AG Set 3 of 4 Flashcards
An ALPR shall only be used to
scan license plates of vehicles that
are exposed to ___________________
public view
A license plate number or partial license
plate number shall not be included in an
ALPR initial BOLO list unless there is a
legitimate and specific law enforcement
______________________ to identify or
locate that particular vehicle, or any person
or persons who are reasonably believed
to be associated with that vehicle.
An authorized user may access and use
stored ALPR alert data (i.e., ALPR license
plate data matching an entry on
a BOLO list) as part of an active investigation
or for any other legitimate
law enforcement purpose, including but
not limited to a BOLO query, a crime
scene query, or ________________
________________ analysis.
crime trend
Agencies may access and use stored
non-alert data where such access might
reasonably lead to the discovery of evidence
or information relevant to the investigation
of a ______________ criminal
The property record system should include
a _____________________ filing
system and a system of property reports
and receipts to record the details of each
property transaction.
The three primary considerations for
a law enforcement agencies property
storage facility include volume
and type of property held; over-all ____________________; and total
available space.
The chief law enforcement officer should
delegate the property control function to
_________________ specific officer.
Access to evidence and the property
vault must be restricted to the
property officer, and one other officer
/ preferably the property officer’s
There should be a complete audit of
stored property whenever there is a
change in the property officer, unit supervisor,
chief law enforcement officer or
any other personnel with responsibility
over access to the property, if there is
any indication or suspicion of a breach of
integrity in the property system, and on
a routine ________________________
When property is found by a civilian and
turned over to the police for safekeeping,
it may be returned to the finder after
______________________ months
if the owner does not claim the property.
When any article of stolen property
comes into the custody of this department,
the property officer shall enter
in the property book a description
of the article and shall attach
a number to each article, and make
a corresponding entry. The assigned
______________________ shall make
and retain a complete photographic
record of the property.
In cases where no suspects have been
identified but a DNA profile has been obtained and submitted to CODIS, or fingerprint evidence has been submitted
to AFIS, or there is no statute of limitations,
the evidence shall be retained
The term
_________________________ notes
means any notation, whether
handwritten, typed, entered into an
electronic note-taking device or audio
recorded, that describes or
memorializes the note taker’s personal
perception of what transpired in the
course of a witness interview or that
memorializes the officer’s personal
observations at the scene of the crime.
Whenever practicable, the application
for a search warrant should be
made to the __________________
__________________ judge
Superior Court
An effective deconfliction process involves
both “__________________ deconfliction”
(to ensure that agencies investigating
a specific person, group, or
business entity are made aware that another
agency is also investigating that
person, group, or business entity) and
“_________________ deconfliction” (to
ensure that planned operations undertaken
by two or more law enforcement
agencies do not occur at the same time
and location.
target / event
____________________ query means
the process of using an automated deconfliction
system in accordance with the
procedures and protocols prescribed by
the Director of the Division of Criminal
Justice pursuant to the Directive to de-termine whether any other law enforcement
agency has a shared interest in
a person, group, vehicle, business entity,
premises, or location that pertains to
a planned operation or investigation, or
whether any other agency is planning to
conduct an operation contemporaneous
with and in close proximity to an operation
planned by the agency making the
In the event of a ___________________
alert from a deconfliction query, it shall
be the affirmative responsibility of the
agency making the query to reach out to
the other interested agency to determine
how best to resolve the conflict alert.
Agencies must provide reasonable accommodations
when requested by pregnant
or __________________ officers,
unless doing so would pose an undue
hardship to the agency under applicable
If the pregnant officer makes a request
to the agency’s human resources unit
or LAD/ADA coordinator to remain on
full duty but avoid assignment to units in
which the work may involve substances
or situations that may pose a risk to the
health of the officer or the pregnancy,
the agency and officer should engage in
an interactive process and the agency
should communicate with the officer to
determine whether a reasonable accommodation(
s) is available under applicable
law. This may involve a temporary
____________________ of units.
A pregnant officer on full duty may request
____________________ of the officer’s uniform to accommodate the pregnancy,
including by purchasing pregnancy
trousers and shirts through the
agency’s uniform supplier, and the
agency and officer should engage in an
interactive process and communicate to
determine whether a reasonable accommodation(
s) is available under applicable
A pregnant officer may choose to request
an ____________________ regarding
firearms qualification, including
to not participate in a firearms qualification
program until the officer is cleared
for full-duty status post-pregnancy.
