AG Set 2 of 4 Flashcards
Under the Public Employees Occupational
Safety and Health Program
(PEOSH) every law enforcement officer
is required to undergo Hazmat refresher
training _______________________.
A sworn officer or civilian employee of a
police agency acting under the authority
of the laws of the State of New Jersey
shall not consider a person’s race
or ethnicity as a factor in drawing an
inference or conclusion that the person
may be involved in criminal activity, or
as a factor in exercising police discretion
as to how to stop or otherwise treat
the person, except when responding to a
suspect-specific or investigation-specific
_____________________ situation.
The crime of “official deprivation
of __________________
___________________” requires proof
beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer
committing this offense acted with
the purpose to intimidate or discriminate,
and actually knew that his or her conduct
was unlawful.
civil rights
Police officers may not frisk a detained
suspect for weapons unless they
are aware of facts that constitute a
_______________________, and articulable
suspicion to believe that this particular
individual may be armed and dangerous.
Law enforcement officers in this
State are always authorized to order
the _________________ of a lawfully
stopped vehicle to step out.
As part of a new National Preparedness
vision, the federal government has created
a National Incident Management
System, which is commonly referred
to as the ______________________.
This on-scene command component,
is commonly referred to as the
___________________ Command System
NIMS / Incident
Step 1 in law enforcement response to
reports of illegal evictions is to determine
___________________ regarding eviction
or threatened eviction.
Section 33-11.1 prohibits persons
from effectuating a “forcible entry or
___________________,” which the law
defines as the entering and holding of
a property using any means other than
those permitted by the lawful eviction
Step 2 in law enforcement response to
reports of illegal evictions is to issue
___________________ to responsible
If officers conclude that any occupants
were illegally evicted in a manner prohibited
by Section 33-11.1, then the officers
should ensure that the evicting
party immediately allow the occupants
to ___________________ and reoccupy
the premises.
Step 4 in law enforcement response
to reports is if warnings goes unheeded,
issue ___________________ -
A police officer must qualify
with his service handgun, off-duty handgun and authorized shotgun
____________________ a year.
If after remedial firearms training and
subsequent attempts to qualify, the
participant still does not fire a passing
score, the _____________________
_________________ instructor should
report this info to the
____________________ or Agency Executive.
The Chief will then determine
what action is appropriate and will notify
the County Prosecutor in writing.
supervising firearms / Chief
It is appropriate to develop best practices
and uniform operational procedures
on reviewing and investigating
firearms permit applicants, as well as
to develop uniform statewide standards
for police agencies to follow
in processing applications under New
Jersey’s firearms licensing laws. The
_________________________ should
be to ensure to the extent practicable
that individuals who apply for a permit in
one jurisdiction are not treated differently
from similarly-qualified individuals who
apply for a permit in another jurisdiction.
While the provisions of N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5
prohibit unlawful possession of a firearm,
the law contains numerous exceptions.
N.J.S.A. 2C:39-6g, authorizes the transportation
of firearms while traveling between
two locations at which New Jersey
law expressly permits the possession
of a firearm, provided that the firearms
are carried ______________________
and contained in a closed and fastened
case, gunbox, securely tied package,
or _______________________ in the trunk of the automobile in which they are
being transported.
unloaded / locked
According to the guidelines regarding
reasonably necessary deviations in the
course of travel exception for transporting
firearms, the exception speaks to
reasonably necessary deviations in the
course of travel. Whether particular deviations
are covered by the exception
must be determined on a case-by-case
basis, based on the totality of the
After initially qualifying as a K-9 patrol
or K-9 specialty team, the handler and
police dog team must be re-evaluated at
a minimum ______________________.
In addition to the K-9 teams re-evaluation,
in-service training must be conducted
for K-9 patrol and specialty teams a
minimum of ________________ times
Some strategic
____________________ of the
Statewide Action Plan for Narcotics
- put every actor along the drug distribution
chain at enhanced risk of identification,
apprehension, swift prosecution
and stern punishment;
- target repeat offenders, large scale or
prolific distributors, upper echelon members
of organized trafficking networks,
manufacturers and persons who distribute
to, or employ juveniles in, drug distribution
schemes for investigation and
- eliminate open and notorious commercial
drug transactions; - discourage all persons, and especially
young people, from using or purchasing
illicit substances
- discourage the misnomered concept of
“casual” and “recreational” drug use
Narcotics enforcement is designated to
remain the number ________________
priority for every NJ Law Enforcement
Every law enforcement agency with
__________________ or more sworn
officers shall designate at least one officer
as its narcotics enforcement officer.
