share common ancestor- loyalty
common agreement
Subsistence farmer
needs for family
members of some age/grade go through the sstages of life together
African Diaspora
scattering of people to different places
Explain teh motives behind european imperialism in Africa
economic- more raw materials and find new markets to sell goods
political- gain more power and prevent other powers from expanding
religious- spread christianity and western ideas
What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?
How to divide Africa, AFrican countries were not invited because there was no respect for them
Why were Afrricans unable to stop European advances?
- weapons
- european diseases
How did European culture change the family life and community life
Family Life- use to be central, now more spread out, nuclear families
Community LIfe- use to depend on neighbors, now have to go out and buy it
Positive and negatives of Colonial Rule
* transportation- roads, RR
* Education/Gov models
* new methods for agriculture
* caused ethnic turmoil bc of boarders
* corrupt European leaders and native leaders
* African countries were not ready for independence
Describe why builiding national unity was difficult for African governments
Needed to shift loyalty to a country- not just tribe and family but rival groups were in the same country
Mixed economy
private ownership, public regulation
Mixed economy
private ownership, public regulation
How can Afr. countries overcome the legacy of colonialism?
How can devleoping nations stabilize themselves economically?
- embrace education and modernize
- diversify economy
Advantages and Disadvantages of Urbanization.
How has it affected family life in Africa?
* more opportunities
* education, jobs
* high unemployment
* overcrowding
* crime
* pollution
* more nuclear than extended
* less attachment to ancestors
* fewer arranged marriages
What do African countries need to do to receive IMF loans?
no clue
How did F.W. deKlerk and the international community help end aparthied?
FW deKlerk (white SA pres)
- lifteed ban on ANC
- released Mandela
- constitutionally gave right to vote to blacks
- OAU pushed for SA to boycott
- UN didn’t allow trad of weapons with SA
- Sports organizations of SA banned from athletic competitions