An officer returning to work after
a pregnancy shall provide written
____________________ from the officer’s
health care provider indicating
medical clearance for duty, consistent
with the agency’s general clearance for
duty policy.
Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
(FMLA), an “eligible” employee may take
up to ____________________ workweeks
of leave during any 12-month period.
In regards to child birth, if an employer
offers temporary or short-term
disability leave, Title VII of the civil
rights act requires the employer to treat
_____________________ and related
conditions the same as other conditions.
In order to store information in
an intelligence system, information
has to be evaluated, classified and dated. It also must be reviewed,
_____________________ or purged.
An ___________________ trail or dissemination
record is required when information
is disseminated.
“____________________ Watch” or
“CTWatch” (formally known as the “Tips
and Leads Section” or “TLS”) is an
NJOHSP entity located within the State’s
fusion center, the Regional Operations
and Intelligence Center (ROIC) tasked
with assessing potential NJSARS entries,
maintaining the quality control of
existing NJSARS entries, properly categorizing
SARs, and supporting the timely
sharing of information to all levels of law
“____________________ to terrorism
or other criminal activity” is established
when behavior or circumstances are reasonably
related to an individual’s or organization’s
involvement or planned involvement
in terrorism or other criminal
activity related to terrorism.
“____________________” refers to the
New Jersey Suspicious Activity Reporting
System. It is not an intelligence database
and does not contain intelligence
____________________ Report”
(SAR) is an official document of
observed behaviors reasonably
indicative of pre-operational planning
related to terrorism or other criminal
Suspicious Activity
All New Jersey Law enforcement agencies
shall ____________________ report
any suspicious activity with a possible
nexus to terrorism or other criminal
activity related to terrorism to both CTWatch
and their CTC.
____________________ shall be the
lead authority for monitoring and managing
Suspicious Activity Reports shall
____________________ be shared with
the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s
Joint Terrorism Task Forces (FHI-JTTF)
and CTCS.
All SAR information shall be retained
in compliance with the NJSARS Policies
and the Attorney General Guidelines
and Directives, but for no longer
than ____________________ years.
NJSARS users shall not collect or
maintain information about the political,
religious or social views, associations,
or activities of any individual or group
association, corporation, business,
partnership, or other organization
unless such information (1) has a
potential ____________________ to
terrorism or other criminal activity
related to terrorism and (2) relates to
conduct or activities that reasonably
planning related to terrorism or other
criminal activity.
nexus / pre-operational
All local, municipal, and county law enforcement
agencies and officers shall
promptly notify the _________________ __________________, or his/her designee,
when a law enforcement officer
learns of, or acquires knowledge of,
an out-of-state law enforcement agency
that intends to enter, or has entered, New
Jersey for the purpose of conducting law
enforcement activities in this State.
County Prosecutor
Notice to County Prosecutor for all contact
with out-of-state law enforcement
agencies conducting law enforcement
activities in this state shall be given as
soon as is practicable, but in no event later
than _________________ hours after
learning of, or acquiring information concerning,
the out-of-state agency’s law
enforcement activity in this State.
Rules and regulations are considered
____________________, which outline
the acceptable and unacceptable behavior
of personnel.
___________________ are detailed
statements of procedures covering various
aspects of day-to-day police operations.
___________________ orders are usually
Employees who are given any order
which is contrary to department rule, policy,
or procedure must first obey the order
to the best of their ability, and then
______________________ the improper
order as provided.
Employees shall not consume alcoholic
beverages within _________________
hours prior to reporting for duty.
To ensure that inadvertent verbal cues
or body language do not impact a witness,
the Attorney General Guideline
on Photo ID and Lineups suggests that
whenever possible a person other than
the ___________________ investigator
should conduct the photo or live lineup.