The “Law Enforcement Notice of Restraining
Order” form is to be used in
those cases in which a person is charged
as a _____________________ and released
without being detained.
The enforcement of the overdose law
provides legal protection in the form of
immunity from arrest, prosecution, or
conviction for a use or simple possession
drug charge when a person, in good
faith, seeks ___________________ assistance
for him/herself or for another.
The Overdose Prevention Act affords
______________________ from arrest,
prosecution, and conviction for a drug
use or simple possession charge when a
person, in good faith, seeks medical assistance
for him/herself or another who
is experiencing an overdose.
The Narcan coordinator shall report
all deployments of Narcan to the
ROIC’s Drug Monitoring Initiative within
____________________ hours to ensure
timely reporting of overdose events to a centralized location and to allow
Drug Monitoring Initiative personnel to
analyze the information and produce reports
statewide as appropriate.
There have been instances where law
enforcement officers or agencies have
used persons on probation to engage
proactively in law enforcement operations
such as “controlled buys” of illicit
drugs. Although these probationers are
not being asked to commit a criminal offense,
their proactive activities on behalf
of law enforcement may require them to
violate a condition of probation that they
not associate with persons involved in
_____________________ activities.
A County Prosecutor or the Director
of the Division of Criminal Justice
shall not approve the use of
a probationer to proactively support
a law enforcement investigation unless
the prosecutor or Director determines
that there are compelling public
__________________ reasons that justify
the risk of undermining the person’s
In regards to the interim guidance regarding
marijuana decriminalization, the
following conduct no longer violates
state law:
- Simple possession of
________________ ounces or less of
- Simple possession of 17 grams or less
of hashish;
- Being under the influence of marijuana
or hashish;
- Failure to properly dispose of marijuana or hashish;
- Possession of paraphernalia for marijuana
or hashish; and
- Possession of marijuana or hashish as
a motor vehicle operator.
The ____________________ of marijuana
or hashish, either burnt or raw, by
itself no longer establishes “reasonable
articulable suspicion” to initiate a stop
or search of a person or their vehicle
to determine a violation of a possession
offense or a fourth-degree distribution offense.
There shall be a presumption in favor of
engaging in a curbside warning - rather
than initiating more formal action involving
a juvenile - when the officer personally
encounters a juvenile who has allegedly
engaged in conduct that appears
to constitute an ordinance violation, such
as loitering or curfew violations; or activity
that is dangerous or disruptive, but not
necessarily ____________________.
There shall be a presumption in favor
of performing a stationhouse adjustment
- rather than pursuing a delinquency
complaint against a juvenile
- when: o The juvenile has no prior
____________________ of juvenile
adjudications or stationhouse adjustments;
o The juvenile’s conduct constituted
a petty disorderly persons offense,
a disorderly persons offense, or
a __________________ - degree crime
if committed by an adult; and o The juvenile’s
unlawful conduct did not constitute
an act of bias, sexual misconduct, or
violence, and did not involve controlled dangerous substances (CDS) or CDS
history / fourth
On a ____________________ basis,
each state, county, and local law enforcement
agency shall report to the Director
of the Division of Criminal Justice
and County Prosecutor in their jurisdiction
the following anonymized information
about each stationhouse adjustment
in effect with that agency in the prior
Fingerprinting is required when a juvenile,
age ____________________ or
older, is charged on the basis of an act
which, if committed by an adult, would
constitute a crime.
Fingerprints may be taken for juveniles
of any age for ___________________
to latent fingerprints, either with the approval
of the court, or with the consent
of the juvenile and parent or guardian.
“Such prints shall be destroyed when the
purpose for the taking of fingerprints has been fulfilled.”
Fingerprinting is also required when a
juvenile, age thirteen or under, is adjudicated
delinquent in Family Court on
the basis of an act which, if committed
by an adult, would constitute a
The New Jersey Code of Juvenile
Justice forbids photographing juveniles
under the age of fourteen “…for
criminal identification purposes without
the approval of the court, or the
____________________ of the juvenile
and [their] parent or guardian.”
Once the complaint-summons is filed
with the court, the law enforcement officer
shall within ____________________
days personally serve the summons on
the juvenile and their parent, guardian,
or custodian without taking the juvenile
into custody.
