Aftermath of fall of Tsar Flashcards
What was Order No1?
A charter of soldier rights
When was Order No1 produced?
1st March
What did Order No1 promise?
All units to elect a deputy to the Soviet and agree political control of Petro Soviet
All weapons to be controlled by elected soldier committees
All soldiers to enjoy full citizen rights when off duty
No honours title to be used for officers
How many members by March 10th did PS?
Outcome of PS being too large?
Executive committee which was dominated by socialist intellectuals including Kerensky did most of the work
Events regarding the downfall of the Tsar?
Initial proposal- abdicate in favour of his son, brother would be regent
Disobedience- Appoints brother as Tsar, without his consent = he refused offer
2nd March- Tsar and his family and also Tsar ministers would placed under house arrest-304 years of dynasty finished
Who headed PG?
Prince Lvov- wealthy arisotcrat- zemstvo leader
Members of PG?
Moderate socialists, Kadets and liberals- those who had formerly favoured monarchy
Original intention of PG?
Would be temporary and would hold elections for new Constituent Assembly as soon as possible that would create a new constitution for Russia
Status of PG?
Was considered legitimate thanks to Mikhail by the old tsarist civil service, army officers and the police
What was Zemstva?
Elected councils responsible for the local administration of provincial districts
How did workers/soldiers/peasants regard the PG?
A self appointed committee of the wealthy tainted with previous associations with the Tsar- PS= democratic
Members of PS?
Radical socialist intellectuals, Mensheviks and SRs but also a small number of Bolsheviks
How many original members were workers?
Agreement to how Russia would be ruled?
The PS seemed to lack confidence to assume sole authority therefore under delicate negotiations of Kerensky it was agreed they would work together- Dual Authority
PG promises made to PS?
A general amnesty for political prisoners
Civil liberties
The abolition of legal disabilities based on class, religion and nationality
Freedom to organise trade unions and to strike
Election for Constituent Assembly
In April what did the PG further state?
The power of state should be based not on violence but on the consent free citizens
What did new government significantly abolish?
The death penalty at the front
Nature of Order No1?
Soldiers and workers would obey PG but only when PS agreed with PG decisions
Example of conflict between Soviet and PG?
When PG tried to discipline army deserters and restore order in the towns and countryside, the soviet encouraged peasants and workers to defy authority and assert their rights
Differing opinions on war?
PG believed there should be an all out effort to win the war while PS believed that withdrawing from war would be best without annexation from the Germans as the price of peace
Failure of PG regarding war?
Announced that the government would continue fighting until a ‘just peace’ had been won unleashing a storm of protest forcing Milyukov- foreign minister- and Guchkov - minister of war- were forced to resign because of pressure initiated by the PS- replaced by socialists from the Soviet
Why would ending the war be difficult for PG?
Felt bound to their alliance with B+F and relied on French loans for survival- withdrawal may jeopardise Russia’s position
Why did the PG not go ahead with the elections for assembly?
It was clear that SR’s would win support of peasants
Bolsheviks would win workers vote
Why was there complete paralysis in the leadership struggle?
PG- assembly vote problems
PS- main task in their eyes = protect workers and peasants as the ‘bourgeois revolution’ as foregounded by Marx