When possible, the photo or live lineup
should be presented or conducted
In a photo lineup, the minimum number
of fillers that should be used per procedure
is _________________ fillers and
1 suspect.
In a live lineup, the minimum number
of fillers that should be used is
When conducting a sequential or simultaneous
live lineup, aside from documenting
certain information in writing,
the procedure should be documented
by ________________ or
photo / video
The minimum value of property that
would require court approval prior to forfeiture
is $____________________ or
Forfeiture of public office is mandated for
a conviction of any offense that involves
__________________, or any offense
that touches upon the defendant’s office and for a conviction for any crime of the
third degree or greater.
___________________ is a remedy that
seeks to take unlawfully obtained proceeds
and to take instrumentalities used
to aid in criminal activities.
For a serious crime if no electronic
recordation is done, the officer taking
the written statement is required
to document the reason why it was
not done and inform the appropriate
________________ agency.
All police and law enforcement agencies
of NJ and bi-State authorities shall not
use the violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3-33 as
reasonable suspicion or probable cause
to stop motor vehicles equipped with the
___________________ tag.
E-Z Pass
The insurance fraud law requires a person
charged with a violation of NJSA
39:3-29 to produce proof of insurance
to a law enforcement agency within
__________________ hours.
A police officer must fill out a certification
form to obtain a warrant of impoundment.
The form must be complete.
If the _____________________ is missing,
the court will not consider the application.
A police officer cannot carry a firearm
under H.R. 218 if
a. The officer is subject to
___________________ action by his
employer and not permitted to carry a
firearm within the state, or
b. The officer has a ________________
_______________ restraining order prohibiting
the carrying of a firearm off duty.
disciplinary / domestic violence
To the extent possible,
________________ officers should be
used to effectuate the in-person death notification, and one of them should be
in uniform.
____________________ telephone notification
should be provided, upon release
of an offender, to victims of the
crimes of or relating to homicide, arson,
robbery, domestic violence, death
by auto, aggravated assault, sexual offenses,
child abuse or attempts to commit
said offenses.
Telephone notification within
____________________ hours should
be provided, upon the release of an offender,
to victims of all other offenses.
Motor vehicle crashes involving
death or serious bodily injury,
shall be reported by the police
to the ____________________
County Prosecutor
Property return to a victim should be accomplished
within _________________
days of recovery by law enforcement
unless evidentiary requirements prohibit
it (not applicable to firearms or contraband).
Property retained for prosecution should
be returned as soon as possible but
not later than ___________________
days of the judgment of conviction unless
evidentiary requirements pertaining
to an appeal prohibit it (not applicable to
firearms and contraband).
The Victim Notification form is considered
to be _______________________
information, and is not to be disclosed.
A Victim Notification Form shall be
completed by a law enforcement
officer when either an indictable
offense or a ________________
________________ offense has been
domestic violence
According to the NJ Attorney General
procedures for implementing the
VINE system, notification of an offender’s
change of custody shall be facilitated
through NJ VINE to the victim or victim’s
family within ___________________
hours of the release when the offender
is charged with homicide, vehicular
homicide, sex offenses, robbery, carjacking,
aggravated assault, arson, domestic
violence offenses, kidnapping, child
abuse or stalking. Notification to the victim
of the release of an offender charged
with other offenses shall be made within
________________ hours after release
from custody.
24 / 48
The New Jersey VINE System is designed
to provide notifications to registered
victims concerning an offender’s
___________________ from custody
or the offender’s __________________
from one correctional facility to another.
release / transfer
The victim of a sexual assault is eligible
for the sexual assault response
teams services when the victim is
__________________ years of age or
older; the assault occurred within the
past _________________days; and the
victim consents to SART activation.
13 / seven
In every reported incident of sexual assault,
the responding officer will obtain
basic information about the incident and then inform the victim of
his or her right to immediate medical
attention and the value of immediate
____________________ collection.
More specific details of the incident will
be obtained by the officer at the conclusion
of the medical forensic examination.