Every law enforcement agency having
patrol jurisdiction is required to designate
____________________ sworn officer
to coordinate juvenile matters. This
Juvenile Liaison Officer (JLO) should be
designated based upon their training and
Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 2A:4A-32(a), under
no circumstances shall any juvenile
taken into short term custody be held
for more than ____________________
In most cases, juveniles under the
age of ________________ should not
be used as informants. Under no
circumstances should juveniles under
_______________ be used as informants.
16 / 12
Prior to using a juvenile as an
___________________, a written consent
is needed from the juvenile, and
his/her parent or guardian.
A juvenile can be detained for up to
____________________ hours in a municipal
lockup until release to parents or
transfer to other authorities.
Whenever a school employee seizes
or comes upon any firearm or dangerous
weapon, the school official shall
immediately advise law enforcement, ___________________ the firearm or
weapon pending the response of law enforcement,
and take reasonable precautions
to prevent the theft or destruction of
the weapon.
When a student is arrested off of school
grounds during school hours, the arresting
officer must notify the building
______________________ of the
school where the student is enrolled as
soon as is practicable.
All requests by school officials to undertake
an undercover school operation
in a particular school or school district
will be directed to the local chief of police
or, where appropriate, to the Superintendent
of State Police. However, it
is understood that the ultimate approval
of all undercover school operations can
only be granted by (designated school
official) and (the _________________
__________________) or, where appropriate,
the Attorney General or his designee.
County Prosecutor
In regards to an undercover school operation,
the law enforcement officer’s
___________________can approve the
exemption from the general rule prohibiting the bringing of firearms onto school
No undercover school operation shall
be conducted which entails the placement
of an undercover officer as
a certified member of the school
community without prior written approval
of the ___________________
__________________ with notice given
to the Commissioner of Education, or in
the case of non-public schools, the chief
school officer.
Attorney General
All undercover, surveillance and
“clean sweep” narcotics operations
taking place on school property
shall be coordinated and approved
by either the __________________
__________________ or the Attorney
County Prosecutor
All requests by school officials to undertake
an undercover school operation
should be directed to the local
____________________ of police or,
where appropriate, to the Superintendent
of the State Police.
No undercover school operation shall
be conducted which entails the placement
of an undercover officer as a certified
member of the school community
without prior __________________
__________________ of the Attorney
General with notice given to the Commissioner
of Education, or in the case
of non-public schools, the chief school
written approval
Searches conducted by school officials
are based on a legitimate interest
in maintaining discipline, and thus
have the inherent, independent authority
to conduct an investigation of suspected
rule infractions and to subject
students and student property to
___________________ searches.
Urine specimens shall be ordered
from a sworn law enforcement
officer upon __________________ __________________ to believe the officer
is illegally using drugs.
reasonable suspicion
Before a law enforcement executive may
order an individual officer to undergo
reasonable suspicion testing, the agency
shall prepare a ________________ report
documenting the basis for the
test. Under __________________ circumstances,
approval may be given for
a reasonable suspicion test on the basis
of a verbal report
written / emergent
Sworn law enforcement officers and
trainees shall complete a Drug Testing
Medication Information form listing all
prescription medication, non-prescription
(over the counter) medication, dietary
and nutritional supplements that
were ingested by the officer during the
past ____________ days.
If a sworn law enforcement officer who
is being drug tested is unable to produce
a urine specimen, the monitor
may allow the individual to drink up to
__________________ ounces of fluids
distributed reasonably over a period of
up to __________________ hours in an
attempt to induce the production of a
40 / three
The State Toxicology Laboratory will provide
written test results for every specimen
submitted for analysis. All efforts will
be made to deliver these reports within
______________ working days of the
__________________ who refuse to
submit to a drug test during basic training
shall be immediately removed from the academy, immediately suspended
from employment, and upon finding that
he/she did in fact refuse to submit a sample,
terminated from law enforcement
employment and permanently barred
from future law enforcement employment
in New Jersey.
Sworn law enforcement officers who
refuse to submit to a drug test ordered
in response to reasonable suspicion or
random selection shall be immediately
___________________ from employment.
The AG Guideline on Statewide Mandatory
Random Drug testing # 2018-2
requires that random drug testing of
law enforcement officers be at least
___________________ per year.
It is recommended that police make reasonable
efforts to locate a parent or legal
guardian and to obtain their permission
to conduct a ______________________
search of the minor’s property.
