonization
3 things of triangle trade
1- goods were traded through a barter system
2- goods came from mainly two sources England and Africa
3- many ships come to the eastern seaboard
2 things about slavery
1- it’s estimated that 10 million salves came to America
2- slavey became illegal in 1807
Jacques Cartier
Christopher Columbus
Italian sailer hired by the Spanish to explore America
Hernan Cortez
Spanish explorer who attacked the Aztecs
Vosconda Gama
Elizabeth I
Ferdinand Magellan
Francisco pizzaro
Prince Henry the Navigator