Whenever there is a reasonable cause
to believe that a person under the
age of 18 has been sexually assaulted
by a co-habitant, a caretaker,
or someone in a supervisory role,
___________________ shall be contacted.
Decades of research and experience
show that sexual assault investigations
are most successful when
law enforcement officers treat victims
with dignity, compassion, and
AG LE Directive 2018-5 is intended
to strengthen and standardize
law enforcement’s response to sexual
assault crimes; reinforce the
“___________________-centered” approach
that law enforcement takes in
such cases; and improve statewide data
collection about sexual assault investigations.
Under the standards for providing services
to victims of sexual assault, victims
may seek the assistance of a
Sexual Assault Response Team, or
SART, which is available to any victim
___________________ years or
older who reports an assault within
___________________ days of an incident.
13 / seven
Whenever a state, county, or local law
enforcement agency receives a report or
complaint of a sexual assault (or otherwise
learns about such an incident in
its jurisdiction), that agency must notify
the relevant County Prosecutor’s Office
within ___________________ hours.
From the moment a victim reports a sexual
assault, law enforcement agencies
should be working with the victim to determine
what, if any, support services
he or she requires. Investigating law enforcement
agency is directed to promptly
advise each victim of the availability
of such ___________________, regardless
of whether the County Prosecutor’s
Office ultimately pursues criminal
charges in the case.
No law enforcement agency or officer
in the State shall ask or require
an adult, youth or child victim of an
alleged sexual offense as defined in
N.J.S.A. 2C 14-1 et seq. to submit to
a ____________________ examination
as a condition for proceeding with the
investigation of an offense.
Prior to calling a jailhouse informant as
a witness, the prosecution team must
obtain the approval of the county prosecutor
or director by supplying the following
information: informant’s criminal
history, benefits for testimony, defendant’s
alleged statement, any known prior
recantations, any known prior testimony
by informant, any other information
relevant to the jailhouse informant’s
____________________; evidence corroborating informant’s testimony, and
publicly known facts about the case.
At no time should survivors be notified of
a death by _____________________.
If the neighbor is unable to provide
a time when the next of kin should
be expected home, the officers should
explain to the neighbor that there
has been a “____________________
___________________” involving the
deceased, and they should request that
the neighbor contact one of them when
the survivors return home.
medical emergency
All law enforcement agencies operating
within a county shall notify
the County Prosecutor of the name,
address, and telephone number of
the victim’s next of kin in all motor
vehicle crashes/accidents involving
death and/or ___________________
_______________ _______________.
serious bodily injury
Wherever possible, property which
is determined to be essential to
a criminal investigation and is normally
physically retained should be
____________________ and returned
upon the approval of the county prosecutor.
For the initiation of a preliminary investigation
of a juvenile or adult reported
missing, agencies shall conduct a standard
preliminary investigation as soon as
a juvenile or ____________________ is
reported missing or an unidentified person
is found and prepare a standard police
incident report.
Upon the return or locating of
a missing person the record
shall be immediately cleared from
the ______________________ missing
persons file.
________________ missing person”
means a person whose whereabouts
are not currently known and the
circumstances of the person’s
disappearance suggest that the person
may be at imminent or likely risk of injury
or death. The circumstances that
indicate that a person is a high risk
missing person shall include, but not be
limited to:
- the person is missing as a result of
a confirmed abduction or under circumstances
that indicate that the person’s
disappearance was not voluntary;
- the person is missing under known dangerous
- the person is missing more than
____________________ days;
High risk / 30
If the person identified in the missing
person report remains missing for
30 days, and the additional information
and materials specified below have
not been received, the law enforcement
agency shall attempt to obtain
____________________ samples from
family members and, if possible, from the
missing person along with any needed
documentation, including any consent
ViCAPs mission is to facilitate cooperation,
communication, and coordination
between law enforcement agencies and to support efforts by law enforcement to investigate, identify,
track, apprehend, and prosecute
______________________ offenders.
The ViCAP database enables law enforcement
agencies in diverse geographic
areas to identify similar
____________________ in the commission
of seemingly unrelated crimes,
which has led to the expeditious apprehension
of serial killers, rapists, and other
dangerous criminals.