Age And Stage Of Development Flashcards
Gross motor skills at birth to 1 year
Downwards and outwards: control movement of head down, then arms to hands, sitting up, rolling, crawling, pull self up to stand
Fine motor skills birth - 1 year
Clasping hands, passing toys, holding items, pointing to things
Gross motor skills 1-2 years
Walking and sit down from staying, crawl upstairs, climbing, pushing/pulling toys
Fine motor skills 1-2 years
Co-ordinate hand movements, picking up objects between thumb and finger, using a spoon, holding a cup
Gross motor skills 2-3 years
Run, jump, walking up stairs properly, ride a tricycle and steer, climb a frame
Fine motor skills 2-3 years
Using a spoon and fork, simple dressing, build a tower, draw circles and lines
Gross motor skills 3-5 years
Ride a bike, learn to swim, run and avoid obstacles, sit with knees crossed, stand on one foot
Fine motor skills 3-5 years
Cute with scissors, dress self(except zips and laces), hand strength and co-ordination games (Lego, jigsaw), copy name and write simple words, cut along a line
Receptive language development birth - 1 years
Recognise voices, looks at people talking, soothed when spoken to, turns to look at voices, understands 2/3 phrases (bye, no), can follow simple instructions
Expressive language development brith-1 year
Coos, makes happy sounds, repeats sounds, makes sounds for attention, raises voice for attention
Receptive development language 1-2 year
Understands words and simple conversations, joins in nursery rhymes, can point to several parts of the body
Expressive language development 1-2 years
Babble uses 2-6 words, uses 6-20 words, echo back words, uses 50 words to make simple sentences, talks to self
Receptive language development 2-3 years
Enjoys simple books, understands most of what adults say, can follow two part instructions
Expressive language development 2-3 years
200+ words, knows full name and asking simple questions (what, where and then why), uses I ME HE HIM
Receptive language development 3-5 years
Enjoys jokes and sounds, can pick out individual sounds and words (needed for reading)