When school officials obtain consent
from a parent to a search and the adult
(or emancipated minor) student objects,
it is recommended that the search be
stopped. If the search is to be undertaken
by police, the safer course, in the
face of the student’s objection, would
be to secure the scene and apply for a
Under both the Fourth Amendment and
New Jersey law, an alert by a properly-
trained and handled K-9 constitutes
____________________ cause.
The agency must notify the County Prosecutor
___________________ of any
use of deadly force, any use of force by
an officer that results in death or serious
bodily injury, or any death in custody that
occurs within its jurisdiction.
Agencies with an objective and fair
internal affairs process will limit
their risk of ____________________
civil liability
According to the internal affairs policy
and procedures, the first step toward
positive discipline is to emphasize
____________________ and de-emphasize
The steps of progressive discipline
include oral reprimand, written reprimand,
________________ fine, suspension
without pay, loss of promotional opportunity,
demotion, and discharge from
Some supervisors occasionally need
to be reminded that the fundamental
responsibility for direction and control
rests with the ____________________
____________________ at the operational
level, not with the law enforcement
immediate supervisor
According to the internal affairs policy
and procedures, the primary means of
reducing and controlling inappropriate
behavior and misconduct within police
agencies is ______________________.
According to the internal affairs policy
and procedures, the primary means of
reducing and controlling inappropriate
behavior and misconduct within police
agencies is ______________________.
According to the internal affairs policy
and procedures, critical to the
discipline and management of a law enforcement agency is proper
An officer may be immediately
suspended if the employee is
__________________ for duty; he is a
_____________________ to any person
if permitted to remain on the job; or
it is necessary to maintain safety, health,
order or effective direction of public service;
or he has been charged with a
crime of a first, second, third, or fourth
degree or a disorderly persons offense
while on duty or the act touches upon
their employment.
unfit / hazard
An internal affairs investigations will take
no more than ____________________
days from the receipt of the complaint to
the filing of disciplinary charges.
If the firearm discharge occurs
while the agency employee is on
duty, then the ___________________
___________________ must be notified.
County Prosecutor
Informing an officer that their statement
will not be used against him or
her in a criminal case is called the
_____________________ Warning.
In a ______________________ investigation,
the responsibility for a criminal
investigation is separated from that for
an administrative investigation.
On a periodic basis, and at least
once a year, every agency shall submit
to the County Prosecutor and publish
on the agency’s public website a
brief synopsis of all complaints where
a termination, reduction in rank or grade, and/or suspension of more than
______________________ days was
assessed to an agency member.
At a minimum, an agency’s EW
System policy shall provide that
______________________ separate instances
of performance indicators within
any twelve-month period will trigger the
EW System review process.
One of the most important aspects
of EWS is that it is
____________________. Although an
officer may have received discipline for
conduct associated with certain performance
indicators, the mere fact that an
officer was “flagged” by EWS does not,
by itself, trigger additional punishment
for the officer. Rather, EWS helps managers
identify areas where officers may
need additional support and creates an
opening to raise the issue.
One of the ways we hope to address
these concerns is by reframing
and redesigning how we identify
at-risk officers. Rather than focusing
on traditional “early warning systems,”
which simply track and count instances
of performance indicators, we
hope to build a new model—a true “early
____________________ system”—that
comprehensively tracks officer conduct
and provides better tools for assessing
and assisting officers before problems
________________ ______________
includes unwelcome sexual advances
and or requests for sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct based
on gender when (a) submission to such
conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition of
employment; or (b) submission to or
rejection of such conduct by an
individual is used as a basis for
employment decisions.
Quid Pro Quo
______________ ________________
_________________ includes unwelcome
sexual advances and or requests
for sexual favors or other verbal or physical
conduct of a sexual nature which
has the purpose to effect or substantially
interfere with an individual’s work performance;
or create an intimidating, hostile
or offensive work environment.
Hostile Work Environment
When discrimination or harassment is
found to have occurred, the agency involved
shall take prompt & remedial action
to _________________ the discrimination
or harassment.
Fingerprint cards, plates
and photographs and similar
______________________ investigation
records that are required to be
made, maintained or kept by any state
or local government are not deemed to
be public records subject to inspection or
available for copying.
If a reporter calls and requests information
on an arrest, which has been
made in connection to a crime which
was reported, and at the time you do not
have any of the information at hand, you
should provide the information to the reporter
within _____________________
Most information stored on a
police department computer system
will need to be stored on
a _____________________ computer
system that is not shared with non-law
enforcement agencies.
It is a _______________________ of
court to disclose the existence, or basis
for, a search warrant prior to execution.